H́nh ảnh trang

and attachment before the Princes's apartments, in Cleveland-row, her royal highnefs, in a voice replete with melody, and delicacy of tone, thus addreffed them from her palace window :

"Believe me, I feel very happy "and delighted to fee the GOOD and brave English people-the " beft nation upon earth."

The Prince afterwards addreffed the populace in a very engaging manner, and received the tribute of no venal applaufe.

This evening the folemnity
of the mariage of his royal
highness the Prince of Wales, with
her highness the Princefs Caroline
of Brunswick, was performed in the
chapel royal by the Archbishop of
Canterbury. The proceffions, to
and from the chapel, were in the
following order.

The Proceffion of the BRIDE.
Drums and Trumpets.
Kettle Drums.

Serjeant Trumpeter.
Mafter of the Ceremonies.

Bride's Gentleman Ufher between the

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In her Nuptial Habit, with a Coronet,
led by His Royal Highness the
Duke of Clarence,

her Train borne by four unmarried
Daughters of Dukes and Earls, viz.
Lady Mary Of Lady Caroline Vil-
Lady Charlotte Lady Charlotte
And her Highness was attended by the

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His Royal Highnets the Duke of
His Royal Highnets the Duke of York.

Vice Chamberlain of the Household,
Sword of State, borne by the Duke of


Ladies of her Houfehold. On entering the Chapel her Highness was conducted to the feat prepared for her, near her Majetty's Chair of State. The Mafter of the Ceremonies, with the Gentleman Uther, retired to the places In the Collar of the Order of the Garter. alligned them.

Lord Chamberlain of the Household.


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Princess Sophia,

Princefs Amelia,

The King was attended by the Great Officers, in the fame manner in which his Majefty went to the Princeffes in the order before menChapel; and her Majefty and the tioned.

The Proceffion, at the return, filed off in the Privy Chamber.. Their Majefties, the Bridegroom and Bride, with the reft of the Royal Family, and the Great Officers, proceeded into the Levee Chamber, where the registry of the Marriage was attefted with the ufual formalities, after which the Proceffion continued into the leffer

Her Royal Highness the Duchefs of Drawing Room: and their Majef


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ties with the Bridegroom and Bride, and the reft of the Royal Family, paffed into the Great Council Chamber; where the Great Officers, Nobility, Foreign Minifters, and other perfons of diftinction, paid their compliments on the oc


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9th. table meeting of the Roman At a numerous and refpeccatholics of the city of Dublin Mr. Byrne, Mr. Keogh, and Baron Huffey reported, that they had fics to his Majefty, which petition prefented the petition of the cathohe was pleafed to receive very gra ciously; and that they were informed by his Majefty's minifters, that his Majesty's fpeech on the fubject of the catholic claims was communicated to the lord lieutenant, through whom it might be known; but that the deputation, in confequence of their infructions did not confider them

felves at liberty to make any farther application. The thanks of


the meeting were then voted to the hering to the king's enemies; to

deputies; after which Dr. Ryan rofe, and obferved, that the refoIntions juft paffed, went to the eftablishment of union in this Country: and he had now two other refolutions to fubmit, which went to deprecate every idea of union with any other country. Af ter a handfome compliment to the gentlemen of the college, and a vindication of the catholics from intolerant or oppreffive principles, Le concluded by moving two refolutions to the following effect. Refolved, that it is the opinion of this affembly, that an union with Great Britain would be ruinous to the liberties, independence, and profperity of Ireland, and that raher than accede to fuch a measure, we would refift even our own mancipation, if it was to be profed as the price of fuch a meafure. Refolved, that though we have made this declaration in vindication t our principles, we do not appreLend that any minifter would ritk a propofition to which no fet of men are warranted to give effect by farrendering the rights of the people. Thefe refolutions were carred unanimoufly, with the loudeft

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fubftantiate which, there were fourteen overt acts laid in the indictment. The trial continued till twelve o'clock at night, when lord Clonmell charged the jury, who retired at three quarters after three, and at half after four brought in their verdict, guilty; but recommended him to mercy. The chief juftice enquired of the jury, if they had any doubts on their minds that led them to fuch recommendation, and aldermen Exfhaw answered immediately, No, my Lord." The judges Clonmel, Boyd, and Chamberlain, confulted for a few minutes; and the chief juftice obferved to the jury, "Gentlemen, you have acquitted yourfelves with honour and confcientious regard for juftice; you have done your duty, and we will do ours. It is more than a century fince this land has been curfed with fuch a crime, and we truft your verdict will operate in preventing a repetition of it. Your recommendation fhall be laid before government."

This day the Peers ac25th. quitted Warren Haftings, efq. [bor a lift of the votes, fe the Appendix to the Chronicle.]


The fecond reading of the catholic bill came on in the Irith houfe of commons. The debate was opened by the folicitor general, who moved the bill should be rejected. This motion was feconded by lord Kingborough; and on the fame fide were Meirs. Coote, Pelham, Wolfe, col. Blaquiere, Sir Edward Newenham, Meffrs. Cuffe, Ogle, Mafon, Sir J. Parnell, Mefirs. Barrington, Johnfon, and Fox, Dr. Duignan, and Mr. Latouche.-The bill was fupported by Sit Hercules Langrifhe, Mr. Fitzgerald, (not the C


prime ferjeant) Mr. Ruxton, Sir Laurence Parfons, Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Tighe, jun. Mr. Smith, Mr. Knox, Mr. Egan, Mr. O'Connor. Mr. Ofborne, Sir Thomas Ofborne, Col. Doyle, Mr. Hoare, Mr. C. Hutchinfon, Mr. Curran, Mr. G. Ponfonby, and Mr. Grattan. The debate began at five in the evening, and continued till eleven next morning, when the motion for rejecting the bill was put, and carried by a majority of 71; there being against the rejection 84, for it 155. This day at noon the rev. 30th. William Jackfon was brought up to the court of King's Bench, where a motion was made by his council in arreft of judgment. During the argument of the lawyers, the wretched prifoner was feized with violent emotions, fuch as the drawing up of his fhoulders, frothing at the mouth, &c. and shortly afterwards fell down and expired on the spot. It is more than probable that he took poifon in the morning; at least the circumftances attending his death bear ftrong fymptoms of fuch a defperate expedient having been had recourse to by him. When he came into court, he was uncommonly pale, and in a flate of perpiration.

Portsmouth. The trial of Capt. Anthony Pie Molloy began on board his majefty's fhip Glory, in Portmouth Harbour, on Tueiday, April


At eight o'clock in the morning the fignal-gun was fired for the court to affemble; and at nine it met, when all the witneffes on behalf of the profecution being ordered to attend, their names were 1over, after which the judge

read the order from the

lords of the admiralty for bringing Captain Molloy to trial, upon the charge of his not having brought up his fhip, and exerted himself to the utmost of his power, in the engagements which took place on the 29th of May and ift of June 1794; and for not crofling the enemy's line.

The following members were then chofen to conftitute the court, and fworn accordingly:

Admiral John Peyton, Prefident.


Vice-Admiral Sir Richard King, Vice-Admiral Charles Buckuer, Rear-Admiral John Colpoys.


Francis Parry, Chrift. Parker,
Powel Hamilton, Right Hon. Lord
Alex. Græme, Cha. Fitzgerald,
Andrew Mitchell, C. M. Pole,
Sir Eraf. Gower, Jas. Rich. Dacres.
Sir Roger Curtis conducted the

Mofes Greetham, efq. judge advo


Aaron Graham, efq. conducted the defence,"

Affifted by Mr. Fielding.

Sir Roger Curtis informed the court, that the admiral (ear! Howe) was very ill, and confined with the gout, fo that it was impoffible for him to attend as profecutor on the prefent occafion.

The court was cleared, in order that it might be determined whether it was proper that fir Roger Curtis fhould reprefent lord Howe on the trial; and the decifion of the court was in the affirmative.

The court then proceeded to the examination of witneffes.

On the 15th of May the courtmarthal finished; when the judgeadvocate read a paper, which ftated the purpose for which the court-martial was called, the cir


cunftances which caufed it, the names of the members, and the charges which they had to try. The first charge was, that captain Molloy, of his majefty's thip Caefar, did not on the 29th of May, 1794, crofs the enemy's line, in obedience to the fignal of the admiral-the fecond, that on the firft of June he had not used his utmoft endeavours to close with and defeat the


THE SENTENCE. The court having heard the evidence on the part of the profecution, and that on behalf of captain Molloy, and having duly weighed and confidered the fame, "Is of opinion, that the charges have been proved againft captain Anthony James Pye Molloy; but that, as it appears to the court that in the actions of the 29th of May, and the 1ft of June, as well as on many former occafions, his perfonal courage has been unimpeachable, they do adjudge him to be difmiffed from the command of his majefty's fhip Cæfar,"

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or admiral's cabin, and caught fomething combuftible, or from the funnel of the admiral's cabin having been on fire, and communicated to the deck.

The flames burst through the poop before the fire was difcovered. Fortunately, the greateft part of the powder had been fent on thore three days before, and, upon the firft alarm, the cock was turned upon the grand magazine. The fore and aft hanging magazines contained but little powder; the former exploded with very little effect.

When the fire broke out there

was a fresh breeze at S. W. and it being tide of ebb, the fhips were riding with their fterns to the wind. Within half an hour after the commencement of the fire, the tops and all the rigging were in a blaze.

About twelve the tide turned, and the pofition of the fhips became changed, but it was then too late to make any attempt, or even for boats to get near her. Previous to this, however, from the number of boats that went inftantly to their afliftance, it is hoped that moft of the crew were faved; though, from the rapidity of the flames, it is feared that fome of them must have perished.

All her guns were loaded, and as they became heated they went. off, the hot falling amongst the fhipping, and fome of them even reached the thore, but without, it is hoped, having done any damage. It was upwards of two hours from the firft difcharge till all the guns had gone off. About two her cables were hurnt, and the went adrift, the fire blazing through every port-hole. The fight, though at noon-day, was awfully graud. The fhips to leeward of her having

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