The Annual Register, Tập 232Longmans, 1965 |
Từ bên trong sách
Kết quả 1-3 trong 59
Trang 149
... German firms ; and third , the continuing bureaucratic obstacles to Western investment in the GDR . These economic ... German elections . The CDU wanted elections to be held before unification ( on the basis of GDR electoral law ) ...
... German firms ; and third , the continuing bureaucratic obstacles to Western investment in the GDR . These economic ... German elections . The CDU wanted elections to be held before unification ( on the basis of GDR electoral law ) ...
Trang 566
... German embassy , London . ) Article 1 ( 1 ) The united Germany shall comprise the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany , the German Democratic Republic and the whole of Berlin . Its external borders shall be the borders of the ...
... German embassy , London . ) Article 1 ( 1 ) The united Germany shall comprise the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany , the German Democratic Republic and the whole of Berlin . Its external borders shall be the borders of the ...
Trang 568
... German Democratic Republic and of Berlin , units of German armed forces assigned to military alliance structures in the same way as those in the rest of German territory may also be stationed in that part of Germany , but without ...
... German Democratic Republic and of Berlin , units of German armed forces assigned to military alliance structures in the same way as those in the rest of German territory may also be stationed in that part of Germany , but without ...
Nội dung
NORDIC COUNTRIES Hilary Allen BScEcon DPhil Writer on Nordic | 1 |
PORTUGAL Manuel Santana Portuguese Section BBC World | 12 |
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African agreed agreement announced April Arab Arab League AREA Assembly August Britain British budget CAPITAL cent coalition Comecon Communist Congress Conservative constitution continued cooperation countries Court CSCE CURRENCY December defence Democratic deputy premier Douglas Hurd economic elections English POLITICAL SYSTEM European February federal finance forces foreign affairs Foreign Minister German German Democratic Republic GNP PER CAPITA Gorbachev government's Gulf crisis HEAD OF GOVERNMENT held increase industry inflation INTERNATIONAL ALIGNMENT Iraq Iraq's Iraqi January July June Kuwait Labour leader MAIN EXPORT EARNERS major March meeting military million National NATO negotiations November October OECD OFFICIAL LANGUAGE parliament peace poll poll tax presidential Prime Minister PRINCIPAL MINISTERS programme Qadafi reform relations Republic resigned resolution RULING PARTY Saddam Saudi Arabia Secretary Security Council September South Soviet Union sq km POPULATION summit talks Thatcher tourism trade troops United USSR vote Warsaw Pact