Money paid by C. Long, efq. for intereft on 187,000l. for annuities Ditto by J. Charlton, late agent to a corps of invalids Impreft money repaid by fir G. Eliot, late treasurer of the navy Ditto by J. Dally, efq. fecretary to commiffioners appointed to inquire into emoluments of officers of the customs Ditto by A. D'Abaunt, efq. late chief engineer in MEM. To the above sum of 3,412,2551. 6s. 84d. the produce of the duties of customs, fhould be added, 1129181. 18s. 4d. the amount of the payments in the feveral ports for bounties for raising seamen, pursuant to acts of the 35th of the king. In the fum of 1,940,3311. 135. old. stated as the amount of incidents, is included 24,1751. 128. 2d, being the amount of imprefts and other monies paid within the period. GEORGE ROSE, Account L Account of the total net Produce of the Duties of Customs in England and Scotland, diftinguishing the Produce of every feparate Article, the Duties on which hall have amounted to One Thousand Pounds, or more, in the Four Quarters, ending October 10, 1795. Stones and flates Remitted from the plantations from the inspector of corn returns from Mr. Needham, receiver of fines and forfeitures from Mr. Williams, for wines fold by the excife Received from the receivers general of the counties, on account of window money Produce of condemned tobacco Sundry fmall articles 6,861 15 8€ 30,014 84 4,350 6.5 2,806 6 0 4,965 197 6,584 18 7 616,811 8 9 2,720 16 £4,749,464 13 8 DISCHARGE. Bounties Re-payment on over entries, &c. &c. Charges of management Payments per order of the barons of exchequer in Scotland, applicable to the civil lift VOL. XXXVII. K 693,286 18 84 51,508 12 7 448,334 11 9 31,161 2 6/1/2 Payments |