On the Revolution in Poland, In future ages, the eighteenth century will make a moft brilliant ap; " Then, pearance, when compared at least with those that went before it will be faid, was laid the foundation of thofe numerous improve ments, which fo much diftinguifh the modern times from those dark ages of barbarism, in which Europe had been fo long involved. True, indeed, the politicians of that æra knew but little ;-The erroneous notions that had fo long prevailed, had warped their judgment to such a degree, that they were unable to reafon with that difcriminating accu racy which has fince prevailed. But they then began to think for themfelves, and to reafon in their own fashion. It was only by following the route on which they then entered, that we have been able to attain to that perfection which conftitutes our highest glory. Let us therefore revere the liberal exertions of our rude progenitors. Though ig norant and unpolished, they are ftill entitled to our highest esteem." Such, I doubt not, will be the language of those who shall live fome centuries hence. Reafon begins to dawn among mankind; and when the reign of fyftematic error fhall be totally abolished, who can form an idea of the extent of thefe improvements we fhall be able to at tain? The feeds of this happy revolution, if not first sown in Britain, were first cherished there, fo as to be productive of any beneficial effect. It was in regard to religious fubjects that the human mind firft began to exercife its powers, and to fhake off fome of thofe fetters that had formerly enthralled it. But flow was its progrefs, and feeble was its force. Truth had scarcely begun to appear, when it formed a league with error; a baneful coalition was formed, which has retarded our progrefs, and still will continue to retard it here; while others, inspired by the prospect of what we have done, fhall have exerted their native powers with ftill greater vigour, and left us perhaps far behind. The revolutions that have taken place with regard to government in America and France, may perhaps be fluctuating and unstable; because their political institutions may be defective and erroneous. But the grand revolution is that which refpects the mind; and this, if we may judge from paft events, We know of no inftance fince the art of will be permanent and fure. printing was invented, of any nation, in which the individuals had once acquired the habit of reafoning with perfect freedom on every fubject, who ever could be again fubjected to the dominion of abject igIt is this empire of reafon which I trust will be permanent, because every exertion in the present moment, will tend to facilitate the acquifition of knowledge, which is the only fure foundation on which reafon can eftablish her throne. norance. Among all the triumphs of reafon over prejudice, that have occurr ed in the prefent age, that which hath recently taken place in Poland is the moft furprifing and wonderful, and what was leaft to be expected. That the body of a people, when by any accident they obtained power, 1 fhould wish to reduce thofe who were above them to the fame level withe themselves, i fo little furprising, that we know of scarcely any inftance where it was feemingly within their reach, that they have not attempted it. But the furprising thing is, that in Poland, where a system of more rigid aristocratic defpotifm has prevailed for many ages, than was perhaps ever known to have fubfifted in any other part of the globe, thefe nobles, without the fmalleft compulfion, or even folicitation on the part of the people, have voluntarily abandoned fome of their highest prerogatives, of which they have on all former occations thewt themfelves moft rigidly tenacious. This looks like enchantment; yet there feems to be no poffibility of denying the fact. The following letter gives fuch a clear and fatisfactory account of this tranfaction, as to deferve to be preferved as an historical record of the most fingular kind, for the information of future ages. 66 Warfar, 19th April 1791. Yesterday was a day of triumph to millions; a day that will form a glorious epocha in the annals of this country, and render immortal the name of Stanislaus Auguftus, in whom we revere all the qualities of a truly Patriot King. "If Newton found the world in want of light, he found it at least well difpofed to receive it. But in what ftate did Stanislaus Auguftus find Poland on his elevation to the throne? Was it not in a ftate of anar*chy, and still averfe to any reform? Was it not exposed to all disasters, without any means, in the King's hands, to prevent them? "The King felt the cause of fo many misfortunes. He knew the defects of government, and was not unacquainted with the fpirit of h nation. With unwearied exertion of his zeal and abilities, by gentie perfuafion and example, he not only introduced order into the adminiftration of different departments of the state, but even pre-difpofed minds for the most difficult and mott glorious reformation; a reformtion in the fentiments of the nation at large; a reformation that infpired the inhabitants of cities, who for ages paft had lived in a kind of flavery, with courage to reclaim the enjoyment of their ancient rights, and the nobility, whe had fo long exercifed the entire fovereignty, with generosity to grant them unanimoufly, even more than they asked. Yesterday, civil and religious prejudices, perhaps equally difficult to be overcome, were abandoned in the fame moment, and the Tiers Etat admitted, without diftinction of birth or religion, to a participation both of the legislative and executive power; and declared capable of any office, civil, military or ecclefiaftical, exccpting in the national cavalry, and in fome chapters deftined for the benefit of the poorer clafs of a nu merous nobility. "When the National Affembly of France reduced the nobility to an equality with the citizen, the greater number of its members confifted of the Tiers Etat; but when Poland raifed her citizens to that equahity, the Diet confifted of nobility only. And yet there was no divifion within doors, nor commotion without! Eloquent and perfuafive as the King is on all occafions, on this he feemed to outdo himself. The fub ject touched his heart; he fpoke with an uncommon degree of fire and enthufiafm; and his hearers caught the flame. Count Malachowski and Prince Sapieha, Marthals of the Diet, were particularly animated and happy in the arrangement and folidity of their arguments. Prince Adam Czartoriski Wawrechi, and Niemcewicz, member for Livonia, alfo diftinguished themselves in a remarkable manner. "None of us (faid this laft gentleman, Ipeaking of the exclufion of all fuch as are not nobles from offices of trust and honour) "knows who were the ancef66 tors, or what was the religion of Washington and, Franklin; but all "of us know what important fervices thefe illuftrious characters ren"dered to their country. Let not therefore the modefty of our citizens prescribe limits to our generofity. Let us not afk, nor look into "old papers, to afcertain what they have a right to demand; butlet us grant "them, out of our own free accord, all that the welfare of our own country requires that they fould poffefs." Mr. Suchorzewiki, member for Kalish, a gentleman equally refpectable for his integrity and abilities, has the merit of having framed the bill that was adopted. As foon as it had paffed, the members embraced one another, and their new brothers the citizens, who were numerous, prefent in the houfe; then, in token of their gratitude to the King, for the pains he has taken to obtain fo glorious a reform in the constitution of their country, defired leave to kifs his hand. What a triumph for all parties! "Now may we expect to see our half-inhabited towns re-peopled, our industry and commerce revive. Nothing further than the emancipa- s tion of our peasants feems to be now wanting, in order to render all ranks as happy as they are brave; and the country as independent and powerful, as it is fruitful and rich; but this can only be effected by degrees." Here, however, as in every inftance of a fimilar ført, the philofopher who admires the fpirit which dictated that revolotion, will find reafon to doubt of the judicioufnefs of the measure. In feveral refpects he will condenin it as unwife. But can wifdem be expected to fpring up in a moment among all the members of a numerous and an illiterate affembly? It could not be-They only begin to think, and wish to act with liberality of mind. Let them continue to be influenced by this princi ple, and they will gradually imbibe knowledge. Their errors will then be corrected, and a general diffufion of happincts over the mighty nation will be the confequence, THE BEE, OR LITERARY WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, FOR WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1791. Travelling Memorandums continued from page 122. SEPTEMBER 15th. I dined and fupped at the Hotel d' Angleterre Chantilly. Many years ago, I faw the grand palace, gardens, and famous ftables here, objects of admiration to travellers of tafte, for the greatest diftinctions of high life-I, as a plain philofophical fort of a man, am better pleased to obferve, that the prefent Prince de Condè encourages induftrious people to fettle and build good houfes in his village-He fays, I am told, and I think moft nobly, that he would gladly furrender one great houfe appropriated to himself and his family for feveral thoufands of free industrious people, thriving and happy, every' one in his own. houfe He has taken one measure conducive to this good end, by erecting a china manufactory here, which fucceeds very well-The English landlady at this inn is fenfible and civil-Here I have paid the highest bill of any on the road, chiefly owing to the circumftance, VOL. III. Bb that, in the mode of the fouth of England, every ar ticle is charged feparately-yet I was far from diffatisfied-for my accommodation and entertainment have been remarkably good. I now approach to Paris, and recollect that on all this route I have not feen one male waiter-only one landlord has made his appearance-and, alack a day! not one pretty girl-In this country all kinds of vehicles on the high-roads must give way to poft-carriages, by the King's ordinance, which is conftantly obferved -Our commonality are apt to fpurn at fuch useful regulations-If they had a proper fenfe of liberty, they would at least be as well difpofed to obey the acts of our legislature, as the French are to revere the royal edicts. 16th September. Without any inftance of ill usage or impofition in the course of this journey (except that at the post-house, firft ftage from Chantilly, they exacted 36 fous for my breakfast, which is more than double the ufual rate), I this day arrived in Paris, at the Hotel de York-The landlord is a very fenfible civil man-His wife, well qualified for her station, is English; and he speaks the language well, though born at Dunkirk-I have two handsome apartments for myself, and fufficient accommodation adjoining for my two fervants, at one Louis d'or and a half per week-I pay fifteen livres a day for a good chariot, two horses, and driver-The late fcarcity of fodder occafioned an edict, which authorises, for a limited time, a rife in the rates of hired horses, both on the poft roads and in cities— I have fettled terms with a reputable Traiteur, "at the rate of five livres, when alone, and fix livres a-head, when I have company-I am very well ferved, and fo plentifully, that the fragments are always fufficient for the use of my fervants-I am well ferved with wines, by my obliging countryman Mr. Maclagan, who is in company with Monfieur Bouffee, prefently at |