These defects, in the conftitution of 1795, appeared in the very moment of its birth; and became more and more glaring during the short period of its existence. The History of France has, for too many years, been a fevere illuftration of the maxim, that Nations, in order to be free and happy, must be just and moderate. To defcribe and record whatever may imprefs on the mind this folitary leffon, is a task attended with a mixture of pain and pleasure: pain, in contemplating the miferable effects of vice and folly; pleasure, in the reflection, that fuch warnings may prevent mifery to the prefent and future ages. 1 In making these felections, out of that vaft variety of materials which is prefented to the Annalist, at a period of fuch extended intercourfe among men and nations, our Readers will perceive and acknowledge, that we are guided, not by any prejudices in favour of particular fubjects, but, by a regard to the general views and conduct of the human understanding, and the common fentiments of the human heart. In the prefent volume there is an extraordinary occafion for the exercise and gratification of both in the fall, and final difmemberment and diffolution, of the Commonwealth of Poland; a very affecting, as well as inftructive, Episode in the History of Europe. THE Efects of the new Conflitution efiablished in Poland.-External and internal.-Notice to all the European Powers of the New Changes in Poland. Schemes of the Courts of Petersburgh, Berlin, and Vienna, for the complete Subjugation and Dismemberment of Poland.-Patriotic Affiociations in that Kingdom, in Support of the New Conflitution.-Difficulties and Perplexities of the Poles.-Plan of Defence against an expected Attack by Ruffia.-Oppofed by the Nobles.-Interference of Ruffia, and Declaration of the Ruffian Ambaffador to the King and Polish Diet.The Nobles defift from their Oppofition to the Plan for National Defence.-A cordial Union between all Individuals and Parties.-The King of Poland incefted with the Command of the Polish Armies.-The Ruffian Army enters the Frontiers of Poland.-Various Actions between the Ruhan and Polish Troops.-Application of the Poles for the fipulated Succours to the King of Pruffia.-Thefe refufed.-Signal Victory obtained by the Poles over the Ruffians.-Inefficacy of this for the great End for which they had taken up Arms.—Prevalence of the Ruffian Power-Submiffion of the Polish Nation,-Proteft in the Diet against this Submifion.-Popular Diffatisfaction and Indignation at the Proceedings of the Diet. THE HE establishment of the new conftitution in Poland excited very different fenfations among its VOL. XXXVII. various neighbours. Sweden and Denmark, whofe dread of Ruffia inclined them to wish for a diminu[B] tion tion of that influence which the ex- This, indeed, was the fole rea- home. This was visibly the cafe in Little more than two months after the revolution in Poland, was held the famous convention of Pilnitz, in which it is faid to have been ftrictly ftipulated or underftood by the contracting powers, that Ruffia fhould be at full liberty to purfue her schemes in Poland, while they were occupied in the purfuit of their own. This fatisfactorily accounts for the inactivity of the crowned heads in Europe, during the tranfactions that followed, in confequence of the alterations introduced into the Polifh forms of government, by the new conftitution. In In the mean time, that country was filled with univerfal exultation at the late changes; these were evidently fo beneficial to all conditions of fociety, that they all infeignedly agreed in teftifying their cordial acquiefcence. The principal oppofers of the revolution foon were convinced that it was too popular and desirable a measure to be refifted. Count Braniki, grand general of the kingdom, and Malachowki, great chancellor, both of them fincere patriots, had however been the leaders in that oppofition; poibly from an apprehenfion that the measures propofed was too hazardous. Reflecting, however, on its juftice and propriety, they acceded to it, and were followed by all their adherents. The he reditary fucceffion to the crown was the chief, and indeed the only motive affigned for their noncompliance. An attachment to ufages, confirmed by the practice of centuries, could not eafily be eradicated; and the dread of those abufes of power, fo prevalent in monar chies ruled by fucceffors of the fame family, operated on the Poles too forcibly to permit the idea of inheritance in the crown. It was not therefore until they were completely convinced that the liberties of the nation would not fuffer by hereditary royalty, that they were prevailed on to unite their aflent to that of the vast majority againft which they had acted. The fact was, that they had been particularly inftructed by their confituents, to refift this dangerous innovation, as it was termed, by that portion of the Polish nation which difapproved of it; but when they faw with what applaufe the new fyftem, after being carried fo triumphantly through the diet, was received by the people; when they confidered the limits within which the power of the crown was circumscribed, and that the fovereignty of the nation was maintained in the diet, they thought it their duty to defift from oppofing what appeared manifeftly the will of the nation. They frankly, therefore, declared their concurrence in the revolutionary measures adopted, and their determination to adhere with fidelity to a conftitution established by fuch a plurality of votes, as amounted to an almost unanimous affent of the legislative body of the nation. All parties being thus happily agreed, a day of public thanksgiving was appointed throughout the kingdom, and an annual commemoration on the third of May. And it was alfo decreed, that a magnificent church fhould be conftructed at the public expence, with an infcription, purporting that it was erected in gratitude to Divine Providence, in order to eternize the remembrance of a revolution effected almoft unanimoufly, and without the lofs of a drop of blood. This was accompanied by a folemn declaration of the ftates, by which they bound themselves to defend the constitution to the utmost of their power, and enjoined the magiftrates and military at Warfaw to take an oath to the fame intent immediately, and all civil officers and individuals belonging to the army, in every part of the kingdom to do the fame. In order at the fame time to imprefs the public and all Europe with a due fenfe of the refolution they had taken, to maintain their new [B2] fyftem fyftem at all hazards, and against all opponents, they formally declared, that whoever oppofed it, by forming confederacies or planning infurrections for that purpose, or by exciting miftruft either openly or fecretly, fhould be reputed enemies and traitors to their country, and punished with the utmoft rigour of the law. The more effectually to intimidate perfons difpofed to offend, a tribunal was erected, with orders to fit conftantly at Warsaw, and to try all perfons accufed before it, by any citizen of repute and property. The next step taken by the government, was to difpatch a notification to every European power, of the alteration in the conftitutional fyftem of Poland, and of the motives which had prompted them. Of all the fovereigns and states, to whom intelligence of this great event was regularly communicated, none replied to this communication with a stronger appearance of fatisfaction than the king of Pruffia. He expreffed himself in terms of the higheft approbation and applaufe at every thing they had done upon this occation. If they had not been taught by experience to place little reliance on that prince, his proteftations of friendship and attachment to Poland were fo ftrong and fervent, that the moft cautious statefman might have eafily been deceived. But the grounds on which the Polish government relied, with fome reason, were, that the interefts of Pruffia, were it rightly underfood and purfued, intimately connected with thofe of Poland. This chiefly induced them to place a degree of confidence in the warmth with which the court of Berlin feemingly entered into their views. Nevertheless, the more doubtful and wary politicians prohourced its conduct to be influenced only by the circumftances of the moment: duplicity was requifite to cover the measures it was at that inftant forming in concert with the courts of Peterburgh and Vienna. The Raffian court, accustomed for a length of years to a humble deference to its mandates, from the Polish government, confidered these tranfactions in Poland in hardly any other light than open rebellion. It was at this hour bufily occupied in putting a final termination to the Turkish war, and the manner in which this was concluded, evidently proved that other motives than thofe of moderation accelerated the decifion of that bufinefs. It was not till the middle of Auguft, 1791, that a treaty of peace was concluded between the Porte and the court of Petersburgh: and the 'remainder of the year was confumed in the neceflary operations fubfequent to a pacification. It was not for this reafon, till the return of the Ruffian armies from the theatre of war, and after they had refted in their winterquarters, that a refolution was formed to employ them in the profecution of the defigns against Poland. In the mean time, the three partitioning courts, as they have been juftly ftyled fince the first dismemberment of Poland, in 1793, were conjointly devifing in what manner to accomplish the ultimate object they had long propofed: the utter fubjugation of the Poles, and the divition of their country. These three ambitious powers had feen enough of the reviving fpirit of liberty |