He During the whole courfe of the American war, he conftantly and zealously oppofed it; and he was duly fenfible, that to the increafing influence of the crown we might justly impute our too frequent wars. He exerted himself, however inefAcacioufly, in the caufe of parliamentary reform, as the moft likely means to correct it. His political views were truly patriotic; and his fpeeches in parliament, if they poffeffed not all the brilliancy of a complete orator, difplayed, which is perhaps better, in concife and nervous language, the fentiments of a juft, unbiaffed, and upright member of the commous-houfe of parliament. In effect, fo truly independent was his fpirit, that he difdained to accept, and pledged himself that he never would accept, any title, place, or penfion, which government had to bestow. loved his country, because it was a land of freedom; and, on all thofe great occafions in which Mr. Sawbridge thought the liberties of his country were interested, he took an active and fpirited part. Happily for him, his faculties gave way previously to the prefent difaftrous war; otherwife, it is moft probable, that he would, with the fame ardour, have oppofed it, in all its itages, as he heretofore did the unfortunate American war. Heaven in its mercy decreed, that he should be a ftranger to all its horrors; this valuable man having been, for the laft two years of his fublunary exiftence, loft to his country, his family, his friends and himself; his death, therefore, was a confummation devoutly to be withed. His remains were interred in the parith church of Wye, in the county of Kent, wherein is the family burying-place. At Philadelphia, Mr. John Penn, formerly governor of the province of Pennfylvania; the laft furviving male iffue of the founder of that colony. 3d. MARCH. This day a Common Hall was held at Guildhall, for the purpose of electing a reprefentative in Parliament, in the room of the late Mr. Alderman Sawbridge. Mr. Lufhington being propofed, a great fhew of hands appeared in his favour. Mr. Harvey Combe had likewife a refpectable fhew; but a poll being demanded, the fame immediately commenced. At the clofe of the poll on the 5th, the numbers were For Mr. Lufhington 2334 Mr. Combe 1560 The latter gentleman then declined the poll. 4th. One Richard Brothers, lately a lieutenant in the navy, having for fome time paft promulgated prophecies concerning the French Revolution, the destruction of London, &c. twifting the apocalypfe to whatever purpofes he pleafed, did not a little terrify the good people of London. The mott fingular circumftance attending this man was, the difciple he gained in the perfon of Mr. Halhed, a member of parliament, and not unknown in the Oriental world. This gentleman profefled himself a fincere and thorough convert, and wrote a pamphlet in defence of the divinity of Brothers's miffion. In confequence of the mifchievous tendencies of fome of his prophecies, Mr. Brothers was this morning morning, notwithstanding his divine mifion, taken up at his houfe by the King's Metlengers, Meirs. Rofs, Higgins, and affiftants. He received them with his ufual complaifance, and expreffed his knowledge of their commiffion. After fhewing their authority he submitted, without oppofition, to have all his papers feized. They then requested him to attend them to a coach, which was in waiting, and were cheerfully obeyed; but, on coming to the coach door, he refufed to enter it unless compelled by force. Brothers is a very trong and powerful man; but gave the meffengers no occafion to proceed to any extreme violence; for, on being pushed forward, he entered without putting them to the necelfity of ufing any harfhnefs whatever. They had, however, much more danger to apprehend from the fury of the multitude; but even that, with fome difficulty, they efcaped; and he was conducted fafely to the house of Mr. Rofs, the meifenger, in Crown-ftreet, Westminster. Brothers's arreft feems the more urgent, as, from the nature and object of his vifions, there is reafon to believe that he was become the tool of faction, employed to feduce the people, and to spread fears and alarms. Government has therefore very properly fecured the perfon of the Prophet, in order to prevent this Nephew of God [as he ftiles himfelf] from doing the work of the Devil. The warrant on which he was apprehended was grounded on the 15th of Elizabeth; and in which he flood charged with "unlawfully, maliciously, and wickedly writing, publishing, and printing various fantatucal prophecies, with in tent to caufe diffenfions and other difturbances within this realm, and other of the King's dominions, contrary to the ftatute." 14th. A young woman, fervant to a lady in Liverpool, was engaged to marry a failor on his arrival from the Weft Indies; whence however he never returned. Being there feized with the yellow fever, he died, leaving to her his cloaths, wages, watch, and about twelve guineas. The generous maid, learning that he had a mother, old and indigent, fent to her this legacy, praying, that this unexpected fupply might in fome measure contribute to fupport her under the lots of fo good a fon, trufting to her labour for her own fupport. This afternoon a fire 15th. broke out at Edinburgh, in the printing-houfe of Mr. Mundell. On the firit alarm, the magiftrates came out of the church, and gave their attendance, as alfo a party of Colonel Ferrier's regiment, the city guard, and town officers; and, by their mutual exertions, with the affiftance of the fire engines, it was speedily extinguished, though not without confiderable damage to the valuable stock of books. The premifes were covered by the Edinburgh Friendly infurance office. The body of a plain dreffed man was found dead in a field near Beaconsfield, Bucks, fuppofed to have lain there a week, and whofe dog remained with the corpfe: the dog would fcarcely permit any person to approach it; yet fo famished by hunger as to have eaten away all the upper part of the poor, man's face, fome of his neck and one of his fhoulders. in Palace-yard, Westminster, to afcertain the state of mind of Mr. Brothers, the pretended prophet; when the jury, after hearing the opinions of two phyficians appointed by the Privy Council to attend him, found him a lunatic, and gave their verdict accordingly. 4th. APRIL. Dublin. Tuesday evening laft, between feven and eight, as the lord chancellor was paling in his carriage through Dame-ftrect, on his return from the Caftle to Ely-place, a band of ruffians, who had been lying in wait at the end of George's-ftreet, affaulted his lordship with a fhower of ftones. one of which unfortunately ftruck him on the head, and wounded him over the left eye. His lordhip ordered his carriage to ftop; but the ruffians had inftantly disappeared, He then proceeded to his houfe, followed by a number of the most refpectable citizens. The feelings excited in every loyal breast, by the account of fo bafe an attempt, will be alleviated by the pleating intelligence of his lordship having received but a very flight wound. From the pofition in which he fat, the ftone ftruck him obliquely; it only hurt him as it glanced. His lordship, as his carriage approached George's-ftreet, obferved a welldreffed ruffian lurking about the corner of the street, whofe manner betrayed his purpose fo much as to fix his lordship's attention, till he actually faw him throw a ftone into the carria. This perfon, we hear, his lordfhip can identify, and the crime of which he has been guilty is an act of high treafon. The archbishop of Armagh was alfo infulted on returning home from the Cafile; and feveral ftones were thrown at his carriage, by which the glaffes and pannels of it were broken, but his grace received no perfonal injury. A mob ruthed down from the Liberty, at eight o'clock at night, difplaying green cockades, with mottos of " Liberty! Equality! and no Lord Lieutenant!" and, having divided into fets of about one hundred each, one party was fent to extinguish the Speaker. They accordingly attacked his houfe with ftones; but his trufty fervants turning out armed, and firing a blunderbufs at the affailants, the latter fled, having performed their bufinefs fo ineffectually as only to break his windows. Another party was fent to the New Cuftom-house, to extinguish Mr. John Claudius Beresford. They were, however, warmly received; for, after they had broken a number of the Cuftom-houfe windows, and threatened to break into his banking-houfe, he fired at them, and wounded three of them, upou which the reft precipitately retired. One of thofe wounded is a weaver, and now languishes in the Innfquay infirmary, without any profpect of recovery. The windows of alderman Warren were also broken; but the mob paffed with such rapidity through William-ftreet, that they efcaped the confequences of a refiftance which was prepared for them by the alderman. On the firft aflembling of the mob, alderman James and the High Sheriffs called out different parties of the military, with which they continued till midnight to patrole the city. To the exertions of thefe magiftrates the citizens are indebt ed jth. ed for the protection of their perfons and their property; wherever their prefence was neceffary, their appearance was almoft immediate: they apprehended feveral of the rioters, four of whom were yefterday committed to Newgate by Alderman Fleming. Alderman James, a fhort time after the attack had been made on the lord chancellor, feized one of the mob in College-green, who had a large ftone concealed under his coat: he is at prefent in Newgate, where we understand his lordship went yelterday to view him. His name is Denis O'Brien, a cadet fervant lately difcharged by Mr. Kemmis. This morning, between one and two o'clock, a very defperate attempt was made to refcue Iidwell Ifdwell, a Jew, who flood charge, with fome others, with being concerned in a late forgery of stamps, and who, in a feuffle, loft his life in the following manner: Ifdwell, who was confined in New Prifon, Clerkenwell, perfuaded two of the turnkeys, that an aunt of his, who was very rich, then lay at the point of death, and that he had been informed, that, could the fee him before the died, he would give him a thousand pounds; and therefore, if they would let him out and accompany him to the place, he would give them fifty guineas each for their trouble: and that the matter might be effected without the knowledge of the keeper of the prifon, or any other perfon, they having the keys of it at night, and the time required being very short. To this propofal the turnkeys agreed; and accordingly, about one o'clock in the morning, the gates were opened, and Ifdwell, with his irons on, was conducted in a hackney coach by one of them, armed with a blunderbufs, to the place directed, which was in Artillery-lane, Bifhopfgate-ftreet, where they gained immediate admittance on ringing a bell; and, on enquiring for the fick lady, were ufhered up one pair of ftairs. Ifdwell went into the room firft, on which feveral fellows ruthed forth and attempted to keep the turnkey out; but not fucceeding in that refpect, they put the candles out, wrefted the blunderbufs out of his hands, and difcharged it at him. At this inftant, it was fuppofed, Ifdwell was endeavouring to make his escape out of the door, as he received the principal part of the contents of the blunderbufs in his back, and fell dead; the turnkey alfo fell, one of the flugs having grazed the upper part of his head; and the villains, by fome means finding their mistake, though in the dark, beat him in fo fhocking a manner with the butt end of the blunderbufs, while he lay on the ground, as to break it to pieces, fracture his kull in two places, and bruise him dreadfully about the body. The noife which the affair occafioned, brought a number of watchmen and patroles to the houfe, who fecured ten perfons therein, moftly Jews. There is eve reafon to fuppofe that they would have completely murdered the turnkey, had not timely affittance been afforded. The Princess of Wales, accompanied by Mrs. Harcourt, Lord Malmesbury, and Commodore Payne, difembarked from the Jupiter, and went on board one of the Royal yachts: and a few minutes after twelve o'clock landed at Greenwich Greenwich hofpital. The Princefs was received on her landing by Sir Hugh Pallifer, the governor, and other officers, who conducted her to the governor's houfe, where the took tea and coffee. Lady Jersey did not arrive at the governor's till an hour after the Princess had landed; and foon after, they both retired into an adjoining room, and the drefs of the Princefs was changed, from a muflin gown and blue fatin petticoat, with a black beaver hat and blue and black feathers, for a white fatin gown, and very elegant turban cap cf fatin, trimmed with crape, and ornamented with white feathers, which were brought from town by Lady Jerfey. It is impoffible to conceive the buftle occafioned at Greenwich by the Princefs's arrival. The congregation at the Hofpital chapel left it, before the fervice was half over; and even the pulpit was forfaken for a fight of her highness. The acclamations of the people were unbounded. A little after two o'clock, her royal highnefs left the governor's houfe, and got into one of the king's coaches, drawn by fix horses. In this coach were alfo Mrs. Harcourt and Lady Jersey. Another of his majefty's coaches and fix preceded it, in which were feated Mrs. Har vey Afton, Lord Malmesbury, Lord Clermont, and Colonel Greville. In a third coach with four horfes, were two women fervants, whom the Princefs brought from Germany, and are her only German attendants from thence. The Princefs's carriage was escorted on each fide by a party of the Prince of Wales's own regiment of Light Dragoons, commanded by Lord Edward Somerfet, fon to the Duke of Beaufort. Befides this efcort, the road was lined at small distances by troops of the heavy dragoons, who were ftationed from Greenwich all the way to the Horfe guards. There were befides hundreds of horsemen who followed her to town. Westminster bridge, and all the avenues leading to the park, and the palace, were crouded with fpectators and carriages; but the greateft order was preserved. The people cheered the Princess with loud expreffions of love and loyalty, and the in return, very graciously bowed and smiled at them as the paffed along. Both the carriage windows were down. At three o'clock her ferene highness alighted at St. James's, and was introduced into the apartments prepared for her reception, which look into Cleveland-row. After a fhort time the Princefs appeared at the windows, which were thrown up. The people huzzaed her, and the curtfied; and this continued fome minutes until the Prince arrived from Carlton-Houfe. At a little before five o'clock, the Prince and Princets fat down to dinner. The people continuing to huzza before the palace, his royal highnefs, after dinner, appeared at the window, and thanked them for this mark of their loyalty and attention to the Princefs, but he hoped they would excufe her appearance then, as it might give her cold. This completely fatisfied the crowd, who gave the Prince three cheers. The Princess of Wales travelled in a mantle of green fatin, trimmed with gold, with loops and taffels a la Brandenburgh; and wore a beaver hat. In the evening when the populace had become rather noify in their expreflions of loyalty and |