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Chap. cxxv. William and ElizaIeth.

1. And it came to pafs, that, in those days, there lived a poor man, a weaver to trade, and his name was William.

2. And William was an induftrious man, and he toiled hard for bread; but his gains were fo fmall, as to be fufficient barely to fubfift himself.

3. And he caft his eyes upon a young maiden, who was comely to behold, and bis heart was fmitten with love of her. And the name of the maiden was Elizabeth.

4. And he courted the damfel, and he found favour in her eyes, and they married together.

5. And William doated on his wife, for fhe was fair and lovely; and he delighted to fee her decked forth in gay apparel, for he faw that fhe rejoiced in it; and every wifh of his heart was to please her.

6. And Elizabeth was lively and gay; and when flie was dreffed, fhe delighted to be feen and admired by others; and he went to vifit her neighbours, and had neither time nor inclination to work, to affist in adding to the ftores of the family; neither did he know that it was neceffary for her fo to do.

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7. But William, for the love he bore to her, redoubled his activity. He rofe early, and went late to reft; nor ever loft a moment that could be saved.

8. But all this would not do. His income was too fmall to support the expence he now incurred;—and his heart was wrung with anguish on that account: nor did he know how to relieve his diftrefs.

9. His neighbours alfo obferved his countenance was fallen, and pitied him ; but neither did they know how to afford him any relief...

10. And there was among them a little old man, whofe name was Jacob. And Jacob poffeffed great wealth; for his fole study from his youth upwards had been how to amafs gold. His heart was fteeled against every tender

feeling; but he was artful and fupple, and could af lume any shape to effect his purpose.

11. Now when Jacob faw Elizabeth, that he was beautiful and lovely, his heart panted with defire to enjoy her; and he plotted how he might effect his purpose continually.

12. And when he faw the altered countenance of William, he rejoiced; for he said within himself, I fhall be able to effect my purpose, by means of his neceffities.

13. So he watched the times when William came abroad, and he threw himself in his way:

14. And he said unto him, what aileth thee, neighbour; thy looks are altered, and fhew that thou art not in good health.-Tell me, I pray thee, what is the matter: thy mind seems to be diftreffed;-perhaps if I knew it, I might be able to relieve thee.

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15. But William at first answered him not. And Jacob once more kindly intreated him, saying, nay, but I beseech thee, neighbour, tell me the caufe of thy diftrefs, that I may fee if it be in my power to relieve

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16. And William was conftrained to tell; and he. faid, a preffing demand for money hath come upon me, and I have it not at prefent myself,-nor do I know where to find it,

17. And Jacob answered and faid, let not thine heart be troubled because of this; neither let this thing dif trefs thee?-am not I thy friend, and I can at present affift thee!—How much, I pray thee, doft thou want?

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18. And he faid, fifteen pieces of filver would free me from my prefent distress.

19. So Jacob ran home, and fetched the money, and put it into his hand, faying, Friend, let thine heart be at ease ;-here is the money;-take it, and welcome; -and had it been ten times the fum, it fhould have been freely given unto thee.

20. And the heart of William overflowed with gratitude, fo that he wept ;-and he fqueezed his hand in teftimony of thankfulness; for he could not utter one word.

21. And he went home rejoicing, and bleffing heaven for having fent him fuch a neighbour: For he knew not the evil that this was intended to bring upon him.

22. And he applied himself with redoubled activity to his work, for his fpirits were raised, and his strength returned to him again.

23. And he said in his heart, I fhall not cease to toil by night and by day, until I shall be able to repay this money; for it is not fit that fo good a man fhould fuffer any lofs, because of his kindness to me.

24. So he worked hard, and fared meanly, that he might repay his debt :-But he concealed his difficulties from Elizabeth, left it might give her pain.

25. Nevertheless he could not fucceed,-oppreffed by toil and abstinence, he became languid.-A fever feized him, and he was thrown upon the bed of ficknefs.

26. And when Jacob heard of his diftrefs, he made hafte to vifit his friend :-for now, faid he, I fhall have an opportunity of converfing with the amiable Elizabeth.

27. And he vifited William daily, and pretended to be much concerned for his diftrefs.

28. And when the fever increased, so that he became delirious, he still attended him, and helped Elizabeth to manage him.

29. And he ipake kindly unto her, and inquired if fhe wanted any thing; and he preffed money upon her, to procure the neceffaries the might have occafion for, which the thankfully accepted, being in great want thereof.

30. And it came to pass, that after many days, the fever began to abate; and when the delirium was gone,

Elizabeth told William of the kindness of Jacob; and it filled his heart with thankfulness.

31. And the care of Jacob was not abated. He waited on the fick man many hours every day, and helped to amufe him in his ftate of languor and weakness.

32. And he gave him money to procure neceffaries; and he made light of the favour, faying, "I take plea"fure in affifting my friend in the day of his dif "trefs."

33. And when the ftrength of William returned, he went to work, and he exerted himself as much as poffible for he found he was now indebted to Jacob more than an hundred pieces of silver.

34. And it came to pafs, that at the end of three weeks and four days from the time of his recovery, early in the morning, Jacob, with an altered countenance, called upon William.

35. And he faid unto him, Woe is me! for I am undone. David the banker, who had most of my money, is failed;-and my creditors are come up

on me.

36. Now therefore, I must intreat thee instantly to pay that which thou owest unto me.

37. When William heard this faying, he stood motionless with horror; for he had no money, nor could he poffibly raise it at the time,

38. But now, he answered, I am in health; and if thou wilt but have patience, I will give thee one half of my earnings until that the uttermoft farthing fhall be repaid.

39. But Jacob turned a deaf ear to his intreaty; and he ordered him to be caft into prifon that very day for he feared, that if William should be left at liberty to folicit others, he might find a friend, who would advance the money; for he was much beloved by all who

knew him.

40. Now when William was shut up in prifon, no one faw him, nor confidered his cafe; and he was allow

ed to pine there in idlenefs and mifery for many


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41. And the name of William was foon forgotten by his neighbours, as if he had been dead; neither did they think of his forrowful days; but in the hour of festivity, they, regardless of his fate, still shouted, "Liberty! Liberty! we are a free people, and no one can be attached among us who has not been guilty of a crime." 42. Now, when William was abfent, Jacob taking advantage of the neceflities of Elizabeth, prevailed on her to become his concubine; and he went in unto her, and committed adultery with her in fecret, and enjoyed without disturbance, the fruits of his villany.

To be continued


To the Editor of the Bee.

Hints to the Learned.

MR. Gerard von Papenbrock (ancien Prefident des Echevins) at Amfterdam, is faid by Mr. Cofte, the editor of Montaigne's works, to have been poffeffed of more than a thousand original letters of the most learned men in Europe, during the courfe of two centuries; which collection was reported to have been purchased fome years ago by the prefent Emprefs of Ruffia; but on inquiry, I found that these volumes are ftill at Amfterdam, or in Holland.

Mr. Mutzenbecher, a very learned clergyman at Amfterdam, may perhaps be good enough to give information to the Bee, concerning this valuable mass of Jetters, from which an useful felection might be made for the public.

Another valuable collection of letters, written by Grotius, Puffendorf, and other eminently learned men,

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