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" The opinions he formed of men, upon a slight acquaintance, were frequently erroneous ; but the tendency of his nature inclined him much more to blind partiality, than to ill-founded prejudice. The enlarged views of human affairs, on which his mind habitually... "
The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year - Trang 49
được biên tập bởi - 1800
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Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review, Tập 65,Phần 2

1795 - 696 trang
...urulercinf, tti PrvdutHiiru, Cluatte, dirt ¥t iff t Protlutlt, knowledge of which he only poíieífed the outlines. " The opinions he formed of men, upon...nature inclined him much more to blind partiality than ill-founded preju.Uce. The enlarged views of human atr.tirs, on which hi: mind habitually dwelt, left...

Essays on Philosophical Subjects

Adam Smith - 1795 - 402 trang
...of knowledge of which he only poffefled the outlines. The opinions he formed of men, upon a ffight acquaintance, were frequently erroneous ; but the...ill-founded prejudice. The enlarged views of human aflairs, on which his mind habitually dwelt, left him neither time nor inclination to ftudy, in detail,...

The Scots Magazine, Or, General Repository of Literature, History ..., Tập 58

1796 - 982 trang
...he gave a loofe to his genius, upon the very few branches of knowledge of which he only poíTeíTed the outlines. The opinions he formed of men, upon...human affairs, on which his mind habitually dwelt, left him neither time nor inclination to ftudy, in detail, the uninterefHng peculiarities of ordinary...

The Monthly Visitor, and Entertaining Pocket Companion, Tập 4

1798 - 430 trang
...when he gave a loofe to his genius upon the very few branches of knowledge of which he only poffeffed the outlines. The opinions he formed of men, upon...human affairs on which his mind habitually dwelt, left him neither time nor inclination to ftudy in detail the uninterefting peculiarities of ordinary...

Annual Register, Tập 37

Edmund Burke - 1800 - 828 trang
...Indeed, his converfation was never more am ufing than when lie gave a loofe to his genius, upon the verv few branches of knowledge of which he only poffefled...prejudice. The enlarged views of human affairs, on Vvhich his mind habitually dwelt, left him neither time nor inclination to Surly, in detail, the uninterefting...

Annual Register of World Events, Tập 37

1807 - 750 trang
...; but the tendency of his nature inclined biro much more to blind partiality, than to ill -founded prejudice. The enlarged views of human affairs, on which his mind habitually dwelt, left him neither time nor inclination to study in detail, the uninteresting peculiarities of ordinary...

The Works of Adam Smith: Considerations concerning the formation of ...

Adam Smith - 1811 - 602 trang
...when he gave a loofe to his genius, upon the very few branches of knowledge of which he only poffeffed the outlines. The opinions he formed of men, upon...human affairs, on which his mind habitually dwelt, left him neither time nor inclination to ftudy,in detail, the uninterefting peculiarities of ordinary...

The Works of Adam Smith: Considerations concerning the formation of ...

Adam Smith - 1811 - 596 trang
...when he gave a loofe to his genius, upon the very few branches of knowledge of which he only pofleffed the outlines. The opinions he formed of men, upon...human affairs, on which his mind .habitually dwelt, left him neither time nor inclination to ftudy,in detail, the uninterefting peculiarities of ordinary...

Biographical Memoirs, of Adam Smith, LL. D., of William Robertson, D. D. and ...

Dugald Stewart - 1811 - 624 trang
...knowledge of which he only possessed the outlines. <: The opinions he formed of men, upon a slight acquaintance, were frequently erroneous ; but the...human affairs, on which his mind habitually dwelt, left him neither time nor inclination to study, in detail, the uninteresting peculiarities of ordinary...

The Works of Adam Smith: Considerations concerning the formation of ...

Adam Smith - 1811 - 660 trang
...when he gave a loofe to his genius, upon the very few branches of knowledge of which he only pofleffed the outlines. The opinions he formed of men, upon a flight acquaintance, were frequently erro-' neous ; but the tendency of his nature inclined him much more to blind partiality, than to ill-founded...

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