| 1732 - 494 trang
...fhall no manner of way be detain'd or hinder'd from returning out of the faid Ports or Roads, but fhall remove and depart when and whither they pleafe, without any let or hindrance \ provided always, that they do not break bulk, nor carry out of their Ships any Goods expofing them... | |
 | 1783 - 492 trang
...their fhips ; and they fhall no ways be detained or hindered from returning out of thefaid portsor roads, but may remove and depart, when and whither they pleafe, without any lett or hindrance, ARTICLE XVIII. For the better promoting of commerce on both fides, it is agreed,... | |
 | 1785 - 450 trang
...fuftenance of their perfons, or reparation of their fliips ; and they fliall no ways be detained or hindered from returning out of the faid ports or roads,...whither they pleafe, without any let or hindrance. XVIII. For the better promoting of commerce on both fides, it is agreed, that if a war fliould break... | |
 | Great Britain, George Chalmers - 1790 - 574 trang
...fhall in no manner be detained or hindered from returning out of the faid ports or -roads, but fhall remove and depart, when and whither they pleafe, without any let or impediment. XI. Likev/ife, if any fhips belonging to either confederate, their people and fubjects,... | |
 | Great Britain, George Chalmers - 1790 - 558 trang
...fhall in no manner be detained or hindered from returning out of the faid ports or roads, but fhall remove and depart, when and whither they pleafe, without any let or impediment. XI. Likewife, if any fhips belonging to either confederate, their people 'and fubjects,... | |
 | John Debritt - 1796 - 568 trang
...fuftenance of their perfons, or reparation of their fhips, and profecution of their voyage; and they fhall no ways be hindered from returning out of the faid...whither they pleafe, without any let or hindrance. IX. All fhips and merchandize, of whatever nature foever, which fhall be refcued out of the hands of... | |
 | United States - 1796 - 584 trang
...fuftenance of their perfons, or reparation of their fliips and profecution of their voyage ; and they mall no ways be hindered from returning out of the faid...whither they pleafe, without any let or hindrance. ARTICLE IX. All mips and merchandize, of what nature take^Tfrom f°ever> which fhall be refcued out... | |
 | United States - 1796 - 588 trang
...fuftenance of their perfons, or reparation of their fhips and profecution of their voyage ; and they fhall no ways be hindered from returning out of the faid...ports or roads, but may remove and depart when and whiiher they pleafe, without any let or hindrance. ARTICLE IX. All mips and merchandize, of what nature... | |
 | United States - 1796 - 508 trang
...fuftenancc of thtir perfons, or reparation of •their Ihips ; and they fliail no ways be detained or hindered from returning out of the faid ports or roads, but may remove and deften of dominion van den anderen zullen komen te ftranden, vergaan, of eenige andere zee-fehade te... | |
 | John Debrett - 1796 - 552 trang
...their perfons, or reparation of their (hips, and profecution of their voyage; and they (hall noways be hindered from returning out of the faid ports or roads, but may remove arid depart when and whither they pleafe, without any let or hindrance. IK. All (hips and merchandize,... | |
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