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The coafts of the island abound with very fine fish. No opportunities were ever loft of fending the boat out, which enabled us to make a faving of two pounds of meat, each man, a week.

The coasts of the island are in general fteep toe, and, excepting at Sydney, Anfon, Ball, and Cascade Bays, they are inacceffible, being furrounded by steep perpendicular cliffs rifing from the fea. Some rocks are scattered about clofe to the shore.

Sydney Bay, on the fouth fide of the island, is where the fettlement is made: Landing at this place entirely. depends on the wind and the weather; I have seen as good landing as in the Thames, for a fortnight or three weeks together, and I have often feen it impracticable to land for ten or twelve days fucceffively; but it is much oftener good landing than bad.

Anfon Bay is a small bay with a sandy beach, where landing is in general good, with an off-fhore wind and moderate weather; but as the interior parts of the iland are fo difficult of accefs from thence, no fhip's boats have ever landed there.

Ball Bay is on the fouth-eaft fide of the ifland, the beach is a large loofe ftone; when landing is bad in Sydney Bay, it is very good here, as it alfo is in Cafcade Bay, on the north fide of the island.

During the winter months, viz. from April to Auguft, the general winds are the fouth and fouth-west, with heavy gales at times. In the summer, the southeaft wind blows almoft conftant.

The fpring is vifible in Auguft; but the native trees, and many plants in the ifland, are in a conftant state of flowering: The fummer is warm, and fometimes the droughts are very great; all the grain and European plants feeded in December; from February to Auguft, may be called the rainy feafon, not that I think there is any ftated times for rains in thefe months, as it is sometimes very fine weather for a fortnight together; but when the rain does fall, it is in torrents. I do not


remember above three claps of thunder during the time I was on the island. The winter is very pleasant; and it never freezes.

The proper time for fowing wheat and barley is from May to Auguft, and is got in December; that which has been fowed has produced twenty-five fold, and I think the increase may be greater. Two bufhels of barley fowed in 1789 produced twenty-four bushels of a found full grain.

The Indian corn produces well, and is, in my opi nion, the best grain to cultivate in any quantity, on ac count of the little trouble attending its growth, and manufacturing for eating.

The Rio Janeiro fugar cane grows very well, and is thriving.

Vines and oranges are very thriving; of the former, there will be a great quantity in a few years.

Potatoes thrive remarkably well, and yield a very great increase; I think two crops a year of that article may be got with great eafe.

Every kind of garden vegetable thrives well, and comes to great perfection.

The quantity of ground cleared, and in cultivation, belonging to the public, was, on the 13th March 1790, from twenty-eight to thirty-two acres, and about eighteen cleared by free people and convicts for their gardens. PHILIP GIDLEY King.

London, January 10, 1791.

An Account of the Number of Convicts which have been Shipped from England for New South Wales, and of the Number intended to be fent in the Ships now under Orders for that Service; made out pursuant to an Order of the Honourable House of Commons, dated 9th February, 1791.

Convicts fhipped

Convicts intended to be fent in the ships now

under orders

Treafury Chambers,
March 18, 1791.






Efay on the Manners of Europe in Early Times.

Manners with fortunes, humours turn with climes,
Tenets with books, and principles with times.


BEFORE the revival of letters, and the invention of printing, the manners of Europe were no less coarse than cruel,

In the cartularies of Charlemagne, judges are forbid to hold courts, but in the morning, with an empty ftomach. It would appear, that men in those days were not ashamed of being feen drunk even in a court of jus❤ tice.

It was customary both in France and Italy, to collect for fport all the ftrumpets in the neighbourhood, and to make them run races. Struvius mentions a te

June 22, nure, binding a vaflal, on the birth-day of his lord, to dance and ft before him. In the fame period, the judgment of Paris was a favourite theatrical entertainment: Three women stark-naked, represented the three Godeffes, Juno, Venus, and Minerva.

Nicknames, fo common not long ago, are an instance of the fame coarfeness of manners; for, to fix a nickname on a man, is to use him with a contemptuous familiarity.

Swearing, as an expletive of speech, is a violent fymptom of rough and coarse manners. Such fwearing prevails among all barbarous nations. Swearing prevailed in France and Spain, till it was banished by polite manners. Elizabeth Queen of England was a bold fwearer; and the English populace, who are rough beyond their neighbours, are noted by ftrangers for that vice. Swearing renders facred names too familiar. God's beard, the common oath of William Rufus, fuggested an image of our maker, as an old man with a long beard. In vain have acts of Parliament been made against fwearing: It is eafy to avoid the penalty by coining new oaths; and as that vice proceeds from an overflow of spirits, people in that condition brave penalties. Polished manners are the only effectual cure for that malady.

When people begin to emerge out of barbarity, loud mirth and rough jokes come in place of rancour and refentment. About a century ago, it was ufual for the fervants and retainers of the court of Seffion in Scotland to break out into riotous mirth and uproar, the last day of every term, throwing bags, duft, fand, or ftones all around.

An act of the court paffed for prohibiting this diforder, is fufficient evidence of its being customary.

Inns were unknown in Germany, and, to this day, are unknown in the remote parts of the Highlands of

Scotland; because hofpitality prevailed greatly among the ancient Germans, and continues to prevail so much among our Highlanders, that a gentleman takes it for an affront if a stranger pass his house.

Magnanimity and heroifm, in which benevolence is an effential ingredient, are inconfiftent with cruelty, perfidy, or any grovelling paffion. Never was gallantry in war carried to a greater height than between the English and Scots borderers, before the crowns were united. The night after the battle of Otterburn, the victors and vanquished lay promifcuously in the fame camp, without apprehending the least danger, one from


Manners are deeply affected by perfecution. The forms of procedure in the inquifition of Spain, enable the inquifitors to ruin whom they please. A perfon accufed is not confronted with the accufer; every fort of accufation is welcome, and from every perfon: Nay, the perfons accused, are compelled to inform against themselves, by gueffing what fin they may have been guilty of. Hence the profound ignorance of the Spaniards, while other European nations are daily improving in every art and in every science. Human nature is reduced to the loweft ftate, when governed by fuperftition, cloathed with power.

Edinburgh, April 4. 1791. S



A Card.

LORD BUCHAN avails himself of the extenfive circulation of the Bee, to folicit the attention of his correfpondents, both at home and abroad, to the advancement of Scottish biography; a plan for which he offered, about ten years ago, and endeavoured to promote its execution, by publishing a life of the great inventor of the logarithms.

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