________ Constitutional Monarchy and the Descendant of Confucianism

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Lulu.com, 18 thg 2, 2016 - 272 trang
孔子及其儒家学说,不仅成为中国在帝国时代里顶礼膜拜的大宗师及其正统思想,而且也造就了中国两千五百年来"世袭罔替"的唯一世家。 在我看来,汉朝以后的"衍圣公",其实就是在精神意义上,弥补了先秦时代"周天子"所留下的空缺。正是衍圣公所代表的道统,使中国人可以中和并忍受"始皇帝"开创的暴政,长达两千余年。 第一期中国文明的先秦与第三期中国文明的现今及未来,有什么关联呢? 这就是本书所要讨论的主题君主立宪在中国的可能性。 Synopsis: In China, Cinfucius has been the great master of learning,and Confucianism the orthodoxy of thinking. Both are not only worshiped, but constitute China's sole aristocracy that have never been replaced in the course of heredity for two thousand and five hundred years. The thesis of the book is: the possibility of constitutional monarchy in China.

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