The Plays of William Shakespeare, Tập 7A. Leathley, 1766 |
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Kết quả 1-5 trong 46
Trang 7
... doth naught with her , Excepting one , were beft to do it fecretly . Brak . What one , my Lord ? Gla . Her hufband , knave - wouldst thou betray me ?: Brak . I do befeech your Grace to pardon me , And to forbear your conf'rence with the ...
... doth naught with her , Excepting one , were beft to do it fecretly . Brak . What one , my Lord ? Gla . Her hufband , knave - wouldst thou betray me ?: Brak . I do befeech your Grace to pardon me , And to forbear your conf'rence with the ...
Trang 13
... doth not breath upon the earth . Glo . He lives that loves thee better than he could . Anne . Name him . Glo . Plantagenet . Anne . Why , that was he . Glo The felf - fame name , but one of better , nature . Anne . Where is he ? Glo ...
... doth not breath upon the earth . Glo . He lives that loves thee better than he could . Anne . Name him . Glo . Plantagenet . Anne . Why , that was he . Glo The felf - fame name , but one of better , nature . Anne . Where is he ? Glo ...
Trang 27
... doth fhe fay , my Lord of Buckingham ? Buck . Nothing that I refpect , my gracious Lord .. Q. Mar. What doft thou ... doth stand on В 2 end to [ Exit . hear her curses . Riv . Riv . And fo doth mine : I wonder fhe's KING RICHARD ...
... doth fhe fay , my Lord of Buckingham ? Buck . Nothing that I refpect , my gracious Lord .. Q. Mar. What doft thou ... doth stand on В 2 end to [ Exit . hear her curses . Riv . Riv . And fo doth mine : I wonder fhe's KING RICHARD ...
Trang 28
... doth call for you , And for your Grace , and you , my noble Lord . Queen . Catesby , we come ; Lords , will you go with us s : 124 Riv . Madam , we will attend your Grace . nodw bio I [ Exeunt all but Gloucefter . Glo . I do the wrong ...
... doth call for you , And for your Grace , and you , my noble Lord . Queen . Catesby , we come ; Lords , will you go with us s : 124 Riv . Madam , we will attend your Grace . nodw bio I [ Exeunt all but Gloucefter . Glo . I do the wrong ...
Trang 35
... doth accufe me ? What lawful Quest have given their verdict up ( 2 ) Unto the frowning judge ? Or who pronounc'd The bitter fentence of poor Clarence ' death ? Before I be convict by courfe of law , To threaten me with death is moft ...
... doth accufe me ? What lawful Quest have given their verdict up ( 2 ) Unto the frowning judge ? Or who pronounc'd The bitter fentence of poor Clarence ' death ? Before I be convict by courfe of law , To threaten me with death is moft ...
Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng
againſt anfwer Anne becauſe beft better blood Buck Buckingham Cardinal Catef Catesby caufe Cham Clarence confcience Cordelia curfe daughter death doth Duke Duke of Norfolk Edmund Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fafe faid father fear feems fenfe fent fhall fhould fifter fince firft flain fleep folio fome Fool forrow foul fpeak fpeech friends ftand ftill fuch fuppofe give Glofter Gonerill Grace Haftings hath heart heav'n himſelf honour horfe Kent King lady laft Lear lefs Lord Lord Chamberlain Lord Stanley Madam mafter moft moſt muft muſt myſelf noble paffage perfon pleaſe pleaſure poor pray prefent Prince purpoſe quarto Queen reafon Rich Richard SCENE Shakespeare ſhall Sir Thomas Lovell ſpeak tell thee thefe THEOBALD theſe thofe thoſe thou underſtand uſed WARBURTON whofe wife word worfe