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" ... threw the conical top of the hill to fuch a diftance, that it feemed to rife from another world. The height .of St. Marino (we were told) had been accurately meafured by Father Bofcovich, and found to be nearly half a mile above the level of the neighbouring... "
The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year - Trang 16
được biên tập bởi - 1800
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The European Magazine, and London Review, Tập 28

1795 - 486 trang
...world. The height of St. Marin». (we were told) had been accurately meafurcd by Father Bofcovich, and found to be nearly half a mile above the level...our walk, dinner was ferved at the Convent ; for the politencfs of Fathelj Bnnclli lud prolonged his (lay abroad far beyond his ufual hour of repaft. Speedily...

The Monthly review. New and improved ser, Tập 17

1795 - 614 trang
...another world. The height of St. Marino (we were told) had been accurately meafured by Father Bofco- ich, and found to be nearly half a mile above the level of the neighbouring fea. " Almoft immediately after returning from our walk, dinner wa* ferved at the Convent ; for the...

Monthly Review; Or Literary Journal Enlarged

Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1795 - 614 trang
...world. The height of St. Marino (we were told) had been accurati-ly mea£ured by Father Bofcovich, and found to be nearly half a mile above the level of the neighbouring fea. " Almoft immediately after returning from our walk, dinner was ferved at the Convent; for the...

Anecdotes of Some Distinguished Persons: Chiefly of the Present and ..., Tập 2

William Seward - 1795 - 682 trang
...world. The height of St. " Marino (we were told) had been accurately " meafured by Father Bofcovich, aud found to be " nearly half a mile above the level of the neigh" bouring fea. " Almoft immediately after returning from our " walk, dinner was ferved at the...

The New Annual Register, Or General Repository of History, Politics, and ...

1796 - 796 trang
...another world. The height of St, Marino (we were told) had been accurately meafured by father Bofcovich, and found to be nearly half a mile above the level of the neighbouring fea. " Almoil immediately after returning from our walk, dinner was ferved at the convent ; for the...

Anecdotes of Some Distingushed Persons: Chiefly of the Present and ..., Tập 2

William Seward - 1796 - 442 trang
...world. The height of St. " Marino (we were told) bad been accurately " meafured by Father Bofcovich, and found to be " nearly half a mile above the level of the neigh" touring fea. " Almoft immediately after returning from our " walk, dinner was fcrved at the...

Aristotle's Ethics and Politics, tr. by J. Gillies

Aristoteles - 1797 - 452 trang
...another world. The height of St. Marino (we were told) had been accurately meafured by Father Bofcovich, and found to be nearly half a mile above the level of the neighbouring fea. Almoft immediately after returning from our walk, dinner \vas ferved at the convent; for the politenefs...

Aristotle's Ethics and Politics: Politics

Aristotle, John Gillies - 1797 - 452 trang
...another world. The height .of St. Marino (we were told) had been accurately meafured by Father Bofcovich, and found to be nearly half a mile above the level of the neighbouring fea. Almoft immediately after returning from our walk, dinner was ferved at the convent ; for the politenefs...

Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons: Chiefly of the Present and Two Preceding ...

William Seward - 1798 - 464 trang
...Bofcovich, and found to be nearly half a mile .**. above the level of the neighbouring fea. u 3 " Almoft " Almoft immediately after returning from our " walk,...ftay abroad far beyond his ufual hour of " repaft. SpeedHy after dinner we were con" du£ted by the good Father to the Con-uerfaztone ** of another lady,...

Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons: Chiefly of the Present and Two Preceding ...

William Seward - 1798 - 462 trang
...world. The height of St. Marino (we were " told) had been accurately meafured by Father " Bofcovich, and found to be nearly half a mile " above the level of the neighbouring fea. " Almofl immediately after returning from our " walk, dinner was ferved at the Convent ; for "...

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