Account of the Quantity of Coals Imported into the Port of London, from 133 Average Prices of Wheat and Barley, during the Year 1795 State of the Earometer, Thermometer, and Hygrometer for the Year 1795, 134 A General Bill of Christenings and Burials, from Dec. 9, 1794, to Dec. 8, 1795 135 STATE PAPERS. His Majesty's Speech from the Throne, on clofing the Seffion, June 27, His Majesty's Speech from the Throne, on opening the Seffion, Ολ. 29, Proteft of Lord Stanhope, against this Country interfering in the internel Affairs of France 141 Proteft against the Rejection of the Motion for treating with France, 144 Earl Camden's Speech, on Proroguing the Irish Parliament, June 5, 159 Convention between his Britanic Majesty and the Emperor of Germany, Orders by General the Duke of Richmond, April 20 169 170 Proclamation issuet by his Majesty, relative to Seditious Affemblies 176 French Republic, March 7 177 Treaty of Peace between the Chiefs of the Chouans and the French Conven- Second Treaty between the fame Powers Substance of a Treaty, dated Bruffels, March 9, and Heidleberg, April 7, between the Imperial and Royal Commission and that of France, relative Declaration of the Commisioners, delegated, by the National Convention of France, to the Windward Islands, to all the Neutral Nations, trading with Address, of the National Convention, to the Army of the North, on the Anniversary of the Death of the King of France, of January 21, 188 Speech of Boiffy d'Anglas, on the Policy of the French Republic, with respect ibid. Proclamation of the Royalists of Anjou and Upper Poitou, in Answer to the pacificatory Proclamation of the Representatives of the People, Questions put by the Statholder to the Master of the Pink Johanna Hoogen- raat ibid. Proclamation of the Provisionary Representatives of the People of Amfter- dam ibid. Proclamation of the Representatives of the French People, at the Hague, Jan. 30 ibid Proclamation from the Committee of Public Safety, of the French Convention, to the Inhabitants of the Province Guipufcoa, in Spain Declaration of the King of Prusfia to his most high Colleagues, Co-States of the German Empire, and Members of the Germanic League, with reffet to the Treaty of Peace concluded between him and the French Republic, 227 Proclamation from the French National Convention to the Citizens of Paris, 231 Subflance of the Emperor's Decree of Commiffion, dated Vienna, May 13, relative to preparatory Mcafures for a Pacification, presented to the Af- fembly of the Dict of the Empire, at Ratisbon, May 23 235 Anfwer of the Prufian Cabinet 239 The Members of the General Administration of East Flanders, fitting at Ghent, to the National Convention of France, Feb. 3 240 and Sambre, and Meufe, to the National Convention 2+1 ibid. Letter from the Representatives of the French People, with the Armies of the North, to the National Convention, dated Bruffelis, Feb. 26, 242 Letter from the Magistrates of Bruffells, read in the Convention, Substance of a Refcript of the Emperor, dated Vienna, presented to the Substance of the Emperor's fecond Refcript to the Diet of Ratisbon, Substance of the Address, which accompanied the Medal, which the Danish Subflance of the Treaty between Great Britain and the Dey of Algiers 216 Proclamation to the People of France, upon the Completion of the Con- Proclamation from the Executive Directory to the French People Proclamation of Louis XI III. to the French People 254 Edict published at Hanover, Sept. 29 260 Pro Memoria, or, Note delivered by the Pruffian Directorial Envoy to the States of Franconia 263 . . Imperial 265 Imperial Court-Decree, concerning the feparate Treaty of Peace concluded 269 272 Manifefto on the Part of the Empress of Russia, relative to the Affairs of Poland 277 Proclamation by Sir Gilbert Elliot, Viceroy of Corfica 279- 281 Answer to the above ibid. Treaty between America and Algiers 283 Treaty between America and Spain 286 Abstract of the Treaty between Great Britain and America 294 297 Congress, Dec. 8, 1795 300 CHARACTERS. Account of the Reign and Character of Maximilian II. Emperor of Ger- *1 Account of the Convent of Nuns of Clariffe, at Cologne; from Mrs. Germany *4 Observations on the distinct Characters of Modern Whigs and Torics; from *5 Description of the foveral Merits of Albert Durer, Michael Angelo, and *7 Account of the Harem, or Apartments for the Ladies; from Ruffell's Natural History of Aleppo *10 Account of the Turkish Ladies; from the fame *14 Account of the Republic of San Marino. By Dr. Gillies, Author of the fons, &c. *15 Account of the celebrated Conspiracy of the Pazzi, at Florence; from Character of the celebrated Girolamo Savonarola; from the fame, 31 Life of the late James Bofwell, Esq. from the Gentleman's Magazine, *92 from the European Magazine *34 Particulars of the Life and Character of Adam Smith, LL. D.; from the Magazins : *57 NATURAL NATURAL HISTORY. Obfervations on the Structure of the Eyes of Birds, by Mr. Pierce Smith, Student of Physic; from the Philofophical Transactions, Obfervations on the Influence which incites the Muscles of Animals to Account of the Buffalo of America, by Mr. Turner; from Letters and Papers on Agriculture, felected from the Correspondence of the Bath and Account of the River Tigris; from Oufeley's Perfian Mifcellanies Obfervations on Spontaneous Inflammation; with a particular Account of that which happened, on board a Ruffian Frigate in the year 1781; and of the Experiments made in order to afcertain the Cause of it. In a Letter to the Editors, from the Reverend William Tooke, F. R. S. Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburgh, &c.; from the USEFUL PROJECTS. On the Use of Sea Water in Agriculture; from the Earl of Dundonald's Treatise on Agriculture and Chemistry Account of the Mode of making Parmesan Cheese, by Mr. Pryce; from 98. Valuable new Discovery for the Preservation of Corn; from the Paris Moniteur:-by Antoine Gouan, National Profeffor of Botany in the School of Health at Montpelier; Addressed to the National Convention, *87 Discovery in Distillation from Potatoes, which will no doubt increase the Cultivation of that Valuable Article of Life. Cbfervations on the grafting of. Trees. In a Letter from Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq. to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. from the Philofophical Trans- On the Dry-Rot in Timber; in a Letter from Robert Batfon, Esq. of Lime-Houje, to the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufac- tures, and Commerce; from whose Transactions it is extracted, Composition of a Water which has the Property of Destroying Caterpillars, Ants, and other Infects; invented by C. Tatin, at Paris; from the |