Incorporation of the Austrian Netherlands with the French Republic. An
Object of Alarm to the Neighbouring Nations. Debility of the French
Marine.-Naval Exertions of France confined to Depredations on the
British Trade.-Revolt under the Auspices and Conduct of Victor Hughes,
of the French West-India Islands, that had been reduced by the English,
-Superior Skill, Bravery, and Success, of the British Officers and Sea-
men.-The Dutch Colony at the Cape of Good Hope taken by the Euglish.
-Success of the French in Piratical Warfare.-Bold and masterly Retreat
of Admiral Cornwallis. - Prosperous State of French Affairs on the Conti
nent. Interference of the French in the Government of the small State of
Geneva. This new-modelled after the Fashion of the French Republic.-
Infurrections.- Violence. - A Revolutionary Tribunal.-Intrigues of the
French, for bringing the City of Geneva under Subjection to the French
Republic. The Influence of the New Principles of the French extends
across the Atlantic and excites dangerous Commotions in America. The
Authority of Government maintained in the United States of America, by
the Moderation, Prudence, and Vigour, of General Washington.-In-
furrection of Emigrants from Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland, in
the Western Parts of Pensylvania. - Quelled by the Approach of a great