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" Treaty with the Dey and Regency of that country had been adjusted in such a manner as to authorize the expectation of a speedy peace, and the restoration of our unfortunate fellow-citizens from a grievous captivity. "
The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year - Trang 295
được biên tập bởi - 1800
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A Collection of State Papers Relative to the War Against France Now Carrying ...

John Debrett - 1796 - 552 trang
...avert a general huftility. A letter from the Emperor of Morocco announces to me his recognition of our treaty, made with his father the late emperor; and...country had been adjufted in fuch a manner, as to authorife the expectation of a fpeedy peace, and the reftoration of our unfortunate fellow-citizens...

A Collection of State Papers Relative to the War Against France Now Carrying ...

John Debritt - 1796 - 568 trang
...late emperor; and confequently the continuance of peace with that power. With peculiar fatisfadlion I add, that information has been received from an...country had been adjufted in fuch a manner, as to authorife the expectation of a fpeedy peace, and the reftoration of our unfortunate fellow-citizens...

The New Annual Register, Or General Repository of History, Politics, and ...

1796 - 796 trang
...confequently the- continuance of peace with that power. With peculiar fhtisfaftion I add, that infarmation has been received from an agent deputed on our part...Algiers, importing, that the terms of the treaty with tue dey and regency of that country liad been adjulted in fuch a manner, as to authorize the expectation...

Annual Register, Tập 37

Edmund Burke - 1800 - 828 trang
...avert a general hoftility. A letter from the emperor of Morocco announces to me his recognition of our treaty made with his father the late emperor; -and...with the dey and regency of that country had been adjutted in fuch a manner, as to authorize the expe&ation of a fpeedy peace, and the reiteration of...

Porcupine's Works: Containing Various Writings and Selections ..., Tập 3

William Cobbett - 1801 - 456 trang
...late Emperor, and confequently the continuance ©f peace with that power. With peculiar fatisfadYion I add, that information has been received from an...our part to Algiers, importing, that the terms of a treaty with the Dey and Regency of that country had been adjufted in fuch a manner •* • /•'JANUARY,...

Porcupine's Works;: Containing Various Writings and Selections ..., Tập 3

William Cobbett - 1801 - 454 trang
...late Emperor, and confequently the continuance of peace with that power. With peculiar fatisfaction 1 add, that information has been received from an agent...our part to Algiers, importing, that the terms of a treaty with the Dey and Regency of that country had been adjufted in fuch a manner a manner as to...

Addresses of the Successive Presidents to Both Houses of Congress, at the ...

United States. President - 1805 - 276 trang
...late Emperor ; and, consequently, the continuance of peace with that power. With peculiar satisfaction I add, that information has been received from an...with the Dey and Regency of that country had been adjusted in such a manner, as to authorise the expectation of a speedy peace, and the restoration of...

Annual Register of World Events, Tập 37

1807 - 750 trang
...United States controversies have giers, importing, that the terms of subsisted, and with regard also to the treaty with the dey and regency of that country had been adjusted in such a manner, as to authorise of enmity and misunderstanding, the expectation of a speedy...

State Papers and Publick Documents of the United States, from the Accession ...

1817 - 512 trang
...late emperour ; and consequently, the continuance of peace with that power. With peculiar satisfaction I add, that information has been received from an...with the dey and regency of that country, had been adjusted in such a manner, as to authorize the expectation of a speedy peace, and the restoration of...

The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States: With an ...

United States. Congress - 1849 - 790 trang
...late Emperor, and, consequently, the continuance of peace with that Power. With peculiar satisfaction I add, that information has been received from an...with the Dey and Regency of that country had been adjusted in such a manner as to authorize the expectation of a speedy peace, and the restoration of...

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