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orders have been fent to the Commiffioners at all the ports, as we hope will defeat the diabolical scheme.

Sir William Hamilton is ar rived in England from Naples, he has refided near 30 years. He is come home on leave of abfence.

ed his influence at Delhi; and
having the chief management
of the empire during the life
of Allum Shaw, he has made
fuch arrangements as muft in-
fure his acceffion to it: Added
to this, he has conftantly main-where
tained an army of 50,000 caval-
ry and 20,000 foot to fupport
his pretenfions. Mantura, a
town between Agra and Delhi,
was his head quarters; and by
this centrical fituation he kept
both cities in awe of his power,
while, by acts of kindness, he
endeavoured to conciliate the
affection of the people.

On the 18th ult. the Countess of Albany, daughter of the late Prince Charles Stuart, was prefented at Court, and was received by the King, Queen, Prince of Wales, Duke of Clarence, three Princeffes, and the Duke of Gloucefter, with affability and diftinction. The Counters was in deep mourning, and ac companied by a number of Ladies who were alfo in fables. On being introduced to his Majefty, as if to contraft the feverity of former times, he very gallantly faluted the Coun tefs. To imagine fuch an embrace would, a few years fince, have been regarded as little better than treafon.

The Nabob of Oude has finished his new palace at Lucknow. It is four miles in circumference, but is built fo contrary to all order, that every apartment feems to belong to different perfons. The laft room that has been fitted up is the most magnificent thing that can be imagined-it is entirely of ivory and filver. The Nabob is particularly partial to hunting, and he is the only one of the Afiatic defpots that hunts in the true eaftern ftile of magnificence. His train in general confifts of 750 elephants, 5000 horfe, and 40,000 foot. Half a dozen tygers of a morning are to him a break-claims, pursuant to a final defast, and a rhinoceros, with two cifion of the Lords of the Privy or three panthers, a luncheon Council. The whole came to before dinner. a confiderable fum.


On the 17th of May, after a litigation of eight years, the claimants on the goods feized by Lord Rodney and General Vaughan, at St Euftatius, in the year 1782, were paid the full amount of their several

Lieut. Riou, of the Guardian It is faid that the British Mi- Frigate, arrived at London the niftry have received intelligence 12th of May. He has brought that a plot is formed for burn-home in the Sphynx the head ing the English dock yards, and of the Guardian, the only rethat fix foreigners are actually mains of that unfortunate fhip. arrived to execute the defign. He also brought, as a prefent In confequence of which fuch to the Queen, a great number

of roots and feeds of the moft curious plants, &c. to be found at the Cape.

On the 31ft ult. a sermoi was preached in the Tron Church, Edinburgh, by the Rev. Dr Hardy, before the So

benefit of the Sons of the Clergy of the Church of Scotland, from these words: "It is more bleffed to give than to receive." The fermon was fo highly approved, that the Doc. tor has been requested by the Society and the congegation to publish it. The church was much crowded, and the collection at the church-door was 651. 19. and a confiderable fum was afterwards fent by those who could not attend, amounting nearly to 100l.-The mufic was well conducted, and gave great fatisfaction to every perfon prefent. This is the firft fociety inftituted in Scotland for this laudable and beneficent purpose.

On the 18th of May, there was held a general court of pro-ciety lately inftituted for the prietors of the Bank of England, called for the purpose of hearing the final adjustment relative to the unclaimed dividends upon the public ftock. The Governor informed the meeting, that the business was now wholly fettled with the Minifter, who had agreed to withdraw the bill for appropriating 500,00ol. of unclaimed dividends to the ufe of Government, on condition that the Bank gave a loan of an equal fum without intereft, never to be repaid until thofe unclaimed dividends (which are at prefent nearly 700,000l.) fhould be reduced under the fum lent; and then the repayment not to be the whole fum, but only in proportion to the reduction. There is also a ftipulation, that if the unclaimed dividends fhall at any time amount to more than 700,000l. the Minifter fhall be at liberty to take the overplus for the ufe of Government. As it was understood that the lift of un-burgh-three from Glasgowclaimed dividends, up to the lateft period, would be published as foon as convenience would permit, no motion was enforced on that fubject.

On the ad inft. twenty-two convicts from different parts of Scotland, were shipped on board a veffel in Leith Roads, which carries them to Portfmouth, where they are to embark for Botany Bay. Of these there are five from Edin

feven from Jedburgh-five from Perth-and two from Dumfries.

Lately, a fmall floop with paffengers, deftined for Greenock, owing to a sudden guft of The Minister has difpofed wind, overset near Dumbarton, of the enfuing English lottery and went to the bottom. Some at the price of 161. 2s. 6d. per fhort time thereafter, a trunk ticket, to Mr Cope. Mr Cope and feveral of the paffengers has a new plan for the detail of hats floated afhore. The pafthe lottery, to which Mr Pitt'fengers were from England. has confented.

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whole cty was thrown into the
greateft confternation.

The gates and all the doors
of the palace were inmediately

IT had for fome time been locked, and the domeftics cy

refted, but no intelligence could
be obtained of the way in which
the escape had been effected.-
The divifion of the guards on
duty were fufpected to have
favoured the flight; but it was
moft generally believed, that it
had been made by means of
double keys to the apartments,
and by a private fubterraneous
paffage from the cellars to the

fufpected that attempts to
bring about a counter-revolu-
tion in France, would be made
about the time fixed for a new
election of Members for the
National Affembly, which com-
menced on the 16th of June.
In confequence, the ftrictest
orders were given to all the
officers of the National Guards
to hold themfelves in readiness
to act on any emergency.-river; that carriages had been
The guards round the King's
Palace of the Thuilleries were
increased, and the commanding
officer on guard had orders to
watch every motion of their
Majefties through the day, and
to fee them in their apartment
every night at ten o'clock, and
every morning at eight.

Notwithstanding thefe pre. cautions, on Tuesday morning at eight o'clock (June 21.) when M. la Fayette entered the Palace, he found that the King, Queen, Dauphin, Monfieur and Madame had fled. Notice was inftantly fent to the Mayor of Paris and the Prefident of the National Affembly, and the f

hired and ftationed in different
places of the fuburbs, and that
the flight had taken place about
12 o'clock.

The whole National Guards
of the city were under arms by
eleven o'clock. The Affembly
met at twelve, and continued
fitting till five on Wednesday
morning, having paffed many
refolutions, all tending to quiet
the minds of the people, to pre-
ferve order, and to prevent an
interruption to the public bufi-

The Minifters were ordered to continue in their places, and to form themfelves into a Council of State, and do bufinefs as formerly.

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laws of the Church. The National Affembly have paffed some resolutions, requesting the King to take means to reftore peace.

General Rochambeau was ordered to put himself at the head of the army, and to march immediately to the frontiers. On Wednesday, however, the alarm which their Majefties Marfeilles, June 10. Upon departure had occafioned, was reading the celebrated letter of fuddenly removed, by the un- the Abbe Raynal, the populace expected intelligence being of this city became fo furious, brought to the Affembly, that that they dreffed up a figure, the King had been ftopped by representing that venerable adthe National Guards at a fmall vocate of pure liberty, and town called Varennes, within | placing it in the common ve18 miles of the Luxembourg | hicle which conveys the poor to frontier. He had travelled 165 the hofpitals, they carried it miles. A poftmafter, while the through all the streets, and at horfes were changing, recog-length placed it in a public nifed his Majefty, and gave no- mad-houfe. It was dreffed up tice to the municipality, who in a ludicrous manner, fomefent to the National Guards;-thing like the London Guy Faux, they immediately furrounded with a red night-cap, a ftrait the carriage, and an exprefs waistcoat, a fool's bib, &c. and was fent off to the Affembly. infulted with every epithet of The Pope has pofitively refuf-ignominy and contempt. Thus, ed, with the approbation of his the man, who from the laudaCardinals, to admit M. Segur ble fpirit and principles of his as French Minifter. His Nun- writings, was once the favoucio has alfo quitted Paris, forite of every fon of liberty, is that a formal rupture between now become the fcorn of pothe Pope and the French legif-pular opinion and the ridicule lature has taken place.-His of the mob. Holinefs exhorts all the Bishops and Priefts, who have refused to take the oath prefcribed, to perfevere in this holy difpofition, and to perform divine fervice any where, and with un-of preventing the effect of the confecrated veffels. enterprifes of the Court of Rome against the legislative power of France, which was decreed by the Affembly, after fome debate, in fubftance as follows:

In the National Affembly of France on the 16th May, M. Thouret prefented the plan of a decree on the liberties of the Gallican Church, and the means

A very powerful refiftance to the new government of France has appeared in Corfica, occafioned by the introduction of a new bishop and priests who "No briefs, bills, refcripts, had taken the civic oath.-Theor mandates of the Court of inhabitants of the ifland infift on their clergy remaining on the former eftablishment, fubje & to the Pope, and the old

Rome can, on their own authority, be acknowledged, and have the force of law. They fhall be reputed null and void

if they have not been prefented | put out, and that they should to the legislative body, approv-walk two or three times round ed by it, and paffed all the the table, when no doubt, upon forms neceffary for the promul the return of the light, the gation of laws. Duke would find his purfe ; this being agreed to, in a few

"The Bishops, Curates, and all other public fervants, whe-minutes they rung for candles, ther ecclefiaftic or civil, who, when, as the gentleman prein oppofition to the preceding dicted, the purse was found on article, fhall caufe to be read, the table, but the money was diftributed, published, posted, gone. or otherwise made public, any briefs, bulls, or refcripts of the Court of Rome, not approved by the legislative body, thall be profecuted as difturbers of the public peace, and deprived of their places and falaries."

The prefent Turkish Minifter is fo intent on profecuting the war, that he would have difmiffed M. Lafcarrow, the Ruffian Envoy, from his camp, but for the news of fresh infurrections under the very walls of the feraglio. The exertions of the police are infufficient to fupply the capital with provifions, and the spirit of oppofition to the meafures of Go

The Affembly also decreed, That perfons holding the municipal, adminiftrative, and judiciary offices, and the office of commander of the national guards, cannot be elected mem-vernment is manifefted in conbers of the legislative body.

A few weeks ago, the Duke of Orleans, being at a card-party at Paris, fat down to play and loft his money; which when he was going to pay, he found his purfe was gone. His Highnefs fearched his pockets, and made enquiries of feveral perfons near him, if they had in a joke taken it off the table? Which on their declaring very feriously they had not, his Highness infifted that the door fhould be locked, and every perfon fearched, which was agreed to, as the only means of difcovering the guilty perfon, and after preserving the honour and character of the reft of the company. One of the gentlemen propofed, that, to fave the feelings of the perfon who had the purfe, the candles fhould be

tinual fires, which have extend ed to the fuburbs of Pera and Galata. Thousands of houfes have been confumed.

In the night of the 26th of May, a fire broke out in the city of Breflaw, in Germany; the flames communicated with fuch rapidity from house to house, that notwithstanding the moft fpeedy affiftance was given, near feventy houses, two bridges, three churches, a convent, and many mills, filled with corn and flour, were burned.

Berlin, June 10. A very unaccountable robbery has hap→ pened here, which affords much converfation. The Secretary at war, whofe name is Ahe, has been robbed by his own fervant. The rafcal adminiftered to his matter an opiate medicine, which made him

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