Hình ảnh trang


168; Curver, J. R. Esq. 152; Currie,
W. W. Esq. 182; Cutler, rev. J. 157

Dacres, Lady, 176; Daniell, T. Esq.
156; D'Arblay, Madame, 149; Dau-
nou, M. P. C. F., 169; Davies, T. H.
Esq. 163; Day, Ensign H., 168;
Delpeuch, A. 159; Despard, Lieut.-
colonel A. 162; Dick, Sir W. 182;
Dickenson, Captain R. r. n. 149;
Dickson, Major-general, Sir A. 161;
Dillon, Miss C. 172; Dillon, Sir C.
D. 151; Dingwall, J. D. Esq. 180;
Donnelly, Admiral Sir R. 177; Dou-
glas, Lady C. H. 151; Douglas,
Lady C. 172; Drummond, Captain
T. 160; Ducie, Earl of, 173; Duck-
worth, Lady, 162; Dunbar, J. Esq.
152; Dundas, Lady, 162; Dundas,
Sir W. 182; Dukinfield, rev. C. E.
176; Dunin, Count A. 173; Durham,
Earl of, ib.; Durham, General J.
152; Dysart, Countess of, 178

Earle, Captain E. M. 169; Eliot, F.
W. Esq. 175; Elphinstone, hon. Miss
E. M. 182; Elphinstone, hon. Mrs.
166; Elphinstone, S. Esq. 172; Es-
monde, Lady, 155; Evatt, Colonel G.
181; Every, hon. Mrs. 160; Eyre,
Lady R. 175; Eyre, R. H. Esq. 168

Fane, General Sir H. 157; Favell, Mrs.
177; Favers, Abbe V. de, 182; Feu-
cheres, Baronne de, 183; Field, H. C.
Esq. 164; Finch, hon. and rev. D.
180; Fonnereau, rev. C. W. 150;
Foote, S. Esq. 164; Forbes, D. G.
Esq. 182; Forbes, J. Esq. 183; Frere,
T. Esq. 159; Frost, J. Esq. 156

Gardiner, J. Esq. 182; Gardiner, Lady,
172; Garrow, rt. hon. Sir W. 177;
Garvagh, Lord, 175; Gleig, right rev.
G. (Bishop of Brechin), 155; Glover,
A. Esq. 176; Glyn, Sir L. P. 174;
Goodall, rev. Dr. J. 157; Gordon,
Lieut.-gen. B. 176; Gore, Mrs. A.
151; Goring, C. R. Esq. 155; Graefe,
Dr., 172; Grant, the Master of, 155;
Gregg, H. G. Esq. 167; Gregory, rt.
hon. W. 162; Griffin, G. Esq. 168;
Guiccioli, Count, 161; Guillamore,
Viscount, ib.

Haddington, Dowager Countess of, 169;
Halkett, Captain F. 178; Hallam,
Mrs. 162; Hammersley, H. Esq. 181;
Handcock, Miss E. 162; Harding, E.
Esq.181; Harewood, Countess of, 154;


Hargood, Admiral Sir W. 147; Har-
ris, hon. W. L. T. 182; Harris, Mr.
147; Hastings, Dowager Marchioness
of, 150; Hazledine, W. Esq. 180;
Headley, (Winn) Ld., 160; Henniker,
Lady, 158; Hesse Homburg, Dowager
Landgravine of, 150; Hewett, Gene-
ral Sir G. 157; Hewett, Captain, r.n.
182; Hewson, Miss D. 162; Hickey,
Captain F. r. n. 164; Higgins, Mrs.
160; Hill, Captain W. r. n. 149;
Hill, T. Esq. 183; Hilton, Captain
W. 147; Hoghton, Lady, 182; Hol-
combe, rev. J. R. 157 ; Holland, Lord,
178; Holman, J. Esq. ib.; Holmes,
Lieut.-colonel S. 147; Hope, Lady
A. 155; Hopkins, Captain E. P. 159;
Horndon, Major J. D. 156; Horrie,
Commander D. 182; Horsfield, Lieut.
general, 162; Howard, E. G. Esq.
168; Hull, Major-general W. 181;
Hussey, Lady M. 159

Ilbery, J. Esq. 146; Inman, Mr. G.
E. 177; Irving, Mrs, 172

Jacob, J. Esq. 154; Jacotot, M. 182;
Johnson, Mr. T. B. 163; Joy, H. H.
Esq. 172

Keating, Mrs. M. 159; Keir, L. G.
Esq. 169; Kempthorne, H. P. Esq
168; Kempthorne, Lieut. T. ib.;
Kenmure, Viscount, 176; Kennedy,
Sir R. H. 164; Kernan, Miss, 182;
Kerr, Vice-Admiral Lord M. R. 176;
Knowles, Mr. J. 152; Knox, Miss G.

Lacy, Mrs. 178; Lane, T. Esq. 183;
Lawrence, J. Esq. 177; Leitrim,
Countess of, 154; Le Mesurier, Lieut.
r. n. 182; Lewis, T. Esq. ib.; Lori-
mer, Mrs. M. 154; Lowndes, W. S.
Esq. 164, Lupton, S. B. Esq. 167;
Lyster, Lieut.-colonel J. 162; Lyt-
tleton, Lady, 160

Macartney, Lady, 176; Macdonald, hon.
D. S. E. 175; Macdonald, Major-
general A. 165; Mackenzie, hon. F.
C. 154; Mackenzie, Lady, 182; Mar-
kenzie, Lieut.-colonel, 166; Maclean,
Miss, 178; Macleod, Mrs. 177;
M'Loughlin, right rev. Dr. (Roman
Catholic Archbishop of Derry) 175;
M'Nair, Lieut.-general J. ib.; Ma-
connochie, Miss H. 166; Macpher-
son, J. Esq. 146; M’Uwin, Mrs. 181;
Maison, Marshal, 155; Maitland,


Rear-Admiral Sir F. L. 147; Marjori-
banks, S. Esq. 176; Manning, T.
Esq. 163; Mansfield, Earl of, 154;
Marlborough, Duke of, 155; Marsh,
rev. M. 174; Marsham, hon. and rev.
J. 151; Mash, Sir T. 156; Med-
hurst, G. W. W. Esq. 159; Melfort,
Duke of, 150; Mentque. Vicomtesse
de, 163; Mildmay, E. W. H. J. 172;
Minshull, G. R. Esq. ib.; Monckton,
hon. Miss E. M. 178; Moncorvo, Ba-
roness, 152; Montmorency, Princess
de Laval, 175; Monypenny, P. D.
Esq. 162; Moore, Mr. D. 183;
Mooser, A. 151; Morell, rev. T.
159; Morison, J. Esq. 163; Morley,
Earl of, 156; Müller, Professor C. O.

Nasmyth, A. Esq. 160; Neate, Mr. T.

175; Newcomen, hon. Miss C. 174;
Newdigate, Lady B. M. 161

Oake, Mr. J. 165; O'Callaghan, hon.
Lieut.-general Sir R. W. 168; Og-
Jander, Colonel H. 169; Olbers, M.
159; Oliver, J. 150; Oswald, Gene-
ral Sir J. 168; Otway, Captain R.
W. 166

Paget, right hon. Sir A. 169; Palk, En-
sign, A. 171; Palmer, Sir W. H.
166; Park, Mrs. 152; Parkins (ex-
Sherift) J. W. Esq. 160; Pellew, Miss
F. U. 154; Pennant, G. H. D. Esq.
183; Perceval, hon. E. 156; Philli-
more, Captain Sir J. r. n. 157; Phil-
lips, Captain C. r. n. 146; Philpott,
Mr. J. 151; Pigot, General Sir H.
167; Pitts, Mr. W. 160; Plank, Mr.
S. 165; Plunket, Lieut.-colonel F.
175; Plunket, Mrs. 162; Pockling-
ton, Sir R. 176; Pocock, Sir G. 172;
Poisson, M. 162; Pollock, Mr. J. 175;
Ponthieu, Prince de, 182; Poyntz, W.
S. Esq. 159; Prinsep, J. Esq. 161;
Proby, Commander, W. H. B. 147;
Protheroe, Sir H. 169; Prussia, King
of, [197], 167; Puigblanch, Dr. A.
177; Puleston, Sir R. 164

Qua, Dr. Lum, 181

Ramberg, J. H. 172; Ranfurly, Earl of,
161; Rendlesham, Lady, 183; Ren-
nell, rev. Dr. 158; Reynard, F. Esq.
182; Ricketts, Rear Admiral W. 164;
Robinson, R. 177; Rodney, Dowager
Lady, 160; Rolles, Rear Admiral R.
147; Rorke, Mrs. M. 175; Ross-


more, Lady A. 174; Rowley, Miss L.
E. 177; Russell, Lord W. 164, 241;
Ryan, Dr. M. 182; Rycroft, rev. H.


St. David's, Bishop of, 172; St. Paul,
Sir H. D. C. 183; Sancroft, Dr. J.
ib.; Saurin, Lady M. 152; Schole-
field, T. C. Esq. 155; Scott, J. 166 ;
Scott, rev. Dr. A. J. 173; Seafield,
Earl of, 179; Selleth, J. Esq. 164;
Sempill, hon. Miss J. 172; Seppings,
Sir R. 161; Shafto, Lady, 168; Ship-
ley, Miss C. L. 156; Silva, Cardinal
P. da. 149; Simpson, Mr. 169; Sin-
gleton, M. Esq. 174; Skelmersdala,
Lady, 166; Skinner, rev. J. 178;
Smith, Admiral Sir W. S. 165;
Smith, hon. Miss M. J. 161; Smythe,
Lady J. M. 176; Spencer, Captain
Sir R. r. n. 147; Spranger, J. Esq.
162; Spread, hon. Mrs. 167; Stack,
Major R. 181; Stair, Earl of, 156;
Stanhope, hon. Major-General L. E.
R. 154; Stevens, Mr. 182; Stewart,
J. S. Esq. 171; Stewart, Rear-Admi-
ral H. 160; Stockley, C. P. Esq. 168;
Stonor, C. H. Esq. 152; Stopford,
Lieut.-Colonel hon. E. 172; Strachan,
J. Esq. 183; Strangwayes, Mrs. 178;
Stuart, bon. J. 182; Stuart, Miss E.
S. ib.; Sullivan, Colonel H. 176; Sul-
livan, right hon. J. 147; Sweet, S.
W. Esq. 181

Tatham, Rear Admiral S. 151; Teas-
dale, Major-General Sir G. ib.; Ten-
nent, hon. Mrs. 171; Thibaut, Pro-
fessor, 158; Thomson, rev. J. 180;
Thornton, General Sir W. 159;
Throckmorton, Sir C. 182; Thurlow,
Lady, 158; Tinling, Rear-Admiral
C. 182; Torrens, Colonel R. 176;
Tourville, Comtesse de, 155; Tren-
chard, Mrs. E. 158; Trevanion, J. T.
P. B. Esq. 151

Vandael, M. 156; Vaughan, Lady, M
A. 168; Venables, Alderman W:
174; Vesci, Viscountess de, 167
Vigors, N. A. Esq. 180; Villiers, B
Esq. 168

Wagner, Mrs. 173; Waldegrave, hon. J.
162; Walpole, T. Esq. 181; Ware,
C. H. Esq. 163; Ware, Mrs. 168;
Ward, W. J. Esq. 155; Wedderburn,
hon. Mrs. 161; Wedderburn, Sir J.
W. 175; West, C. Esq. 161; Wes-
tenra, hou. Miss, 168; Whately, W.


Esq. 164; Wheatley, Miss L. M. 154;
White, C. F. Esq. 178; White, Miss,
164; Whitmore, F. Esq. 168; Whit-
more, Lady L. E. G. 156; Wilde,
Lady, 168; Wilkinson, General, Sir
W. 156; Williams, rev. J. 147; Winn,
A. A. Esq. 154; Winton, W. de, Esq.
166; Wishaw, J. Esq. 183; Wollas-
ton, C. B. Esq. 154; Wood, rev. J.
168; Woodcock, rev. Dr. H. 175;
Wordsworth, rev. J. 148; Woulfe,
Chief Baron, 167; Wreight, H. Esq.
164; Wyatt, Mr. H. 154; Wyatville,
Sir J. 152; Wynford, Baroness, 155 ;
Wynn, Sir W. W. 149

Debt, Public Funded, 332, 352

Unfunded, 334, 354
DESPATCHES-Bombardment of Beyrout
537; landing in D'Journi Bay, 540;
skirmish on the Kelbson (Dog) river,
541; capture of Sidon, 542; battle of
Caleb Meidan, 544; bombardment and
capture of St. Jean d'Acre, 546; storm-
ing of Ghuzni, 550, 556; occupation
of Cabul, 559; storming of Khelat,
560; battle of Bameean, 564; sur-
render of Dost Mahomed, 567; cap-
ture of Aden, ib.; action between
the Volage and Hyacinth, and a
squadron of Chinese junks, 570;
proceedings of the Blonde at Amoy,
571; capture of Chusan, 573
Dinner, public-Mr. Byng, 33
DOCUMENTS, public, 319
Drowning, cases of, 32, 40, 47, 115
Duels Interrupted one between
Compte de Leon and Prince Louis
Napoleon, 28; between the Earl of
Cardigan and Lieutenant Harvey
Tuckett, 79

EGYPT-Conduct and preparations of
Mehemet Ali, [187]; ultimatum of-
fered to him; sentence of deposition
pronounced by the sultan, [189];
blockade of Alexandria; capture of
Beyrout and Saida, [190], 537; sum-
mary of two interviews between the
pasha and the consuls-general of the
four great powers, 460; memoir ad-
dressed by the same parties to Mehe-
met Ali, 511;-vide DESPATCHES,
Epsom Races, 56
Expenditure, public, 322, 342
Exports, 335, 355

Extraordinary scene at Richmond, 102

FINANCE Accounts, 320, 340
FIRES (York minster) 48; (Plymouth
Dock-yard) 86; (Sheerness Dock-yard)
Forgeries, 70

FRANCE-Difficulties in forming a per-
manent administration, [157]; open-
ing of the Session,[158]; royal speech,
[159]; M. Sauzet elected president
of the chamber of deputies; elections
of presidents and secretaries of Bu-
reaux, [160]; address of the chamber
of peers, [161]; M. D'Alton Shee;
M. Dufaure; Duc de Noailles, [162];
M. Villemain; address of the chamber
of deputies, [163]; M. Odillon Barrot;
Marshal Soult; Duc de Valmy; M.
de Carne; M. Mauguin, [164]; M.
de Lamartine; M. Villemain, [165];
M. Thiers, [166]; M. Duchatel; M.
Lanyer; address carried by a majority
of 169, [167]; M. Guizot appointed
ambassador to England; marriage of
the Duc de Nemours; debate on the
Apanage, [168]; Brochure of M. de
Cormenin; rejection of the bill by
the chamber; resignation of the mi-
nistry; M. Thiers appointed presi-
dent of the council; vote on a grant
of secret service-money, [169]; the
sugar question; bill passed by a large
majority; the Prince de Joinville de-
puted to fetch the ashes of Napoleon
from St. Helena, [170]; effect on
public feeling, of the treaty between
England, Russia, Austria, and Prus-
sia, [171]; Lord Palmerston's expla-
nation; the Parisian Journals, [172];
dispute at the Mauritius; landing of
Prince Louis Napoleon Buonaparte
at Boulogne, [173]; capture and
trial, [174], 304; Louis Phillipe
visits Boulogne; warlike tone of the
French Journals; strike of workmen
in Paris; trial of Madame Laffarge,
[175], 81; expedition of admiral
Stopford; project for fortifying Paris;
[176]; notes from M. Thiers to M.
Guizot; Casus Belli; attempt to
assassinate the king, [177], 90;
trial and condemnation of Darmes,
[177]; resignation of the Thiers
ministry; formation of a Soult-Guizot
cabinet; opening of the chambers;
the King's speech, [178]; election of
president, [179]; speech of M. Thiers;
M. Guizot, [180]; discussion in the
chamber of deputies on the address;
effect in France of the fall of St. Jean
d'Acre, [181]; scandalous scene in
the French chamber; arrival in France

[blocks in formation]

GERMANIC DIET-Extract of the Pro-
tocol of the sitting of the most serene
Germanic Diet, 534
Gold-dust robbery, sentence on its per-
petrators, 13, 92

Goodwin Sands, safety beacon on the,

GRANTS, disposition of, 323, 343

HANOVER-Answer of the King to the
deputation, of the assembly on the
occasion of presenting them a new
constitution, [196]

Hay, average prices of, 374
Highway robbery, 116

HOLLAND-Abdication of the king;
official announcement, [195]; pro-
clamation of William 2nd; marriage
of the ex-king to the Countess d'Oul-
trement, [196]

Horse and carriage accidents, 35, 52
Hydrophobia, case of, 96

Ice, accidents from the breaking of, 3
Imports, 335, 355

INCOME, public, 320, 340

INDIA-The army of the Indus com-
mences its retrograde march, [227];
Dost Mahomed retires across the
Hindoo Koosh; general order of
lord Auckland; honours and re-
wards for the army, [228]; unpo-
pularity of shah Soojah; capture of
Pooshut, [229]; unsettled state of
Affghanistan; defeat of lieutenant
Clarke by the Belochees; war de-
clared by the Russians against Khiva,
[230]; manifesto of the Russian go-
vernment, [231]; march and pro-
gress of the Russian troops, [232];
attack of the Belooches on major
Clibborn, and sufferings of the troops,
[233]; captain Brown evacuates
Kahun; Dost Mahomed defeated
by brigadier Dennie, [234]; re-
treats into Kohistan; recapture of
Khelat by Meer Nusseer khan, [235];
state of the kingdom of Nepaul; topo-
graphy of the theatre of war, [236];
distribution of the army in Afghan-
istan; documents relating to India,
[237]; despatches of the storming of


Ghuzni, 550, 556; occupation of Cabul,
559; storming of Khelat, 560; battle
of Bameean, 564; surrender of Dost
Mahomed, 567

Infamous conduct of a mother, 100
Inquests, 41, 241

Insolvency, declarations of, 375
Italian Opera House, fracas at, 45

JAMAICA-Opening of the session;
speech of Sir C. Metcalfe, [239];
state of the colony, [240]

JEWS, Persecution of the, at Damascus,
[188], 579

Keane, Lord, Presentation to, by the
Bombay army, of the sword of Hyder
khan, [230]

Laffarge, Madame, trial of, [175], 81
Landslip in Dorsetshire, 1
LAW CASES Candwell v. Raban and
another, (conspiracy) 29; Sir E. L.
Bulwer and Lady Bulwer, v. the
Court Journal, (libel) 35; Lady
Bulwer v. Lawson and Thackeray,
38; Bransby Cooper v. Butler, (in-
junction) 39; Shepherd v. the Prince
of Capua (labour and service), 41;
decision respecting the rating of tithes,
61; Dundas v. Hoey (crim. con.) 63;
the Queen v. Coppock (bribery), 65;
Hearne v. Stowell (libel), 73; Duke
of Leeds v. Earl Amherst (injunction),
100; Grand Junction Railway, (man-
damus moved for), 105; Lockwood
v. Lockwood (divorce), 106; church-
rates decision by the Court of
Queen's Bench, 112; Wood and
others v. Goodlake and others (will
case), 184; Heaviside v. Lardner
(crit. con.) 289;-vide TRIALS.
Lay Baptism, validity of, contested, 99

Macreeth, Mr. attempted murder of,

Maine Boundary-Correspondence, re-
specting, 411

Marriage, treaty of-the Queen's, 380
Marriages, 135

Mayoralty of London, contested elec
tions, 88

Meteorological table, 375
Metropolis churches' fund, 58
MEXICO - Revolution in the city of
Mexico; release of General Urrea;
General Valencia quells the insurrec-
tion; the Federalists capitulate on
honorable terms, [225]
Ministry, the, 128

Mortality, bills of, 375
MURDERS-6, 35, (Mr. Templeman),
36, 64, 66, 119, (the Unionists at
Ashton), 123, 229;-see TRIALS.

Attempted, 70, 91, 110

NAPLES-The sulphur monopoly, [209];

mediation of France; abortive attempt
at revolution in Sicily, [210]
NAPOLEON removal of his remains
from St. Helena, [170], 49; arrival in
France and funeral, [182]

Navigation of the United Kingdom,
336, 356

Nemours Duc de, marriage of the, [170]
NEW BRUNSWICK-Proceedings in the
House of Assembly; resolutions moved
by the liberal party; amendment by
the Government party carried, [226]
New Zealand company, 85

NOVA SCOTIA-Resolutions in favour of
Lord J. Russell's despatch, voted by
the House of Assembly; quarrel be-
tween the governor and the assembly;
prorogation of the assembly, [225]

Officious interference, "Captain" Pearce,

Oxford University honours, 376
Oxford's attempted assassination of the
Queen, 245; trial of, 249


PARLIAMENT Opening of, Queen's
speech; announcement of her Ma-
jesty's intended marriage, [1]; ad-
dress moved by the Duke of Somer-
set, and seconded by Lord Seaford,
[2]; speeches of the Duke of Wel-
lington, Lord Melbourne, [3]; Earl
of Winchelsea, Lord Brougham, [4] ;
address in the House of Commons
moved by Mr. Cavendish, and second-
ed by Sir W. Somerville; speeches
of Sir R. H. Inglis, Lord Palmerston,
[7]; answer to the address; Bill for
the naturalization of Prince Albert,
[8]; precedence; Lord Melbourne's
observations, [9]; Lord Brougham,
the Lord Chancellor; annuity; Lord
J. Russell's speech, [10]; Mr. Hume's
amendment, [11]; Chancellor of the
Exchequer; Col. Sibthorp's amend-
ment; Lord J. Russell, [12]; Lord
Eliot, Sir J. Graham, Mr. Leader, Sir
R. Peel, [13]; amendment to reduce
the sum proposed to 30,000l. per an-
num carried by a majority of 104;
[14]; privilege question, [16]; Stock,
dale's action against Messrs. Han-
sard, [17]; committee appointed-
resolution; Stockdale's second ac-


tion; Polack's action, [18]; Stock-
dale's third action; application of the
Sheriffs to Mr. Justice Littledale to
enlarge the writ of enquiry, refused,
[19]; Messrs. Hansard's petition;
Lord J. Russell moves that Stockdale
be called to the bar of the House,
[20] Sir E. Sugden, [21]; the At-
torney-general, [24]; Lord Mahon,
Mr. Creswell, [26]; Sir R. Peel, [27];
Mr, Fitzroy Kelly, [28]; Lord J.
Russell, [29]; Motion carried by a
majority of 119; the Sheriffs to be
called to the bar of the House; Stock-
dale placed at the bar; debate; Lord
J. Russell, [30]; Mr. Pemberton,
[31]; a majority of 140 declare Stock-
dale guilty of a breach of privilege,
[32]; ordered to be committed to the
custody of the Sergeant-at-arms;
Sheriff's called to the bar of the
House; Lord J. Russell, [33]; Mr.
Fitzroy Kelly; the Attorney-gene-
ral, [34]; Sir E. Sugden, [35]; Sir
R. Peel, [36]; motion that the She-
riffs are guilty of a breach of privi-
lege; carried by a majority of 101;
Mr. Howard called to the bar of the
House and reprimanded by the
Speaker, [39]; the Sergeant-at-Arms
served with a writ of habeas corpus,
[40]; return of the writ; Stockdale
commences another action, [41];
motion of Mr. Darby for the dis
charge of the Sheriffs; opposed by
the Attorney-general; Sir W. Fol-
lett's speech, [42]; reply of the So-
licitor-general; Howard ordered to
be taken into custody, [44]; brought
to the bar and committed to New-
gate; renewed discussion; Sir F.
Pollock, Lord J. Russell, [45]; Sir
R. Peel; motion negatived by a ma-
jority of 71; Sheriff Wheelton dis-
charged; motion for the discharge of
Sheriff Evans lost by a majority of 73;
fifth action against Messrs. Hansard,
[46]; Howard, jun. and Pearce com-
mitted, [47]; Lord J. Russell moves
for leave to bring in a bill, for publi-
cation by the House of printed pa-
pers; speech of the Solicitor-general
against, [48]; reply of Lord J. Rus-
sell; motion carried; Sir J. Graham
moves the discharge of Sheriff Evans,
[49]; actions by Howard; second
reading and passing of the publication
of printed papers bill, [50]; bill
passes the Lords and receives the
royal assent; discharge of Sheriff

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