H́nh ảnh trang

ceived the rents of the Society | the others with difficulty escapto the latest date, and had bor- ed the fame fate.

rowed money wherever he On the 16th ult. the passencould raise it. He had previ-gers in the mail coach from ously destroyed the books of Glasgow to Carlifte had a very

the Society, and fold every article of his own furniture. He had been absent some time before his elopement was difcovered, under pretence of going to Margate for his health. Mr Whitbread, who for many years has offered a prefent of ten thousand pounds to any person purchasing his brewery at a fair eftimation, has at length found customers for it. A company of perfons have bought it, at the price of four hundred and fifty thoufand pounds.

The following fingular circumstance lately happened at Everdon, in Northamptonshire: 1 The house of Mr Warr, a farmer of that place, has been greatly infefted with rats; Mrs Warr, in clearing away the earth they had scratched from the foundation of a pantry under a ftair cafe, discovered se veral guineas; and upon further search, found a large teapot with upwards of 250 guineas more in it.

narrow and most wonderful escape from deftruction, at Kirtlebridge, near Ecclefechan. By the negligence gligence of the driver converfing with the guard, who had imprudently shifted from his feat to the coach-roof, the reins flackened, the fore horfes flew over the bridge, and the coach falling at least ten feet upside down, was dashed to pieces! Of three passengers, only one, a gentleman from Glasgow, received any perfonal injury. One of the fore horfes was killed on the spot, and the pole of the carriage shivered to atoms!

On the 20th of June, came on before the Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, the trial of John Paul, James Stewart, and Alexander Ballantine, for robbing a gentleman in Nicolson's Street, on the night of the 3d of May last, of his watch, hat, and twelve shillings in money, when they were all found guilty, and fentenced to be executed at Edinburgh on the 27th July.

On the 27th of June, Thomas Wilfon was brought before the same Court, for stealing from a haberdasher in Edinburgh, muslins to the value of 2001. He pled guilty, and was sentenced to transportation for life, to suffer death if he return. On the 21st ult. an extract of the will of Baron Vryhouven

On the 16th ult. a vessel on her way to Scotland from London, being wind-bound in Yarmouth Roads, fome of the paffengers, amongst whom was a lady, finding themselves sea fick, requested to be set on fhore, which being complied with, the boat had just got within a few yards of the shore, when a breaker, dashing against the was received by the Society for boat, overset it, and the lady | Propagating Chriftian Knowwas unfortunately drowned; ledge in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, by which it appears that he has left 20,000l. in the 3 per cent. confols, for the purposes of the Society. The above donation is diftinct from the 10,000l. lately given to the Society by a perfon who wishes to remain unknown.

Estates in Scotland still continue to fell at very high prices -One eftate, let indeed upon an old rental, was lately fold at eighty years purchase! Other eftates have lately fold at from thirty to forty years purchafe.

she called her disciples together, and exhorted them to continue ftedfast and unanimous in their adherence to the doctrine which they had received from her. She told them she had still one fecret to communicate to them, which was, that she was the Virgin Mary, the real mother of our Lord; that she was the same woman mentioned in the Revelation as being cloathed with the fun, &c. who was driven into the wilderness; that she had been wandering in the world ever fince our Saviour's days, and for some

At the fale of the late Gene-time past she had fojourn

ral Watfon's stock, a few days ago, at Aberdour, who kept a moft excellent breed of cattle, one cow was fold at 481. another above 351. and a calf, not many months old, at 131. 138. Such prices are seldom obtain ed in this country.

On the 24th of June the Magiftrates of Edinburgh lowered the price of bread a full affize, or 2d. in the peck loaf.

On the 24th of June, the Univerfity of Edinburgh conferred the degree of Doctor of Medicine on 14 gentlemen, after the usual trials.

Mrs Buchan, the leader of a few deluded people, and who for a time refided in the neighbourhood of Thornhill, near Dumfries, died about the be ginning of May last. Her followers were greatly reduced in number; but Mr White, once a relief minster, continued till her laft. Finding the was go. ing the way of all the earth,

in Scotland; that though the here appeared to die, they needed not to be discouraged, for she would only fleep a little, and in a short time would again visit them, and conduct them to the New Jerufalem. After the died, it was a long time before her enthusiastic votaries would straight or dress the corpse; nor did they coffin her untill they were obliged thereto by the smell; and after that, they would not bury. her, but built up the coffin in a corner of the barn, always expecting that the would rise again from the dead, according to her promise, to conduct them to Jerufalem. At last the people in the country around, shocked with these proceedings, interfered, went to a juftice of peace, and got an order that she should be buried. So that the famous Mrs Buchan of the west, is now lodged in the house appointed for all living.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


young ladies,

233, 279, 320



Statistical account of Scotland,
vol. I. review of,



Tales, Melai, a Conftantino-


politan one,



Elmina, or the flower


that never fades,




[blocks in formation]


ib. Temper, on the command of,
Test act, observations on,
Thoughts on benefits to be de-




[merged small][ocr errors]


ib. rived from bad health,
Threshing machine,

309 Travelling memorandums on a


tour through part of Europe, 116,


ib. Trojan war, on the reality of, 46
ib. Tumbledown to Mrs. Gunning, 178



ib. Vegetable juices inspissated, re-

marks on,



-Jane Shore,

-Country wife,

- Much ado about nothing, 112
-City wives, or the confede-


-Suspicious husband,

-Capricious lady,

History and fall of Caius


-Fair Quaker of Deal,

- She would, and she would



--Ximena, or the heroic


-Bufiris king of Egypt,



Merry wives of Windfor,

----Aureng Zebe,

--Ifabella, or the fatal mar-



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