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give it its primitive impulfe, to put all its parts in motion, to correct the vices which had crept into the adminiftration of public affairs, is the work of peace. Religious worthip must be re-eftablished, the hydra of anarchy detroyed, the regal authority be reftored to all its rights, before we can execute our intentions of oppofing abuses of all kinds with invincible firmnels; of feeking them with diligence, and of profcribing them with decifion.

The implacable tyrants who hold you in fubjection alone retard that happy moment. They do not attempt to deny that the time of illufion is paft; and that you feel all the weight of their ignorance, their crimes, and their depredations. But thofe fraudulent promifes, of which you are no longer the dupes, are fucceeded by the dread of punishment, which they alone have deserved. After having robbed you of your property, they reprefent us to you as an enraged avenger, who means to deprive you of life, the only good that you now have left. Difmayed by the reproaches of their confcience, they with to make you partake of their fate, that they may profit by your defpair; they endeavour to infpire you with falfe alarms, that they may be able to quiet their own apprehenfions. But, know the heart of your fovereign, and leave to him the task of preferving you from the machinations of your enemies.

We fhall not only forbear to magnify errors into crimes, but crimes themselves which have originated in error we fhall be ever ready to pardon. All Frenchmen who, abjuring pernicious opinions, fhall throw themfelves at the feet

of the throne, will be received: All Frenchmen, who have only become criminal in confequence of being milled, far from finding in us an inflexible judge, will dif cover a compaflionate father, Those who, in the midst of revolt, have preferved their fidelity; thofe who by an heroic facrifice have become the companions of our exile and our affociates in misfortune; thofe who have already fhaken off the bondage of illufion, and the yoke of revolt; those who, being fill retained by a cruel perfeverance, fhall haften to return to reafon and to duty, fhall all be treated as our children. If one part of thefe have preferved their character and their rights by unfhaken fidelity, the other part have recovered them by a falutary repentance; and they fhall all thare in our affection. We are Frenchmen

a title, which the crimes of a few individuals can no more degrade, than the enormities of the duke of Orleans can pollute the blood of Henry the Fourth. This title, which was ever dear to us, will alfo render us dear to those who bear it. We pity thofe men who are fill retained in the paths of error, from weakness of mind, or by the arts of feduction; we water with our tears the athes of those brave mea who have fallen victims to their fidelity; we lament the fate of thofe who have perished in fupport of rebellion and schism, and whole restoration to the bofom of the church and the monarchy would have given us the most pleafing fatisfaction.-The evils which you experience conftitute our only futfering; and to cure thofe evils is the only felicity which we can henceforth hope to enjoy.


The exceffes of which the people have been guilty, are certainly dreadful; but we cannot forget that feduction and violence have had greater influence over them than opinion and inclination; and we know, that even while they favoured the revolutionary fchemes, their hearts remained faithful, and fecretly difavowed the conduct which terror directed. That people, alternately deceived and fubdued, but always more deferving of pity than of cenfure; that people, who have been fufficiently, nay too feverely punished by fix years of flavery and oppreffion; by that multitude of calamities which they have drawn down upon their own heads; that people, who were always dearly beloved by the kings our predeceffors, will make us amends for the cruel torments we have fuffered, by affording us an opportunity of loading them with our benefactions.

Who would have ventured to believe, that perfidy and rebellion could ever have infected that army which was the fupport of the throne, and at all times devoted to honour and to their fovereign? Their fucceffes have proyed, that courage is never to be extinguished in the heart of a Frenchman. But how many tears ought you to fhed over thofe fatal fucceffes! They have been the principle of the general oppreffion; they have conftituted the fupport, and increafed the audacity of your execrable tyrants; they are the inftruments employed by the hand of God for the chaftifement of France. What foldier is there, who will not, when he returns to his home, find the ftill bloody traces of thofe calamities which his victories have occa

fioned? But the French army cannot long remain the enemy of its king. Since it has preferved its ancient valour, it will refume its primitive virtues; fince honour is not extinguished in its, bofom, it will follow her dictates; it will liften to her voice. Soon, we doubt not, the cry of Vive le roi will replace the clamours of fedition; foon will the army return, fubmiffive and faithful, to re-eftablish our throne; to expiate at our fect even its own glory; and to read in our looks oblivion of patt errors, and pardon of part crimes.

We might let juftice take her courfe against the criminal authors of the people's errors, against the chiefs and inftigators of the revolt; and perhaps we ought fo to do; though how could we palliate the irreparable injury which they have done to France? But thofe whom Divine juftice has not yet overtaken, we will leave to their own confcience; that will be punithment enough. May they, overpowered by this excefs of indulgence, and remaining fubmiflively attached to their duty, juflify us in our own mind for the unexpected pardon which we thall have granted them!

But there are crimes (why can they not be effaced from our recollection, and from the memory of man!)—there are crimes, the atrocity of which exceeds the bounds of royal clemency. In that horrid fitting, in which fubjects had the audacity to bring their king to trial, all the members who fat as judges were accomplices in the crime.But we are ftill willing to believe, that those whofe votes were calculated to fave his facred head from the parricidal axe, were only in

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duced to mix with his affaffins by their defire to preferve his life; and that motive may fuffice to enfure their pardon But thofe mifcreants, whofe facrilegious tongues dared to pronounce the fatal fentence, all those who co-operated in and were the direct and immediate inftruments of his death; the members of that tribunal of blood, which, after having given the capital the fignal, and fet it the example of judicial matfacres, crowned their atrocious deeds by fending their queen to the fcaffold; a queen ftill more exalted in her prifon than upon her throne; a princefs, whom heaven had formed to be the finished model of every virtue! all these monfters, whom pofterity will never name without horror, are devoted by the general with of the French to the punishment which their crimes deferve.

That fentiment which leads us to confine the vengeance of the Jaw within fuch naлrow bounds, is a certain pledge to you that we will never tolerate any acts of private revenge. Therefore, difmifs every apprehenfion which the idea of being expofed to fuch revenge may have excited.

The faithful princes of our houfe have the fame principles, the fame affections, and the fame views with ourfelf: : you are as dear to them as to us: like us, they are only anxious to fee the end of your fufferings. The only object of their labours, as well as of ours, is your deliverauce; and if, in thefe days of mourning and of crimes, Providence thould have doomed us to perith fucceffively by rebellious hands, you would fee the fceptre pafs from one to the other, without perceiving the finalleft altera

tion in the exercise of the reyal authority.

Thofe Frenchmen who have remained among their countrymen to fet them an example of unfhaken fidelity, will only pity those who have not had the refolution to imitate their conduct; and that unchangeable virtue which they have oppofed to the torrent of corrup tion, will not be debafed by criminal animofity. Thofe minifters of a God of peace who have only fled from the violence of perfecution to preferve your religious faith, filled with the zeal that enlightens, with the charity that forgives, will teach, as well by their practice as their precepts, oblivion of injuries and the love of their enemies.Could you poffibly fear that they would tarnith the in:ortal fplendour which their generous conduct, and the blood of fo many martyrs, have reflected on the Gallican church? Our magiftrates, who have ever been diftinguished for their integrity in the adminiftration of justice, will fet an example of obedience to the laws, whofe minifters they are. Inacceffible to the paffions which it is their duty to reprefs, they will, by a due exertion of impartial firmnefs, give effect to thofe fentiments with which clemency infpires us. The nobility, who have only left their country the better to defend it; who have only drawn their fwords in the firm perfuafion that they were fighting for France, and not agaiuft it; who offer you affiftance even at the time when duty compels them to fight you; who oppofe to the attacks of calumny their firmnefs in adverfity, intrepidity in battle, humanity in the moment of victory, and their invincible attachment to the prin

ciples of honour-thofe nobles, against whom every effort is made to excite your hatred, will not forget that they are deftined to enlighten, to affift, to fupport the people; they will place their glory in their magnanimity; they will ennoble the numerous facrifices they have made by the facrifice of their resentment; and that clafs of emigrants who are their inferiors in birth, though their equals in virtue; thofe worthy Frenchmen, whofe fidelity is the more deferving of praife from the additional temptations they had to refift, would, if it were neceffary, offer themselves to you as pledges for the fincerity of those generous fentiments which they have fo often witneffed. Who would dare to inflict vengeance when the king forgives? But the mercy which will fignalize the first days of our reign, will be invariably united with firmnefs: that love of our fubjects which leads us to be indulgent, teaches to be juft. We fhall forgive, without regret, thofe men, criminal as they are, who have led the people aftray; but we fhall treat with inexorable rigour all those who may hereafter endeavour to feduce them from their duty. We will open our arms to thofe rebeis who may be induced by repentance to return to us; but if any of them fhould perfift in rebellion, they will find that our indulgence will ftop at the limits which juftice prefcribes, and that force will reduce those whom kindness has proved inadequate to attach.

That throne, which the revolution has twice deprived of its lawful fovereign, is not to me an object of ambition or enjoyment!

Alas! ftill fmoaking with the blood of our family, and encompaffed with ruins, it can promife us nothing but forrowful recollections, labours, and pains. But Providence orders us to afcend it; and it is our duty to obey. We are called thither by our rights, and we know how to defend them. We may there be able to promote the happiness of France, and that motive gives us courage to proceed. If we fhould be reduced to the neceffity of conquering our country, confiding in the juftice of our cause, and in the zeal of true Frenchmen, we will advance to the conqueft with indefatigable perfeverance, and with undaunted courage; we will advance to the conqueft, fhould it be neceffary, through the cohorts of rebels, and the poniards of atfaffins. The God of St. Louis, that God whom we call to witness the purity of our intentions, will be our guide and our support.

But no-we fhall not be reduced to the neceflity of ufing arms against deluded fubjects. No; to themfelves alone, to their regret, to their love, thall we be indebted for the re-establishment of our throne; and. the mercy of heaven, moved by their tears, will make religion once more flourish in the empire of the moft chriftian kings.

This pleafing hope revives our heart. Misfortune has removed the veil which was placed before your eyes; the harth leffons of experience have taught you to regret the advantages which you have loft. Already do the fentiments of religion, which fhew themfelves with eclat in all the provinces of the kingdom, prefent to our fight the image of the glorious ages of the church!

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already does the impulfe of your hearts, which brings you back to your king, declare that you feel the want of being governed by a father.

But it is not enough to form barren withes; decifive refolutions must be adopted. It is not enough to groan beneath the yoke of your oppreffors; you must be affifted in fhaking it off. Show the world how the French, reftored to their fenfes, can obliterate faults, in the commiflion of which their hearts were not concerned; prove that as Henry the Great has tranfmitted to us with his blood his love of his people, fo are you also the defcendants of that people, one part of whom, always faithful to his caufe, fought to restore him to his throne; and the other part, abjuring a momentary error, bathed his feet with the tears of repentance. Remember that you are the grandfons of the conquerors of Ivry and Fontain Francaife.

And you, invincible heroes, whom God has appointed to restore the altar and the throne, and whofe miffion has been attefted by a multitude of prodigies: you whofe pure and triumphant hands have, in the heart of France, kept alive the torch of faith and honour's facred fire you who have been the conftant objects of our affection, and in whofe labours we have been inceffantly anxious to fhare; who were always our confolation and our hope; illuftrious catholic and royal arinies, worthy models for all Frenchmen to imitate, receive this teftimony of your fovereign's fatisfaction. Never will he forget your fervices, your courage, the integrity of your principles, and your unhaken fidelity,

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Edit, published at Hanover, Sept. 29.

GEORGE the Third, King of Great Britain and Ireland, Elector of Hanover, &c. &c.

Whereas the depots of the French emigrants, and other free corps which have ferved with our army, were only for a certain time, and until they could be removed to other parts of our German dominions; their longer ftay producing diforders, and becoming oppref five and burthenfome to our fubjects; and, moreover, having already caufed it to be declared, that we acquiefce in the treaty of peace, concluded on the 5th of April between his Pruffian majetty and France, and especially in the additional convention of the faid treaty; we do hereby enact and will, that all and every emigrant, as well as other foreign corps, thall be immediately embarked and removed from our German dominions, and no fuch corps, under any form whatever, fhall any longer be suffered there. We notify this our pleasure to all our fubjects, and enjoin all our civil officers, magiftrates, &c. in all our German dominions, not to allow any fuch corps or troops, after the embarkation, which is immediately to be effected, to remain in the country, and ftill less to permit any depot, detachment, or divifion of the corps embarked, to be left behind, nor to fuffer any transports of recruits for the fame


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