veniencies which have arisen in the aflize and making of bread for fale; and that the columns in the repealed act of 8 Anne would be the proper affize for the faid standard wheat bread, a twelve penny loaf of which would, on a medium, contain 2lb. of bread in 8 more than the twelvepenny loaf of wheat made under 31 G. II. The report from the committee of the House of Commons. 1774, to confider the method practised in making flour from wheat, the prices thereof, and how far it may be expedient to put the fame upon the regulations of an afsize was reprinted 9 Nov. 1795. four ounces of the same flour mixed with one pound twelve ounces of potatoes; when boild and mashed, equal quantities of yeast, falt, and water, were put to each loaf; but, in making up, it was found that the loaf of flour required more water, which was accordingly added, and that the mixed loaf had already too much; three ounces of flour were added to remedy the defect. On weighing them when cold, after baking the same time in the same oven, it was found that the flour loaf weighed eight pounds fix ounces, and the mixed one only five pounds fifteen ounces. Now, as five pounds of flour produced eight pounds fix ounces of bread; in the fame proportion, the three pounds seven ounces of flour would have made five pounds twelve ounces of bread: hence the one pound twelve ounces of potatoes may be faid to have produced only three ounces of bread. ANTIQUITIES. Account of the Government of EngLand from the Year 1400 to 1485; from Andrews's History of Great Britain, vol. 1, part 2. ANTIQUITIES. THE power of each department of legiflature became now more accurately defined, although no confiderable alterations had been made in either. The king's authority was most affuredly not in general despotic, fince he could neither repeal nor change any law which had been made by consent of his parliament. Yet that difpenfing power which each monarch affumed, when it fuited his purpose, threw far too great a weight into the scale of royalty. The fovereign befides retained the cruel right of giving in marriage the wards of the crown, although that prerogative (as well as that of purveyance) was exercised in a much more moderate degree than it had been of old.* He could likewife press for his fervice not only foldiers and failors, but alfo musicians, goldsmiths, embroiderers and various forts of artificers. + The peers attended their duty in parliament at their own expence. The reprefentatives of the commons were always paid from the commencement of representation. To wards the close of the 14th century it was fixed at 4s. per diem fo knights of shires, and half that fum for each burgess. The sheriff's influence in re turning members was extenfire and frequently abused. Sometimes they made no proper elections of knights &c. fometimes no return at all, and fometimes they returned such a had never been elected." For these and fuch like mifde meanors he might be sued by action at the affizes and was liable to fe and imprisonment. The qualification requifite f knights of the fhires was 40l.p annum. It appears too that ftreng of body and conftitution was de manded, for the parliamentary wro about this period directed the elec tors to chufe not only the wileft but the ftouteft men (potentiores ad la borandum), that they might be abe to endure the fatigue of the journe and of clofe attendance. § Befides their pay, the members the House of Commons had thr privilege, for themselves and ther fervants, of freedom from all a refts. A neceffary exemption, t's they might be enabled to perfuz their duty. But this privilege well as their pay) attended on the members only during their adu services, and quitted them at the Fortescue de baudibus Legum Angliæ. Preamble to stat. 23 Hen. VI. cap. 14. + Ibid. Pryrine. en! end of each feffion; allowing only for the few days which they might be obliged to employ in journeying to London and returning home. * The convocations were regularly summoned with the lay-parliaments and as regularly met. The prelates were still directed to attend and 'confult with the nobles.' They were alfo directed to order their dean and archdeacons to attend in perfon, each chapter to fend one proctor, and the clergy of each diocefe to fend two proctors, 'to confent to those things which should be ordained by the common council of the kingdom.' As therefore they were only to 'confent,' not to confult,' the proctors could fcarcely be reckoned a part of the commons. They however received wages and partook of the privileges of parliament. The ecclefiafties ftill continued to lay taxes on theinfelves; but the confent of the other branches of legiflature was neceffary to give force to their decree. + ، Parliaments were often called and quickly dismissed. They had frequently only one feffion, and once (in 1399,) but a fingle day. No confiderable alterations appeared in the English courts of law. The number of the judges in the courts at Westminster was by no means certain. Under Henry VI. there were at one time eight judges in the court of Common Pleas. Each judge took a folemn oath that he would take no fee, penfion, gift, reward, or bribe, from any fuitor, faving meat and drink, which should be of no great value. The laws were ill-executed throughout the 15th century. Main Prynne. ، tenance (an union for finifter purpofes) ftill prevailed; the priests by their exemptions were fet above the law; fanctuaries abounded throughout the realm and protected the vilest criminal and the most dithoneft debtor; perjury throve and afforded a living to many; while the high confiable, under colour of exerciting military law, was authorized to proceed in cafes of treafon, fummarily and without noise or form of trial, and if he withed to give an appearance of justice to his proceedings, he could call in the aid of torture by fire or on the rack. The account which the learned judge Hale gives of the lawyers who pleaded in the 15th century does them little honour. He condenins the reports during the reigns of Henry IV. and V. as inferior to those of the last twelve years of Edward III; and he speaks but cooly of those which the reign of Henry VI. produces § Yet this deficiency of progreffive improvement in the common law, arose not from a want of application to the fcience; fince we read in a very refpectable treatife that there were no fewer than 2,000 ftudents attending on the inns of Chancery and of Court, in time of its wri The Court of Chancery feems to date its rise at the close of the 14th century. It was highly obnoxious to the profeffors of the common law, who, by their interest in the House of Commons, procured a petition againft it from the Parliament to Edward IV. in 1474. The influ ence of the prelates (who were certain of guiding that court) defeated this attempt, and its eftablishment † Fortescue de Laudibus Legum Angliæ. + lbid. Hift of Common Law, apud Henry. ter. encountered ، A reflection at the close of the 15th century by Philip de Commines will very naturally finish this section. His fuffrages in favour of England is the more remarkable as it is given voluntarily at the close of the longest and most bloody civil war with which the English annals can be charged. In my opinion' (says that judicious observer) of all the countries in Europe where I was ever acquainted, the government is no where so well managed, the people no where less obnoxious to violence and oppression, nor their houses less liable to the defolations of war, than in England; for there the calamities fall only upon the authors. Scotland was not so happy. The unfortunate death of the Norwegian Margaret had involved that realm in a long and bloody conteft with its powerful neighbour; and, although the gallant and free fpirits of the Scots had preferved the independence of their country notwithstanding their inferiority in numbers, wealth, and difcipline, it could not prevent the preponderance of a most odious and tyrannic ariftocracy: Perpetual domeftic war loosened every tie of conftitutional government; and a Douglas, a Creighton, or a Donald of the ifles, by turns exercised such defpotism and inhumanity as no monarch in the 15th century would have dared to practife. The endeavours of the first and of the second James were turned tod wards improving the jurisprudence of the North, by engrafting on it the best parts of the English system; but the fuddenness of their deaths and the weak reign of their fucceffor James III. prevented their people from receiving much benefit from fuch laudable designs. The parliament of Scotland, at this period, had nearly monopolized all judicial authority. Three committees were formed from the house (for there was only one) soon after the members met. The first, like the Triers in England,' examined, approved of, or disapproved petitions to the senate; the fecond conftituted the highest court in all criminal profecutions, as did the third in civil ones. And, as every lord of parliament who chose it might claim his place in each of these committees, almoft the whole administration of law, civil as well as military, refided in the breast of the Scottish nobility. There was another court, that of Seflion, of which the members and the duration were appointed by parliament. The justiciary (an officer difcontinued in England as too potent) was still nominally at the head of the Scottish law, and held courts which were styled Jufticiaries,' as Cotton's Records. did the Chamberlain Chambers fact, the matter was then referred to lainaries; from these courts there wasallowed an appeal to a jurifdiction of great antiquity, styled The Four Boroughs' Court. This was formed of burgesses from Edinburgh and three other towns, who met at Haddington to judge on fuch appeals. There was one abuse, however, which rendered every court of juftice nugatory. It had become a custom for the Scottish monarchs to bestow on their favourites not only estates but powers and privileges equal to their own. styled Lords of Regalities; they formed courts around them, had mimic officers of state, and tried, executed, or pardoned the greateft criminals. These were The good fenfe of James II. prompted him to propose a remedy for this inordinate evil; but two admirable laws which he brought for ward (the one against granting Regalities' without confent of parliament; the other, to prohibit the bestowing of hereditary dignities) were after his decease neglected; and Scotland continued, two centuries longer, a prey to the jarring interests of turbulent, traitorous noble men. Account of the Procceding in the Trial by Battle; from Dallaway's Heraldic Inquiries. A NCIENTLY, when one perfon was accused by another without any farther witness than the bare ipse dixit of the accuser, the accused party making good his own caufe by strongly denying the VOL. XXXVII. the decision of the sword. If the parties were noble, the king himself was always present at the combat, seated on a fcaffold, attended by the earl marshal and high constable of England, who were to fee that no undue advantage was taken by either party. The conqueror was then declared innocent, and the vanquished guilty. The feventh of June, a combate was foughte before the king's palace at Westminster, on the pavement there, betwixt one fir John Annesley, knight, and one Thomas Katrington, efq. The The occafion of this strange and notable triall rose hereof. knight accused the esquier of treafon, for that whereas the fortreffe of Sainte Saviour within the ifle of Conftantine, in Normandie, belonging fometime to fir John Chandos, had bin committed to the faid Katrington, as Captayne thereof to keepe it againft the enemies, he hadde for money folde and delivered it over to the Frenchmen, when he was fufficiently provided, of men, muhition, and vittayles, to have defended it against them; and fith the inheritance of that fortresse and lands belonging thereto, had apperteyned to the faid Annesley in righte of his wife, as nearest coufin by affinite unto fir John Chandos, if by the falfe conveyance of the faid Katrington, it had not bin made away and alienated into the enemies hands, hee offered therefore to trie the quarrell by combate, against the faide Katrington, whereupon the same Katrington was apprehended, and putte in prifon, but shortly after fet at libertio againe. [*H] Whilft |