Hình ảnh trang

Paulinus, bishop, converts Edwin to Christianity, 43.
Pembroke, earl of, supports young Henry, 239-made
protector, 240- --is joined by many powerful barons,
ib.totally routs the French army, 241-con-
cludes a peace with Lewis, 242--his death, ib.
Peter, the hermit, preaches up the crusade, 125.
bishop of Winchester, made protector, 242➡➡
brings over many of the barons, 245.


Peter-pence, first imposed by Otto, 44.

Philip, king of France, sets out for the Holy Land, 195
-joins Richard I. at Messina, 196—becomes jealous
of that prince, ib.- -arrives in Palestine, 197-
acts in concert with Richard, ib.--takes the city
of Acre, ib-declares his resolution of retiring to
France, 198-assists John against his brother, 202-
labours to prolong Richard's captivity, ib.-succours
prince Arthur, 210-strips John of his continental
dominions, 214-collects a large army for invading
England, 221-becomes the dupe of the pope's po-
litics, 223.


REGINALD, sub-prior of Christ-Church, elected
archbishop, 206—his claim vacated by the pope, ib.
Richard I. surnamed Cœur de Lion, ascends the Eng-
lish throne, 193-discourages future disobedience, ib.

-treats his former companions with scorn and ne-
glect, ib.-retains in his service all the friends of the
late king. ib-releases his mother from confinement,
ib-heaps favours upon his brother John, ib→→→→re-
solves upon an expedition to the Holy Land, 194–
sets up to sale the manor and revenues of the crown,
ib.-his shrewd reply to the advice of a priest, 195—
sets out for the Holy Land, ib-arrives at Verelay,
ib.enters into the most solemn engagement with the
French king, ibis obliged by stress of weather to
take shelter in Messina, 196-quarrels with the Sici-
lian king, ib.-is treated with great insolence by the
Messinese, ibis attacked by the Sicilians, ib.-as-

saults the city and takes it ib-displays his standard
on their ramparts ib.-his haughty reply to Philip,
who requested him to take down his standard, ib
sets sail again from Messina to the Holy Land, 197
--is a second time overtaken by a storm, and his ships
driven upon the coast of Cyprus, ib.--his ships pil-
laged, and his seamen and soldiers thrown into prison
by Isaac prince of Cyprus, ib.-disembarks his troops,
and defeats the tyrant, ib-enters the capital by
storm, and obliges Isaac to surrender at discretion, ib.

marries Berengaria, daughter to the king of Na-
varre, ib arrives at Palestine, ib.-besieges the city
of Acre, ib.-obliges that garrison to capitulate, ib.
-is deserted by Philip, 198-besieges and subdues
the city of Ascalon, ib.-obtains a complete victory
over Saladin the most renowned of the Saracen mo-
narchs, ib.-disappointed in his scheme of attacking
Jerusalem, ib.-is under the necessity of coming to
an accommodation with Saladin, 199-concludes a
truce for three years with that monarch, ib.-resolves
to return to England, ib.-is surrounded with diffi
culties, ib.-takes shipping for Italy and is wrecked
near Aquileia, ib.-puts on the disguise of a pilgrim,
and travels through Germany, ib.-is suspected, and
pursued by the governor of Istria, ib.-is obliged to
take a bye-road, and pass through Vienna, ib.— — is
discovered and arrested by Leo, old, duke of Austria,
ib.-is imprisoned and loaded with chains, 200-—is
delivered into the hands of the emperor of Germany
his inverate foe, ib.is unable to make his dis
tresses known to his subjects in England, ib.--is
treacherously used by his brother John, in oonjunc
tion with the king of France, 202-is treated with
the utmost disgrace and cruelty by the emperor, 203
-his spirited behaviour, ib.—is accused by the em-
peror at the diet of Worms of many crimes, ib
his noble vindication of his innocence, 204-
stored to his liberty on promise of paying a conside-
rable ranson, 205-returns to England, 206——
enters London in triumph, iD.-is crowned anew at
Winchester, ib.-convokes a general council at Not-

is re-

tingham, ib.-confiscates all his traiterous brother's
possessions, ib.-sets sail with a strong body of forces
for Normandy, ib,-forgives his brother at the in-
tercession of queen Eleanor, ib.-takes the bishop of
Beauvais prisoner, 207-his remarkable answer to
the pope, who requested the bishop might be set at
liberty, ib.-attacks the castle of Chalus, ibis
pierced in the shoulder with an arrow by one Bertram
de Jourdon, ib.--his wound proves mortal, ib.--
makes his will, 208-orders the archer to be brought
before him, ib.—is astonished at his answer, and or-
ders him to be rewarded, ib.-his death, ib.-his
character, ib.

Richard, brother to Henry III. his immense riches,
244-refuses the kingdom of Sicily, 248.

Robert, eldest son to William, his jealousy of his two
brothers, 114--endeavours to surprise the castle of
Rouen, 115-is joined by the nobility of Normandy,
&c. ib.-takes shelter in the castle of Gerberoy, ib,
-is besieged there by William, ib.-defeats his fa-
ther in single combat, ib.is pardoned, 116--
marches against Malcolm, king of Scotland, ib.-his
unpardonable indolence, 122-makes a treaty with
his brother, 123-his kindness to his brother Henry,
124-engages in the crusade, 126-mortgages his
dukedom to his brother, 127-his gallant actions in
Palestine, 132-marries Sybilla, ib.-takes possession
of his duchy, 134-claims the English crown, ib.-
resigns his pretensos, 135-intercedes in behalf of
his friends, ib.-defeated and taken prisoner, 138—
dies in prison, ib.

Roches, Peter de, persuades Henry to invite over a num-
ber of Poictevins, 245.

Roger, earl of Hereford, forms a conspiracy against
William I. III.


SALADIN, sultan of Egypt, totally defeated, 189-
concludes a truce with Richard I. 199.

Saxons, an account of, 31-arrive in England, 33-
march against the Picts and Scots, ib.-defeat them,


Sebert, king of Essex, embraces Christianity, 44.
Sigebert, king of the East-Angles, restores Christianity,

theGood, restores the Christian religion in

Essex, 45.
Stephen, ascends the English throne, 145-grants a new
charter, ib.-promises to observe the laws of Ed-
ward the Confessor, ib.-grants the barons a right of
fortifying their castles, 46gains a victory overthe
Scots, ib.-obliges the bishops to deliver up their
castles, 147-is informed of Matilda's landing in
England, ib.-besieges the castle of Arundel, 148–
suffers Matilda, to retire to Bristol, ib.-


very unpopular, 149-is totally defeated ib.—taken
prisoner, ibis again recognized as king, 151-is
opposed by his barons, 152-his whole party laid
under an interdict by the pope, ib.-opposed by
Henry, son of Matilda, ib.makes a treaty with
Henry, 154-his death and character, 155
Stigand, archbishop of Canterbury, deposed, 109.
Sweyn, king of Denmark, invades England, 77-de-
feats the English, ib-the English swear allegiance
to him 79-his death, ib.-joins with Edwin and
Morcar against William, 105.


THOMAS à Becket. See Becket.

Tosti, brother to king Harold, 90-opposes his brother,
92-assisted by the earl of Flanders, ib.-is routed,
ibis assisted by Harfagar king of Norway, ib.
routs the army of Mercia and Northumberland, ib.-----
defeated by Harold, ib.-slain in batttle, ib.


VORTIGERN, chosen sovereign of the Britons, 30
-invites the Saxons into England, 33-deposed by
the people, 34.

Vortimer, raised to the throne, 34-defeats the Saxons,


WALTHEOF, engages in a conspiracy against Wil-
liam I. 112-his wife reveals it to the king, ib.-
tried and executed, 113.

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Wessex, kingdom of, founded by Cerdic, 45-converted
to Christianity, ib.

William, duke of Normandy, afterwards William the
First, invades England, 89-account of his birth, 93
-claims the crown of England, 94-account of his
army, 95-his behaviour in the battle, 97-defeats
the English, 98-takes Dover, 101-crosses the
Thames at Wallingford, ib.-is crowned at West-
minster, 102-rewards his army, ib.-disarms the
city of London, ib.-returns to Normandy, 103-
prevents a massacre of the Normans, 104-erects a
great number of fortresses in the kingdom, 105-
treat the people as a conquered nation, ib.-revives
the odious tax of Danegelt, ib.-renders abortive a
dangerous conspiracy, ib-his cruel usage of the
English, 106-lays the county of Northumberland
waste, 108-confiscates the estates of all the English.
gentry, ib.-orders the pleadings in the several courts
to be made in the Norman language, ib.-reforms
the feudal law, ib.-divides all the land of England
into baronies, ib-abolishes the mode of trial by
Ordeal and Camp-fight, 110-carries over a consi-
derable army of the English to Normandy, ib.--
another conspiracy formed against him, 111-is op-
posed by his children, 14-s defeated in single
combat by his son Robert, 115-is reconciled to
him, 116-compiles Doomsday book, ib.-makes
the New Forest, 117-imprisons his brother Odo,
118-his answer to the French king's raillery, 119
-endeavours to atone for his former offences, ib.-
his death, 120-character and issue, ib.

William II. surnamed Rufus, ascends the English
throne, 121-crowned at Westminster, ib.-orders

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