Proclamation by his Excellency James Scaton, Captain-General and Governor- in-Chief of the Ind of St. Vincent
Treaty of Peace between the Chiefs of the Chouans and the French Conven-
Treaty of Alliance, offensive and defenfive, concluded between the Republic of
France and the Republic of the Seven United Provinces
Proclamation of Victor Hughes, at Guadaloupe
Proclamation of General Vaughan, at Martinico
Declaration of the Commiffioners, delegated, by the National Convention of
France, to the Windward Ifiands, to all the Neutral Nations, trading with
the faid Islands
Declaration of the fame Commissioners, to the Commanders-in-chief of the
British Forces
Addrefs, of the National Convention, to the Army of the North, on the
Anniversary of the Death of the King of France, of January 21, 188
Speech of Boiffy d'Anglas, on the Policy of the French Republic, with respect to foreign Nations, adopted, by the Convention, as a Declaration of the Principles of the French People, Jan. 30 ibid.
Proclamation of the Royalifs of Anjou and Upper Poitou, in Answer to the
pacificatory Proclamation of the Reprefentatives of the People,
Declaration of the Chiefs of la Vendée, in the Armies of the Centre and Pays
Extracts from the Records of the Deliberations of the States-General,
Jan. 19
Proclamation of the Provifionary Reprefentatives of the People of Amfier-
Proclamation of the Reprefentatives of the French People, at the Hague, Jan. 30
Proclamation to the Dutch People, from the Provifional Reprefentatives of
Holland, March 26
Proclamation from the Committee of Public Safety, of the French Convention, to the Inhabitants of the Province Guipufcoa, in Spain
Declaration of the King of Prufia to his most high Colleagues, C-States of
the German Empire, and Members of the Germanic League, with refet
to the Treaty of Peace concluded between him and the French Republic, 227
Proclamation from the French National Convention to the Citizens of Paris, 254
Subflance of the Emperor's Decree of Commiffion, dated Vienna, May 15,
relative to preparatory Mcafures for a Pacification, prefented to the Af-
fembly of the Diet of the Empire, at Ratifbon, May 23
Subflance of the Treaty between Great Britain and the Dey of Algiers 246
Proclamation to the People of France, upon the Completion of the Con- fitution
Treaty concluded at Bafle, August 8, between the Republic of France and the Landgrave of Heff Caffell
Decree for incorporating the Auftrian Netherlands, &c. with the French Republic
Specification of the Patent gran ed to Mr. John Tucker, of Wickham, in the
County of Southampton, Tonner; for his Method of Tanning, and
making Leather of a fuperior Quality, and in a much shorter Period of
Time, than hath hitherto been done. Dated May 12, 1795,
Rice Bread.-by Arthur Young, Efq. from Annals of Agriculture,
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