Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Tập 20,Phần 1British Library Lending Division with the cooperation of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 1975 |
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84 trang phù hợp với complexes trong sách này
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Kết quả 1-3 trong 84
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The synthesis and properties of manganeseII | 151 |
PlatinumII complexes of methoxybenzoylhydrazine | 153 |
The effect of marcoamounts of antimonyII and | 153 |
Bản quyền | |
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Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng
1973 Translated absorption bands acid Akad alkali metal analysis anhydrous anion aqueous solutions atom bond calculated cerium Chem chemical Chemistry chloride cm-¹ cm¯¹ cobalt cobalt II complex formation composition compounds concentration coordination corresponding crystallisation crystals curve decomposition determined diagram endothermic endothermic effect equilibrium europium eutectic experimental extraction fluoride formed gallium gallium(III groups H₂O heating hydrated hydrogen hydroxide infrared infrared absorption spectra infrared spectra Inorg interaction investigated ions isothermal Khim lanthanide lanthanum ligand liquid lutetium melting methanol method mixture molar mole Moscow Nauk SSSR Neorg obtained oxide perchlorate phosphate plexes potassium range ratio reaction Russ salts scandium shows sodium solid phase solid solutions solubility solvents specimens spectrum stability constants stretching vibrations structure studied sulphate Table temperature ternary thermal thermographic thermogravimetric thiocyanate thiourea tion titration Translated from Zhurnal vanadium vanadium(II water molecules wavenumbers X-ray diffraction yttrium Zhur Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii zirconium