Anfower of General Washington to a Resolution of the House of Represen tatives 290 Address of General Washington on his retiring from the Presidency of the 293 Note from the French Envoy to the Executive Government of America 304 Reply of the Executive Government thereto 307 Memorial presented by the French Envoy to the American Secretary for Foreign Affairs 310 Note published by the French Minister at Philadelphia 313 Address of the President of the United States to Congress, Nov. 15 CHARACTERS. Particulars of the earlier Years of Mr. Gibbon's Life, and of the Course of the Celebration of Good Friday in Bruffels 351 of the Alteration produced by the French Revolution at Strasburg, 352 Interesting History of Don Pedro, and Dona Ignéz de Castro NATURAL HISTORY. : 373 364 366 371 Eminence in the Literary World Some Particulars in the Anatomy of a Whale 380 An Account of the late Discovery of Native Gold in Ireland : 383 A Mineralogical Account of the Native Gold lately discovered in Ireland, 385 On the Cold felt on high Mountains, and at great Depths 389 Account of the great Speckled Diver, or Loon 392 Contrasts, and Consonancies, between Animals and the Earth 394 Account of the Kainfi, a Species of Gazelle, or Antelope 398 Reflections on certain Effects of Heat and Cold on the living System 399 Account of the Manner of treating Bees in Portugal 402 USEFUL PROJECTS. ANTIQUITIES. A short Account of several Gardens, near London, with Remarks on some Particulars, wherein they extel, or are deficient, upon a View of them, tu MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS. Ode on his Majesty's Birth-day A beautiful Spring in a Village To Mrs. Bishop, with a Pocket Looking-glass, from ber Husband Lenora, a Ballad Mr. Surrebutter's Commencement in his legal Career Address to Forgetfulness Sonnet, facred to the Memory of Penelope The Perfon and Habitation of Despair The Sorrows of Sunday The Man of Method, from the Pursuits of Literature Richardson, Roufseau, and Goethe Account of Books for 1796. Zoonomia, or the Laws of Organic Life, vol. ii. 4to. by Erafmus Darwin, M. D. F. R. S. 1796 514 Principles of Legislation, by Charles Michell, of Forcett, Esq. 8vo. 1796, 516 Edinb. and Perth, Folio, 1796 529 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Abbate Metastafio, by Charles Bur- 533 ERRATA TO THE HISTORY OF EUROPE, 22, for honour, read power. 103, 2 205, Note, laft Line, for Frankland, read Franklin. T. Burton, Frinter, - |