Hình ảnh trang

AFFGHANISTAN.-Final overthrow of Dost Mahomed by General Sir Ro-

bert Sale, at Purwan-Dost Mahomed takes refuge in the British camp,

and surrenders to Sir William M'Naghten-He is sent to Calcutta,

and ultimately permitted to reside at Loodianah-Capture of a Ghilzie

fort by Major Lynch, and destruction of its garrison-Rout of the

Ghilzies by Colonel Wymer.-SCINDE.-Our troops re-occupy Khelat-

Defeat of Nusseer Khan by Major Boscawen-Melancholy fate of Lieu-

tenant Loveday-The Brahoes under Nusseer Khan are again defeated

at Peer Chutta-Nusseer Khan surrenders himself to the British.—

PUNJAB.-Death of Maharajah Kurruck Sing-His son and successor

Non Nehal Sing accidentally killed-Shere Sing seizes the throne—

Abdicates suddenly—but afterwards gains possession of Lahore, and

re-ascends the Throne-Disorganised state of the Punjab.-CHINA.—

Mortality amongst the British troops at Chusan-Letter from Lord

Palmerston forwarded to Ningpo-Admiral Elliot sails northwards to

the Pe-chee-lee gulf-Negotiations in the Peho river-Admiral Elliot

returns to Chusan-Keshen appointed by the Emperor Chief Commis-

sioner at Canton, in the place of Lin-Captain Elliot opens negotiations

with Keshen at Canton-Tedious delays-Commodore Sir G. Bremer

reduces the Bogue forts-Terms agreed upon between Captain Elliot

and the Chinese authorities-Despatch of Keshen-The British Go-

vernment disapprove of the terms of the Convention-Captain Elliot is

recalled, and Sir H. Pottinger appointed in his stead-Bad faith of the

Chinese-The British squadron attacks the forts-Sir G. Bremer and

Major-General Gough prepare to assault Canton-Keshen degraded―

British flag of truce fired upon by the Chinese-The factory at Canton

taken possession of by the British-Imperial Edicts-Canton at the

mercy of the British-Convention entered into by Captain Elliot-Death

of Sir Le Fleming Senhouse-Arrival of Sir H. Pottinger in the Canton

waters-Proclamation issued by him-Expedition sails to the North-

ward-Captain Elliot leaves China.-TURKEY, SYRIA, AND EGYPT.—

Conditions offered by Admiral Stopford to the Pacha of Egypt-They

are accepted by the latter-His communication to the Grand Vizier-

The Pacha delivers up the Turkish fleet-Further negotiations with

the Porte-Final settlement of the dispute-Changes in the Ministry at

Constantinople-Letter on the state of Syria..

UNITED STATES AND CANADA..-Message of President (Mr. Van Buren)

to Congress-Discussion in the Senate relative to the state of affairs

between Great Britain and America-General Harrison inducted into

the Presidency-Inaugural Address-Sudden death of General Harri-

son-Mr. Tyler (Vice-President) becomes President-He issues an Ad-

dress-Meeting of Congress at Washington-Election of Speaker-

Message of President-Affair of the Steam-boat Caroline-Seizure, in

the American territory, of M'Leod, a British subject-Correspondence

between Mr. Fox and Mr. Forsyth on the subject-Discussion in the

House of Representatives-Proceedings in the case of M'Leod-Out-

rageous acts of the mob at Lockport-Warlike tone of Report presented

to the House of Representatives on the subject of the seizure of M'Leod

-It denounces the ambitious and aggressive Policy of Great Britain-

Discussion thereupon-Question of Fortifying the Frontiers of the

Union-Official note sent by Mr. Fox to Mr. Webster (the American

Foreign Secretary)--Question of jurisdiction in the case of M'Leod-

Judgment of Supreme Court on the subject-Trial of M'Leod at Utica

-His acquittal-Seizure in Canada of an American citizen-He is set

at liberty-Bill introduced into Congress for the establishment of a

National Bank-The President exercises his right of veto-Resignation

of the Ministry in consequence-Formation of a new Cabinet-Secret

Societies called "Hunter's Lodges," along the Northern frontier-

Proclamation issued by the President against them-General Scott a

candidate for the office of President-Question of right of search.-

CANADA.-Union of the two Provinces carried into effect-Proclama-

tion by the Governor, Lord Sydenham-General Election-Speech of

the Governor at the opening of the Session-Address carried-Painful

illness and death of Lord Sydenham .


In p. 228, of our last Volume (that for 1840), for "arrived within the Peshawer's
territory," read “arrived within the Peshawur territory."

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