H́nh ảnh trang

Whilft the Duke of Lancafter* during the time that his father King Edward lay in hys laft fickneffe, did in al things what liked him, and foat the contemplation of the lord Latimer as was thought, hee releafed Katrington for the time, fo that fir John Annefley could not come to the effect of his fuite in all the meane time, till nowe. Such as feared to be charged with the like offences, flayed the matter, till at length by the opinion of true and auntiente, knights, it was defyned, that for fuch a foreign controverffe that hadde not rifen within the limittes of the realme, but touched poffeffion of thynges on the further fide of the fea, it was lawful to have it tryed by battayle, if the caufe were firft notified to the coneftable and marshal of the realme, and that the combate was accepted by the parties.

Here upon was the day and place appointed, and all things provided readie, with lyftes rayled and made fo fubftantially, as if the fame fhoulde have endured for ever. The concourfe of people that came to London to fee this tried was thought to exceede that of the king's coronation, fo defyrous were men to beholde a fight fo ftrange and unaccustomed.

The king and his nobles, and all the people being come togyther in the morning of the day appoynt ed, to the place where the lyftes were fet up, the knight being armed and mounted on a fayre courfer feemely trapped, entered firft as appellant, ftaying till his adverfarie the defendant fhould come. And fhortly after was the efquier called to defend his cause, in this fourme.

Thomas Katrington defendant, ceme and appeare to fave the action, for which fir John Annelley knight and appellant hath publiquely and by writing appelled thee: he being thus called thrife by an herault at armes, at the thirde call he cometh armed likewife, and ryding on a courfer trapped with trappes embrodered with his armes.

At his approaching to the lyftes he alyght from his horfe, leaff according to the law of armes the coneftable shoulde have chalenged the horse if he had entered within the lyftes, but his fhifting nothing avayled him, for the horfe after his maifter was alyght befide him, ranne up and downe by the rayles nowe thrusting his heade over, and nowe both heade and breaste, so that the Earl of Buckingham,+ bycause he was high coneftable of Englande, clayıned the horfe afterwardes, fwearing that hee woulde have fo much of him as had appeared over the rayles, and fo the horfe was adjudged unto


But now to the matter of the combate (for this chalenge of the horfe was made after) as foon as the efquier was come within the lyftes the indenture was brought forth by the marshall and conestable, which had been made and fealed before them, with confent of the parties, in which were conteyned the articles exhibit ed by the knight agaynft the efquier, and there the fame was read afore all the affemble.

The efquier whofe confcience was thought not to be cleare, but ra ther guilte, went abaut to make ex ceptions, that his caufe by fome means might have feemed the found

The famous John of Gaunt.
One of the king's fons, afterwards duke of Gloucefter.


er. But the Duke of Lancafter hearing him fo ftaye at the matter, fware that except according to the conditions of the combate, and the lawe of armes, he woulde admit all things in the indenture compryfed, that were not made without his owne confent, he fhoulde as guilty of the treafon forthwith be had forth to execution.

The duke with these words wanne great commendation, and avoyded no fmall fufpicion that had beene conveyed of him, as partialle to the efquier's caufe. The efquire hear ing all this, fayd, that he durft fight with the knight, not onely in thefe poyntes, but in all other in the worlde, whatfoever the fame might be: for he trufted more to his ftrength of bodie, and favour of his friendes, than in the cause which he had taken upon hym to defende. He was indeede a mightie man of ftature, where the knight among those that were of a mean ftature was one of the least.

Friendes to the efquier in whom he had great affyance to be borne out through their aflyftance, were the lords Latimer and Baffet wyth other. Before they entered battalle, they tooke an othe, as well the knight as the efquier, that the caufe in which they were to fight was true, and that they dealt with no witch craft, nor arte magicke whereby they might obteyne the victorie of their adverfarie, nor had about the any herb or ftone, or other kind of experiment with wich magitians ufe to triumph over theyr enemies. This othe received of either of them, and therewith having made their prayers devoutly, they begin the battayle, firft with fpeares, after with fwordes, and laftly with daggers. They fought long, till finally the [*H

knight had bereft the efquier of all his weapons, and at length the ef quier was manfully overthrown by the knight: but as the knight woulde have fallen upon the efquier, through fweate that ran downe by his helmet, his fight was hyndered, fo that thinking to fall upon the efquier, hee fell downe fideling himfelfe, not comming neare to the efquier, who perceyving what had happened, although he was almoft overcome with long fighting, made to the knight, and threw himself upon him, fo that many thought the knight fhoulde have been overcome: other doubted not but that the. knight woulde recover his feete againe, and get the victorie of his adverfarie.

The king in the mean tyme caufed it to bee proclaymed that they fhould stay, and that the knight fhoulde bee rayfed up from the ground, and fo ment to take up the matter betwixt them.

To be fhort, fuch were fent as fhould take up the efquier, but comming to the knight, hee befought them, that it might please the king to permit them to lie ftill, for he thanked God hee was well, miftrufted not to obtayned the victorie, if the efquier might be layde upon him, in manner as he was earst.

Finally when it would not bee fo granted, he was contented to be rayfed up, and was no fooner fet upon his feete, but he cheerfully went to the king, without any man's helpe, where the efquier could neyther ftand nor go without the helpe of two men to holde him up, and therefore was fet in his chaire to take his eafe, to fee if he might recover his ftrength.

The knight, at his coming before the king, befought him and his no2]


bles to graunt him fo much, that hee might be eftfoons layde on the ground as before, and the efquier to be laid aloft upon him, for the knight perceived that the efquier through exceffive heat, and the weight of his armor, did marvelloufly faint, fo as his fpirits were in maner taken from him. The king and the nobles perceyving the knight fo courageoufly to demand to trie the battel forth to the utterance, offring great fummes of money, that fo it might be done, decreed that they fhould be reftored again to the fame plight in which they lay when they were raifed up: but in the mean time the efquier fainting, and falling down in a fwoone, fel out of his chaire as one that was like to yield up his laft breth prefently among them. Thofe that food about him caft wine and water upon him, feeking fo to bring him againe, but all would not ferve, till they had plucked off his armor, and his whole apparel, which thing proved the knight to be vanquisher, and the efquier to be vanquished.


After a little time the efquier began to come to himself, and lifting his eyes, began to holde up his hed, and to caft a gafily looke on every one about him which when it was reported to the knight, he commeth to him armed as he was (for he had put off no peece fince the beginning of the fight) and fpeaking to him, called him traitor, and falle perjured man, afking him if he durft trie the battel with him againe but the efquier having neither fenfe nor fpirite whereby to make anfwere, proclamation was made that the battell was ended, and every one might go to his lodging.

• It cost 5ool.

The efquier immediately after he was brought to his lodging, and layde in bed, beganne to wax raging woode, and fo continuing ftill out of hys wittes, about nine of the clocke the next day he yeelded up the ghost.

This combate was fought (as before ye have heard) the viith of June, to the great reioyfing of the common people and difcoragement of traytours.

Account of Chelfea College; from
Lyfon's Environs of London.


HE Koval Hofpital at Chelfea ftands a fmall difiance from the river-fide; it is built of brick, except the coins, cornices, pediments, and colum's, which are of freestone. The principal building confifts of a large quadrangle, open on the fouth fide; in the centre ftands a bronze ftatue of the founder, Charles II. in a Roman habit, the gift of Mr. To. bias Ruftat.* The eaft and weft fides, each 365 feet in length, † are principally occupied by wards for the penfioners; at the extremity of the former is the governor's houfe, in which there is a very handfome ftate-room furrounded with portraits of Charles I. and II; William III. and his Queen; George II.; their prefent Majefties, &c.

In the centre of each of thefe wings, and in that of the north front, are pediments of freefione, fupported by columns of the Doric order. In the centre of the fouth front is a portico, fupported by fimilar cofumns, and on each fide a piazza, on the frieze of which is the following infcription: "In fubfidium et leva

+ Measured from the extremity of the north front.


men emeritorum fenis, belloque frac torum, condidit Carolus Secundus, aux it Jacobus Secundus, perfecere Gulielmus et Maria Rex et Regina, 1690.” The internal centre of this building is occupied by a large veftibule, terminating in a dome; on one fide is the chapel, and on the other the hall. The former was confecrated by Bishop Compton in the year 1691. It is about 110 feet in length, paved with black and white marble, and wainscotted with Dutch Oak: The altar-piece, which reprefents the afcenfion of our Saviour, was painted by Sebaftian Ricci.* A rich fervice of guilt plate, confifting of a pair of mafly condlesticks, feveral large chalices and flaggons, and a perforated spoon, was given by James II.; the organ was the gift of Major Ingram. The hall, where the penfioners dine, is fituated on the oppofite fide of the vestibule, and is of the fame dimenfions as the chapel. At the upper end is a large picture of Charles II. on horfeback, the gift of the earl of Ranelagh, it was defigned by Verrio, and finifhed by Henry Cooke. + The whole length of the principal building, as it extends from caft to weft, is 790 feet; a wing having been added at each end of the north fide of the great quadrangle, which forms part of a smaller court. Thefe courts are occupied by various offices, and the infirmaries; the latter are kept remarkably neat, and fupplied with hot, cold, and vapour baths. To the north of the college is an inclofure of about thirteen acres, planted with avenues of limes and horfechefnuts; and towards the fouth, extenfive gardens. The whole of the premifes confifts of about fifty


* Anecdotes of Painting, vol. iii. p. 142.

The establishment of the Royal Hofpital or College at Chelfea, confifts of a governor, lieutenant-govenor, major, two chaplains, an organift, a phyfician, furgeon, apothecary, fecretary, fteward, treasurer, controller, clerk of the works, and various fubordinate officers. The number of ordinary penfioners is 336; thefe men must have been twenty years in his Majefty's fervice but fuch as have been maimed ordif abled, may be admitted at any period. The number of those who can enjoy the advantages of this ef tablishment, being fo fmall in proportion to that of the brave veterans who ftand in need of them, the prefent governor, very much to his credit, has made a rule, that except under very particular circumftances, no perfon fhall be admitted into the houfe under fixty years of age; by this means the benefit of the charity is appropriated with much greater certainty to thofe who are its most proper objects. The penfioners who live in the houfe (commonly called the in-pentioners) are provid ed with clothes (an uniform of red lined with blue); lodging and diet befides which they have an allowance of eight-pence a week. The college being confidered as a military eftablishment, the penfioners are obliged to mount guard, and to perform other garrifon duty. They are divided into eight companies, each of which has its proper complement of officers, ferjeants, corporals, and The officers, who have drummers. the nominal rank of captain, lieutenant, and enfign, are chofen from the moft meritorious old ferjeants in the army, and have an allowance of three hillings and fixpence per week; the ferjeants have two fhil† Ibid. vol. iii. p. 92.



lings; the corporals and drummers ten-pence. Two ferjeants, four corporals, and fifty-two of the moft able privates, are appointed, by the King's fign-manual, to act as a patrol on the road from Chelsea to Pimlico, for which duty they have an additional allowance. The patrol confifts of half the number here mentioned, the duty being taken alternately. There is likewife in the college a fmall corps, called the light horfemen, thirty-four in number, who are allowed two fhillings per week, and are chofen indifcriminately out of any of the regiments of cavalry. The various fervants of the college, among whom are twenty-fix nurfes, make the whole number of its inhabitants about five

parliament. The yearly expence of the house-establishment, including the falaries of the officers, repairs, and other incidental charges, varies from 25,000l. to 28,000l. The internal affairs of the hospital are regulated by commiffioners appointed by the crown, and confifting of the governor, lieutenant-governor, and fome of the principal officers of ftate, who hold a board, as occafion requires, for the paying` of out-penfions, and other business.

Articles of Reconciliation between a Man and his Wife, Oa. 9, 1629; from the fame.

hundred and fifty. There are all IC

IT was agreed between Jofeph Caron and Margery, his wife, in manner and form following:

belonging to the establishment, four hundred ferjeants, who are out-pen- I, Jofeph Caron, do willingly pro fioners, and receive a fhilling a day; mife to my wife Margery, that up. thefe are called king's letter-men, on condition that she will not hereand are appointed, half by the go- after make farther inquiry in to any vernor, and half by the fecretary at thing that hath in time past occafionwar. The number of private out- ed jealoufy on her part, I from this penfioners is unlimited; their al-time forward will forbear the pri lowance is five-pence per day, and they are always paid half a year's penfion in advance. Their number has been much increafed fince the paffing of the militia-act; they are now upwards of twenty-one thoufand, and are difperfed all over the three kingdoms, at their various occupations, being liable to be called upon to perform garrifon-duty as invalid companies in time of war. The expences of this noble inftitution (excepting about 7000l. which arifes from poundage of the houfehold troops, and is applied towards the payment of the out-pensioners) are defrayed by an annual fum voted by


vate company of any woman of maid whom the may fufpect to be difhoneftly inclined; and in parti cular, because of her former fufpicions, how unjust foever, I do promife to eftrange myself from Mrs. Large and Mrs. Colmer, and whomfoever elfe the hath formerly fufpected: and that I will forbear ftriking her and provoking speeches, and be as often with her at meals as I can conveniently, and in all things carry myself as a loving husband ought to do to his wife: In witnes whereof I have fubfcribed my name the day and year above mentioned. JOSEPH CARON.

Since Mr. Burke's bill, the army poundage is confined to thofe troops.

1, Margery

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