gion, but alfo guarantees to all an equal participation of all the rights, inmunities, and privileges, enjoyed by her ancient fubjects, fo that the citizens of the incorporated provinces fhall be entitled to all the advantages fuitable to their conditions, through the whole extent of the empire of Ruffia. 2. All the citizens in general of the newly annexed provinces, beginning with the dignitaries of the moft diftinguished nobility, and proceeding to the loweft proprietors, fhall, within the fpace of one month, take folemn oaths of fidelity and fubjection to her majefty the emprefs, and the grand dukes her fucceffors, before the perfons whom her Imperial majefty fhall officially appoint to receive them. On the other hand, if any of the nobility or other perfons, poffeffing immoveable property, thall neglect to take fuch oath at the time appointed, they are allowed within the space of three months, to difpofe of fuch immoveable property, and remove from the country; but, after the expiration of three months, all the goods and property that remain thall be fequeftered. 3. All the clergy high and low, are charged not only to fhew promptitude in taking this oath, but alfo fhall publicly offer up prayers every day before the prefervation of the health of her Imperial majefty, and her fon the grand duke Paul Petrovitch, and all the imperial family, according to the formulæ which thall be given to them. Until an order of government fhall be introduced for the happinets of this country, conformably to the gracious regulations of her Imperial majefty, the exifting tri bunals in the countries, palatinates and diftri&s annexed, fhall exercife their functions at the ufual periods, in the name and on the authority of her Imperial majefty, and in conformity to the rules of juftice and good order. I declare finally, that the troops ftationed in thefe countries fhall obferve the ftricteft difcipline, live at the expence of the ftate, and offer no interruption whatever to agriculture, trade, or commerce. In order that this manifefto may be univerfally known, it is ordered to be read in all the churches on the 28th of June, 1795, enregistered in all the courts, and pofted up in fuch places as may be deemed neceifary. Done by the order of my moft gracious fovereign the Empress, and figned with my own hand and arms, 18th of June, 1795. (L. S.) TIMOTHY TUTOLMIN. Proclamation by Sir Gilbert Elliot, Viceroy of Corjica. In the name of the King. THE facts that have occurred in fome diftricts, and the errors committed by a part of the inhabitants, feduced by turbulent minds, have induced me to expose to the view of all Corficans the grievous confequences of fuch conduct, in order to preferve them from this bad example, to maintain them in the obfervance of the laws, and in juft obedience to his majefty's go. vernment. It is well known, that, from certain circumftances and patt events, Corfica was reduced to a fituation the most dangerous for any nation to experience. It was this fituation that moved the mag nanimity nanimity of his majefty to afford it affiftance, and, with the fovereignty, to accept the talk of rendering it happy. It is not neceffary to repeat the facrifices that have been made, and how much Englith blood has been bravely and generoutly fhed, for the purpofe of effecting that undertaking. In the circumftances in which it is incumbent on his majefty to fupply the moft confiderable expences, he has not ceafed to communicate, with the utmoft liberality, in whatever he thought neceflary for the defence of the ifland: the English troops have been employed to protect it; feveral Cornican battalions raifed and maintained by his majesty's beneficence, and an arfenal eftablished at Ajaccio; navigation has been reftored, and care has been taken to protect it from the enemy; induttry has been compenfated by riches, and the means of confumption increated by the flation of the fleet and army; the national credit has been relpected by foreigners, and fupported by all the political influence of hi majefty; laws have been frame ccording to the conftitution of th. kingdom; the public authorities egulated and protected; individual liberty preferved inviolable, and every motive for inteftine divifion fuppreffed; the exercife of the religion of your ancestors has been re-established, and a happy conclufion to the articles prefented by the parliament to his holinets the pope may foon be expected; and, in fine, a rapid progrefs in every point towards a perfect organization of the filem of government effected, with the applause and confent of the whole nation. But when we promifed ourselves that the moral effects of thefe changes would have been fufficient for the maintenance of tranquillity and obedience to the laws, and to direct the national activity towards induftry and every means of accelerating the general good, it was with much difpleasure that, in fome parts, we perceived tumults formed, for the purpofe of forcing the peaceable and wellbehaved fubjects to participate in acts of turbulence and licentioufnefs, viz. to burn the public magazines, to declare and refolve against the payment of the impofts, to fearch the houses of individuals by an armed force, and threaten the lives of the citizens, with feveral other inconveniences, manifefted and executed with a spirit of insubordination to the government, and the diffolution of every good principle of fociety, characterifed by traits unworthy of perfons who poffefs any ftimulus of refpect for themfelves, or attachment to their country; however, it has been fome confolation to us in perceiving that thefe proceedings are held in abhorrence by the greateft part of the kingdom, and regretted by perfons of credit and relpectability. It is incumbent upon the Corficans to confider the danger of the divifions to which this conduct muft infallibly expofe their nation: tumults are inevitably connected with vexations and acts of violence; arbitrary fway takes place of the law, and then neither life nor property is any longer fecure. Neither should we forget an enraged and neighbouring enemy, who can only be kept at a distance by his majefty's arms, your own unanimity, and the energy of the government. The pretence that a people may be goT 4 verned verned without taxes is folly in the extreme: this pretence has been fubfervient to the defigns of the feditious of all nations,, but has always been the ruin of thofe who have been fo unhappy as to be deceived by it. Such an error as this ought to have lefs effect in Corfica than any other place, fince the heaviest charges are defrayed by the liberality of the king, and where no duty is impofed without the law, and where the laws are framed by the reprefentatives of the people. It has been our wish to enlighten the majority of the nation to whom we apply with confidence, in reminding them of the oath taken to his majefty and the country; and that oath does not promise a bare homage, but a perfect fubmiffion and obedience to the laws, and to the orders of the legitimate government, a deviation from which is not permitted to any true and loyal fubject of his majefty, under any pretence whatever. A benign compaffion, which inclines us in favour of those who have been deceived, and the affection we retain for a nation, in whofe profperity we are interested, has determined us to prefer admonition to every other measure, which, we flatter ourselves, will be fufficient to perfuade the Corticans to an entire fubmiffion to the laws, and obedience to the government. pledge ourselves to anfwer every juft demand; but we likewife declare, that we will never adhere to any measure produced by violence against the courfe of the laws; and that we will maintain the conftitutional rights of the king and his government, in Corfica, with dignity, and unalterable firmnefs, as We well as the exercife of the preroga tive accorded by the conftitution itself. Note Done at Bastia, Aug. 7, 1795. of Mr. Drake the British Minifter, to the Genoefe Republic. THE underfigned, &c. thinks it his duty to expofe to the moft ferene government the following circumftances: The report having been circulated and credited, that on the 6th inft. two French privateers endeavoured to fail from this port, without having previously given the fecurities ftipulated in the 6th article of the edict of neutrality, long ago published by the moft ferene go. vernment, and the most strict execution of which was promised in the face of Europe; an edict which, among other claufes, exprefsly ftates, that no veffel fhall be molefted until 24 hours after her failings: That the officer commanding the battery of the Mole, endeavouring, conformably to the express orders he had received from the moft fereue government, to prevent the privateers from failing, and thus obviate the manifeft and infulting infraction of the formal laws of the country, ordered a gun to be fired without ball; but this measure having had no effect, that the officer, refpecting his duty and the exprefs orders of the moft ferene government on fuch occafions, fired with ball, and by this means obliged the privateer to fubmit to the laws of the Port: That, in confequence of this event, an agent of the convention having taken on him to make the ftrongest complaints againft the conduct of the com manding manding officer, as if his exactnefs in doing his duty could be confidered a crime; and having added to his complaints the most infulting threats to an independent power, threats which become the mere infulting because it is impoffible for him to realize them and that, laftly, the moft ferene government, deliberating on these occurences, has not only thought proper to allow itfelf to be intimidated by its menaces, but has even made apologies to this agent of the convention; has imprifoned the commanding officer of the port, and the gunners who fired on the privateers, whofe conduct is not withstanding juftified by the pofitive orders of the moft ferene government to cause the neutrality to be refpected: The underfigned, &c. informed of all thefe particulars, could in the first inftance view them in no other light than as calumnious reports, circulated by malevolence and the enemies of the most ferene government, not being able to perfuade himself that it could deviate in a way fo open and fo infulting to the formal laws of its neutrality. But thefe reports acquiring daily more and more confiftency, the underfigned thinks it his abfolute duty to pray the most ferene go vernment to give him by an explicit reply, a knowledge of the degree of credit thete reports may deferve; for it is of much confeqence to his court, as well as to all Europe, to know what reliance can be placed on the proteftations fo frequently and folemnly repeated by the moft ferene government, that the law of the neutrality of this port fhould be refpected. The underfigned profits by this THE under-written fecretary of the moft ferene republic of Genoa has the honour to answer to the note of Mr. Francis Drake, minifter plenipotentiary for his Britannic majefty, dated the 10th inftant, that fince many days it is notorious, that on the 8th inftant the New Mole fired with grape thot at the French privateer Sibilla, which had failed from this port without the bill of clearance, though it was ftrictly ordered to the officer commanding that poft to enforce the execution of the edict of neutrality communicated to all the foreign minifters and confuls at Genoa. However, he was not permitted to fire with grape fhot, which was never ufed on any occafion, and was not prescribed by the regulations and instructions given to the commandant of the battery. The government, on its being informed of this accident, even before the French minifter had brought any complaint (which related only to the quality of the fhot, and not to the fact itfelf), was effected with that furprife which it would have felt had it been the cafe of any other flag, and caufed the gunner, as well as the officer, to be arrested, in order that a trial might be inftituted according to the law, and the French minifter was then made acquainted with it. Such a conduct, by which the government is affured to have acted in conformity with the fyftem of neutrality, and with the edict by which the mode of its execution is preferibed, could not be interpreted in an unfavourable manner, but by fome illdifpofed perfons, and by them infidioufly expofed to the British Minifter, in order to determine him to bring a complaint The republic therefore has not altered in the leaft its conduct, nor has it in the leaft deviated on this occafion from that regularity which is the leading character of juftice. The republic therefore help remarking its furprise, in obferving, by the note of the British minifter, that (independent of the inftructions received from his court upon the new point, which confitutes the fubitance of the faid note) he has thought proper to infift upon an explicit anfwer, even in regard to the quality and obfervance of the neutrality of Genoa. cannot The adoption of the diplomatic meafure (the importance of which cannot but be too well known to the British minifter) in respect to a free government, which never ceases to conform its operations to the ftricteft impartiality, cannot reasonably flake the firmnefs by which it is directed. But as the unfavourable colour of the tranfaction, which involves the neutrality of the republic, muft yield to the truth of the fact, the faid government refts affured, that it will not in future make any fuch unfavourable and injurious impreffions on the mind of the British minifter, as was expreffed by him: in terms that the king his fovereign, who refpects the dignity of others in his own, would not permit to be inferted in the note presented by his minifter. Treaty between America and Algiers. Treaty of Peace and Amity, concluded this prefent Day, Lima Artafi, the Twenty-firft of the Safer Year of the Hegira, 1210, correfponding with Saturday, the 5th of September, 1795, between Hatlan Bathaw, Dey of Algiers, his Divan and Subjects, and George Washington, Prefident of the United States of North America, and the Citizens of the faid United States. Art. 1. FROM the date of the prefent treaty there fhall fubfift a firm and fincere peace and amity between the prefident and citizens of the United States of North America, and Haffan Bafhaw, dey of Algiers, his divan and fub. jects; the veffels and fubjects of both nations reciprocally treating each other with civility, honour, and refpe&t. 2. All veffels belonging to the citizens of the United States of North America fhall be permitted to enter the different ports of the regency, to trade with our subjects, or any other perfons refiding within our jurifdiction, on paying the ufual duties at our cuftom-houfe that are paid by all nations at peace with this regency; obferving, that all goods difembarked, and not fold here, thall be permitted to be reembarked, without paying any duty whatever, either for difembarking or embarking. All naval and |