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the present occasion, we ought to advert that the situation of Lomonofsoff was extremely difsimilar to our own. We in Britain have been long accustomed to enjoy the protection of a steady government so entirely, that we have scarcely an idea of the miseries that those experience who have been exposed to the ravages of anarchy and misrule. Lomonofsoff from his infancy, had been witnefs to the horrors which originate in unstable government; and had been exposed to the innumerable evils to which unprotected indigence is perpetually subjected in such a case: Yet stimulated by the amazing powers of his own mind, he had struggled against difficulties, that to most any other man would have been insurmountable, and at last had the happiness to see tranquillity restored, the industrious citizens protected, and himself raised from the dregs of the people to enjoy a most distinguished place in the coun cils of his sovereign. In these circumstances, an excess of gratitude would not have been an unpardonable failing; and if this panegy, ric ad been even extravagant, it could scarcely be condemned. Those who are best acquainted with the history of the princess he served, will be the most disposed to join with the orator in his just praises of that amiable potentate.

But it is the actions of Peter, the father of his protectress, that attract

the principal attention of the orator, and form the chief subject of this animated oration. With a bias no lefs natural than just, the mind of Lomonofsoff dilates with wonderful pleasure on the exertions of Peter. Lomonossoff fixed his mind steadily on Peter from his birth; he knew that he had been reared up in ignorance, and educated in error: He saw him in early youth afsailed by prejudices on every side, while the impenetrable gloom of ignorance, put it out of his power to distinguish the true road from those crooked paths into which his false guides were perpetually drawing him aside. He saw the hero groping his way with an unconquerable perseve. rance, and at last tearing asunder the thick vail that had overfhaded the kingdom for ages; and at length bursting forth into the effulgence of glory. Was it a wonder if the man who had, himself, experienced a similar struggle, should appreciate the merit of the person who had overc me these difficulties in more animated strains than those who never having experienced the trials, can have no idea of the merit of having overcome them.

It was these great ideas filling the mind of the philosopher which raised his language to that unwonted elevation, so conspicuous towards

the close of this oration; and it was that unaffected piety, which trying occasions never fail so excite in a great mind, that gave to the whole that dignified humility, which constitutes the surest baŝis of true pathos in composition

In reading this little performance, I have often been at a loss whether most to admire the orator, or the hero who forms the subject of the oration. When I view the son of the poor fisherman of Archangel, without teachers, without books, surrounded by men little better informed than the fishes they caught; when I see him tossed trom hand to hand, through a vast vicissitude of scenes in the lowest spheres of life, which had no common resemblance but the difficulties that they all equally presented against the acquisition of knowledge. When I see that man at last bursting through the gloom like the sun in the firmament, and delivering an oration fraught with a variety of the most important knowledge in sciences and arts, my veneration for the man is little short of idolatry. I bend myself before thee illustrious Lómonofsoff! Thy genius Í admire; but it is the rectitude of thy mind, and the inild beneficence of all thy views which I adore. When shall a genius arise to do thy memory justice! Lomonofsoff alone was capable of estimating the genius of Peter; for he also had overcome impossibilities. The record of the actions of Peter remain; and these, to the discerning mind will ever prove his best eulogium. The writings of Lomonofsoff are preserved. In future times, these will turnish a copious subject for admiration to persons yet unborn! I bend before thee illustrious Lomonofsoff! It is impofsible to say how much I venerate thy name!

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N celebrating the most sacred unction and coronation of our most gracious sovereign, we see, hear


This was Elizabeth the youngest daughter of Peter the great, by Cathrine his beloved queen. From the death of Cathrine in the year 1727, till the accefsion of Elizabeth in the year 1742; the Russian empire had been exposed to a variety of distresses under the cruel sway of the imperious Biron, (of whose wonderful history a short abstract is given, Bee vol. 6 p. 135.) and other intriguing statesmen and favourites, under a rapid succefsion of weak princes, till at length by a well concerted effort, the partizans of Elizabeth effected a revolution, withBut bloodshed in one night, by which the infant John was set aside,

ers, the same divine condescension to her, and to our common country, at which we wondered in her birth, and in the attainment of her patrimonial rank. Her birth was made conspicuous by signs foretelling regency, her accession to the throne by an unseen power from on high; and the joyous afsumption of her father's crown, by miraculous victories from the hand of the Lord. Did any one entertain a doubt whether potentates on earth are appointed by Heaven, or whether they attain dominion by chance, the birth of our great sovereign is sufficient to convince him, seeing that he was then chosen to rule over us. It is neither the doubtful guefsings of astrology founded on the conjunction of planets, nor other changes and appearances dependent on natural causes, but evi dent intimations of divine providence, that serve as proofs of this afsertion. Peter's most glorious victory over his enemies at Poltowa happened in the same year with the birth of his great daughter; and Elizabeth on entering the world, met the conqueror entering Moscow in triumph. Is not the finger of Heaven here obvious? Do not we hear with the ear of imagination, a voice proclaiming,



and Anne of Mecklenberg his mother, who acted as regent in his name, and Elizabeth established on the throne. Under her reign Rufsia once more attained a stability of government somewhat of the same nature it had experienced during the latter part of the reign of Peter; but with the favourable difference of a gentler administration and lefs severity in executing the laws, so that the people experienced a degree of happiness they never had formerly enjoyed; and the empire attained a degree of respectability among neighbouring nations which it had lost for many years during the cruel anarchy that had there prevailed. ·

behold a consummation of that prosperity promised by prediction." Peter triumphed, having conquered his foreign enemies, and eradicated rebellion; Elizabeth was born for like triumphs. Peter having restored a crown to its lawful master,* marched into the city of his ancestors Elizabeth entered into human society, that the might afterwards recover the crown of her father. Peter having preserved Rufsia from dis memberment, dispelled gloomy terror, secured safety and joy: Elizabeth saw the light, that by shedding on us the rays of comfort, fhe might disperse the darknefs of our griefs. Peter led a numerous train of prisoners subdued more by magnanimity than by the sword: Elizabeth excluded herself from the womb that she might enslave the hearts of her subjects, by humanity, meekness, and liberality. How wonderfully, O hearers! is the council of God here manifested: birth and victory, deliverance to the mother, and safety to the native country, birth-day rejoycings, and military triumphs, swadling clothes, and victorious laurels, the first voice of infancy and joyous acclamation. Did not all these foretell to the new born Elizabeth, her father's virtues, her father's empire.f

* The reinstatement of the king of Poland who had been deposed by Charles xii.

† After Charles xii. of Sweden had obtained a series of the most as tonishing victories over the armies of Peter, without having even received any considerable check, he began to dream that he was invin cible; and disregarding the obstacles that Peter threw in his way, made an attack on his army at Pultowa, against such a powerful and well situated army as it was impofsible to overcome. After performing

In the acquisition of this empire, our joyous remembrances will never cease to celebrate how much Almighty Providence supported her heroism. Our heroine, actuated by his spirit, and sustained by his strength, has secured safety and renovation to the Russian nation; to its well deserved fame; to the mighty works and plans of Peter; to the intimate peace of our souls; and to the general prosperity of a distinguished part of the world. To save one individual is a great matter; how much more the salvation of a whole people. In you, my dear country, in you we see the example! Provoked by the mutual quarrellings of our ancestors, by their injustice, robberies, and fratricides, God had subjected you to a foreign tongue, and on your body torn with cruel wounds had imposed heavy fetters. Appeased by your groanings and lamentations, he raised up to you valiant chiefs, deliverers from slavery and wearinefs. These having collected your scat tered members, restored and advanced your former strength, majesty, and fame. The great Elisabeth, elevated by the divine influence, to the throne of her

prodigies of valour that seemed to exceed human powers, Charles here suffered a total defeat, which so intirely destroyed his little army, as rendered him incapable from ever after doing any thing effectual in the field, and freed the empire of Russia from the cruel ravages of this furious madman. This memorable battle was fought on the 8 of July 1709.

* Alluding to the conquest of Russia by the Tartars, and Poles, and Swedes, who had successively, for a period of two hundred years before the reign of Peter the Great, subjected Rufsia to the most humiliating state of servitude.

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