4. With respect to th p ffing of any troops whatever ough his ftates, the Landgrave fhall conform himself to the difpofitions ftipulated in the convention, con-, cluded at Bafle, on the 17th of May, 1795, between the French, republic and the king of Pruffia. 5. The French republic will continue to occupy the fortrefs of Rheinfelds. The town of St. Goor, and the part of the county of Kat-, zenellenbegen, fituated on the left bank of the Rhine; the definitive arrangements with refpect to thefe countries remain fufpended, until a general pacification between the French republic, and the parts of Germany, which are yet at war with the republic. 6. All commercial communications and relations fhall be reeftablished between France and the ftates of the Landgrave of Heffe Caffel, on the footing on which they were previous to the war. 7. Both the refpective governments, and the individuals of the two nations, fhall grant to each other a restoration of all goods or property of any kind whatever, detained, feized, or confifcated, on account of the war which has taken place between France and Heffe Caffel, as alfo fpeedy juftice, with respect to debts exifting in the ftates of the respective contracting parties. 8. All the prifoners made refpectively unce the beginning of the war, without confideration of the number or rank, fhall be delivered up to each other within two months, at the latest, after the exchange of the ratifications of the prefent treaty, without any reclamation of expences; paying, how ever, any debts of the privates, which might have been contracted during their captivity. The fame thall be obferved with refpect to the fick and wounded, iminediately after their recovery. Commiffioners fhall be appointed, on both parts, to proceed to the execution of this article: the dif pofitions of which fhall be applied to the Heffian troops in the fervice of England, and who have been made prifoners of war. 9. The prefent treaty to have no effect until it is ratified by the contracting parties, and the ratifications to be exchanged in this town of Bafle, within a month from this day, or fooner if pol fible. We, the underfigned plenipo tentiaries of the French republic, and of his most ferene highness the Landgrave of Heffe Caffel, in virtue of our respective powers, have figned this prefent treaty of peace, and have fealed it with our refpective feals. Done at Bafle, the eleventh of the month Fructidor, of the third republican year, and the 28th of August, 1795. (Signed) FRANCIS BARTHELEMI, FREDERIC SIGISMOND, Baron of Wantz d'Efchen. be executed according to their form and tenor. 2. The decrees of the national convention of 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 11, 19, and 23 of March, which annexed to the French territory Hainault, Tournaifis, the country of Namur, and the majority of the communes of Flanders and Brabant, thall be in like manner executed. 3. The national convention accepts the withes exprefied in 1793, by the communes of Ypres Grammont, and other communes of Flanders, of Brabant, and that part of Auftrian Gueldres not comprifed in the faid decrees, for their union with the French territory. 4. All the other countries, on this fide the Rhine, which were, before the prefent war, under the dominion of Auftria, and thofe which have been referved to the French republic by the treaty concluded at the Hague, the 27th of laft Floreal, between their plenipotentiaries, and thofe of the republic of the United Provinces, to which none of the difpofitions of the prefent decree attach, fhall be allo united to the French territory. 5. The inhabitants of the countries of Liege, Stavelot, Logue, Malinidy, and thofe of the communes of Belgium, comprifed in articles two and three of this decree, thall enjoy from the prefent moment all the rights of French citizens, provided they poffefs in other refpects the qualifications required by the conftitution. 6. With refpect to the communes comprifed in the fourth article, the inhabitants fhall enjoy, until it thall be otherwife provided, all the rights guaranteed by the conftitution to itrangers who re fide in France, or poifefs property there. 7. The countries, mentioned in the first four articles of the prefent decree, fhall be divided into nine departments, viz. the Dyle (Bruffels, chief place); the Scheldt, (Ghent, chief place); Gemappes, (Mons, chief place); Des Forets, (Luxembourg, chief place); the Sambre and Meule, (Namur, chief place); De Lourthe, (Leige, chief place); La Meufe Inferieure, (Maeftricht, chief place); Des DeuxNettes, (Antwerp, chief place); La Lys, (Bruges, chief place). 8. The reprefentatives of the people fent to Belgium, are charged with fixing the different boundaries of thefe departments, and to divide them into cantons like other parts of the republic. 9. They thall nominate provifionally the functionaries who thall compofe the administrations of the departments, thofe of the cantons. and the tribunals of the countries of Limbourg, Luxembourg, Maeftricht, Venloo, and their dependencies, with Dutch Flanders. 10. The legislative body fhall determine the number of reprefentatives of the people each of the departments formed, according to article 7, thall nominate, conformably to the conftitution, at the epoch of its renewal, which fhall take place the fifth year of the republic. The reprefentatives of the people, fent to Belgium, thall take care that the extraordinary contributions levied on thefe countries, and forming their contingent of the expences of the war of liberty, be levied and paid. 12. The cuftom-houfes now exifting, ifting, whether between France and the countries mentioned in the first four articles of the prefent decree, or between the different parts of the fame countries, fhall be fuppreffed. Thofe which are eftablished between these fame countries, the United Provinces, and the countries not annexed between the Meufe and the Rhine, fhall remain as before. by their decrees of the 11th Vendemaire, granted to fome fections four days to terminate their elections. It even promifed to the agitators pardon for their difobedience to laws previously proclaimed-they defpifed its clemencythey provoked its juftice. time granted them for repentance, they employed to fill up the meafure of their crimes. On the day of the 12th, they were inceffantly engaged in publishing horrible proclamations. They loudly called for The Proclamation to the French People, civil war-they took up arms in October 7. Frenchmen, ONE of the most extenfive confpiracies to be recorded in the annals of the French revolution was on the point of breaking out. For a long time the royalifts had been arranging their plot: incendiary libels, corrupt manœuvres, all the means of stock-jobbing, and artificial fcarcity, had been employed. They hoped to fubdue the defenders of the national convention, and of the country. Not content with fowing amongst the citizens the feeds of war, they attempted to introduce divifion among the reprefentatives of the people. They chofe the period of the primary affemblies for the accomplithment of their purpose. The nation already know how far they had ufurped the rights, how far they had tried the patience of the people and their reprefentatives. They could not, however, fucceed in wearying them out. The national convention, calumniated, torn in pieces, profcribed by fome fections; fuperior to perfonal outrages, but too indulgent, perhaps, to crimes directed against the rights of all, order to carry it on, and even fixed the hour at which they intended to commence it. Summoned to lay down their arms and to obey the laws, they refified. A central commiflion was established under their bayonets, and, as if infatuation had feized the wretches, they thought themselves fafficiently trong to bring forward, for their electorate, and for the prefidency of their com miflion, one of the most audacious writers in favour of royalty. They created an army, named generals, and prepared to renew the dreadful day of the 31st of May. paricidal bands were feen to approach in fix different fections. Some atrocious intriguers, as on the 2d of June, were employed to deceive a credulous multitude. They marched almost 30,000 ftrong Their they came from all quarters to furr und the reprefentatives of the people at the place of their fittings. A hope was yet cherithed, that they would ftop on the brink of the precipice. The defenders of the convention had exprefs orders, to difregard all commotions, and by all means to avoid, at whatever price, any effufion of the blood.of the citizens; but perfidious fo reigners, with their worthlefs accomplices, were defirous to complete their, crimes. They commenced with the basest treason. The perfidious troops approached, they lowered their mufkets, lifted their hats, prefented the colours of their battallion, and uttered expreffions of fraternity; and at the moment, when the chief of the fection was proceeding to embrace the commandant of the poft of the infurgents, made two discharges of mufketry on the foldiers of liberty, and killed twenty-three warriors. An engagement immediately took place in feveral quarters. reigners and ferocious emigrants, rors, they brought forward the charge, that we were defirous to reftore the fcaffolds of terror. No, never, never thall the dreadful government of Robespierre again weigh down our country.. Who could have more intereft to oppose its reftoration than we, who ourfelves were fo long its victims, and who at laft were its conquerors? But it is time that a falutary fear fhould take poffeffion of the hearts of the ruffians who had dug under our feet the tomb of the republic,' and who were preparing the deftruction of all the friends of liberty perfecuted under different pretexts.. They fhall be punished-thofe who adopt their projects fhall be repreffed. Notwithstanding their efforts, we will here maintain the fecurity of perfons and property; we will once more refcue this great commune from the confequences of its own fury, and we will compel the enemies of its peace to acknowledge, that between all parts of the republic the moft perfect equality ought to reign. Frenchmen! Between the conquerors of Fleurus, of the 14th of July, and of the 10th of Auguft, on one fide, and the fatellites of Louis XVIII. on the other, the engagement could not be long; and the avenging cannon, whofe noife ftill vibrates, will teach the brother of the laft of our tyrants, ftationed near the Abbey of Bourgneuf, that he in vain expects any effects from thofe movements fo long prepared, and that the only paffage, which, in his vain hope, he faw open to the gates of the convention, is now fhut for ever. Frenchmen, the national convention has been contending for that conftitution, which hypocrites embraced, only in order to deftroy it; and, as there is no calumny fo abfurd, which the fury of the fections does not attempt to propagate, they accused us of withing to continue in our functions at the moment when we were within ten days of the period of the convocation of the legislative body.-While we were proclaiming the pardon of injuries, and the oblivion of er 3 Frenchmen! the national convention will preferve for you the precious depofit of your new laws; it is watching over your deareft in-. terefts; it recommends to you oblivion of animofities, but vigilance with refpect to the malevolent; it invites you to tranquillity and union. lishing the national credit, and there is reafon to hope, that by means of the refources now at the difpofal of the government, we approach to the end of our evils. The executive directory will employ all its efforts to fecond, them, and give them efficacy. Abufes fhall be extirpated; the moft rigid reform fhall be made in every part of the adminiftration; the conftitution fhall be maintained with firmness; the enemy thall be purfued without ceafing; anarchy fhall be crushed, and all factions fhall be deftro, ed with equal vigour. Patriotic agents, of probity and information, thall in all parts of the republic actively execute the laws and the measures of government; and, if in the multitude, which the executive directory has at once been obliged to choose, it has named intriguers or evil-difpofed perfons, it will be anxious to reform its errors when they have been demonftrated by experience. It is with this vigilance that the ftate will be enabled to fupply all its wants; that the price of goods will be brought within the power of the confumer; that we thall be enabled to provide every thing neceffary for thofe brave armies, who have thewn an heroic perfeverance in the midst of the most preffing wants, and have invariably forgot their own fufferings in their anxiety for the fafety and glory of the republic. We find it our duty, however, to advise you, that expiring royalty and ftock-jobbing unite all their efforts against a plan, of which the fuccefs will be their ruin: we are afured, that England has poured in her treasures to raise the price of money; that the ftock-jobbers have made great facrifices to attain that end, and to prevent the fuccefs of the meafures about to be adopted by the legislative body; but it is eafy to perceive that this undue lowering of the affignats, if it takes place, can only prolong itself till the term of the first payment of the forced loan; for then the guineas of England, already exhaufted, will fail in oppofing the genius of liberty; and the ruin of thofe atrocious men, whose avarice devours us, will be the confequence of their own manœuvres. Frenchmen inftructed by fix years of revolution, you will not abandon to avarice the fruit that you ought to gather yourselves! you fhall not be reduced by the tricks of ftock-jobbing, which, to lower the public credit, and to raise the price of goods on which it fpeculates, one time makes an infidious fale of money, and another circulates the most alarming news by the mouths of the false, and by the perfidious journals; one time it is reported, that the executive directory refufes all propofitions of peace, when, on the contrary, it is the object of all its wishes, and that our enemies only keep peace at a distance, in the chimerical hope of deftroying France, and reducing it to the fate of Poland. A generous indignation against fo many bafe and criminal projects will redouble your energy and your courage: all of you should unite yourselves to give fuccefs to the measures which can alone fecure to the indigent his bread, and to the opulent his life and fortune. As for us who, always guided by the defire of faving the republic, |