Hình ảnh trang

the defence of this place at the time
it was conquered by the English, viii.
[85]-An account of the fourth pay-
ment of prize-money, in April 1766,
ix. [83]-An account of the actual
expenditure of three millions of dol-
lars in augmenting the fortifications,
which were extended inland feveral
miles, x, [113]-the infults offered
to the British flag by the Spanish go-
vernor of this ifland in 1767, [123,
Havre de Grace fuccefsfully bombarded
by admiral Rodney, ii. 22.-The num-
ber of boats faid to be deftroyed in
1759 and 1760, 103, and iii. [122,
Herculaneum, four volumes of the anti-
quities of, prefented from the king of
Spain to the univerfity of Edinburgh,
viii. [59]

Hermione, value and importance of the
capture of the, v. [44]—vi. [163,

Helle, itate of the war in, i. 55-ii. 20
-iii. [21, 22, 35. 50]-iv. [7. 12.
28. 30]-v. [48. 50]-evacuated and
restored, with all fortreffes and artil-
lery, by the French, v. [238]-Coffee
prohibited, ix. [80]-Wife regulations
in favour of the military, xix. [180,
18r] Bills of mortality for, fee


Hilverfum, near Utrecht, a dreadful fire

in 1776, ix. [113]

Hoff, defeat of the Auftrians and Im-
perialifts at this place in 1759, ii. 10.
Hohkirchen, the famous battle fought at
this place, the wonderful conduct of
his Pruffian majefty in it, and the con-
fequences of it defcribed, i. 56. 59:
Holland, nature of the neutrality obferv-
ed, and the general state of the nation
at the beginning of 1759, ii. 5-Pro-
ceedings of the ftates-general and the
ftates of Holland on the death of her
royal highness Anne, princefs royal of
England, and princefs dowager of
Orange and Naffau, in 1759, 59, 60
-regulations made in this year relat-
ing to their marine, 63-fends three
minifters to England on fpecial affairs,
with an account of their fecret in-
ftructions, 75. 86-avowed partiality
to the French in 1759, 128, 129-and
in 1761, V. [161]-The number of
fhips loft by ftorms from Michaelmas
1760 to January 1ft, 1761, iv. [59]—
-The manner of fettling the remark-
able French feizure of Dutch property
in an English packet in 1760, [67,
68] an account of the capture of the


French frigate called the Felicité, Ja-
nuary 30th, 1761, and the umbrage
given thereby to the ftates-general,
[68. 268] the ftate of the trade
during the German war, from 1756
to the beginning of the year 1761,
[72]-feizure of their property by
the French, the memorial demand-
ing reftitution, and the anfwer given
by the court of Verfailles, [117]—an
account of an infurrection at their
colony of Ceylon in the Eaft Indies,
where the natives, enraged by the
cruelty of the Dutch, destroyed most
of the colonifts and their plantations,
[175]-Some furprizing bankrupties
which happened in this country at
the conclusion of the peace, and the
probable caufe which produced them,
vi. [102, 103]—The gracious recep-
tion given to their royal and most
ference highneffes the hereditary
prince and princefs of Brunfwick, on
their return to Germany through
this country, after their marriage in
January 1764, vii. [52, 53]-the
fad ftate of the principal fettlement
belonging to this country in the East
Indies in the year 1763, [83]-The
able management of the fettlements
in the East Indies in 1764 and 1765,
and the great rife of the dividend
made by the company; with an in-.
quiry into the nature of the govern-
ment of thele colonies, viii. [15, 16]
-The great additional ftrength which
the proteftant fyftem received from the
prince of Orange being arrived of age
on the 8th of March, 1766, and the
great and voluntary rejoicings made
upon that occafion, ix. [6]-the ce-
remony obferved at the inftallation of
the prince ftadtholder in the affembly
of the ftates-general, and the present
which the ftates-general made to him
upon that occafion, [73]-the divi-
dend made by their Eat India com-
pany in 1766, and the deputation
which they fent to the prince of Orange,
with the patent of general governor
of their company, [81.83]-The great
connection formed between the king
of Pruffia and this republic, by the
marriage which took place between
the prince ftadtholder with the princefs
royal of Pruffia, x. [4. 113]-fome
account of the grand entertainments
given in Pruffia on account of the
marriage of his fereae highness the
prince of Orange with her royal
highnefs the princefs Frederica Sophia
Wilhelmina, princefs royal of Pruffia,



October the 4th, 1767, [136]-the
rejoicings, &c. at the Hague upon this
occafion, [138, 139. 146, 147]-The
state of the whale fishery in 1768, xi.
[204]-The happy itate of affairs here
in 1769, the augmentation made in the
troops, and the difpofitions towards
putting their marine upon a refpect-
able footing, xii. [10]-the number
of negro flaves bartered for by Hol-
land in 1768, and the computed va-
lue of each flave, [114]-the placart
which was iffued in 1769, for encou-
raging the importation of foreign
cattle, to fupply the lofs of those that
were carried off in the provinces by
the fatal distemper in this year, [158,
159] the ftate of this diftemper in
September this year, [167]-The mif-
understanding which happened in 1770
between the itates of Holland and the
elector palatine, relative to the naviga-
tion of the Rhine, and the payment of
certain duties claimed by the ftates of
Holland, which was amicably adjusted
by the friendly mediation of the courts
of Vienna, Berlin, and the elector of
Triers, on July the 19th, 1770, when
the Rhine was again opened, xiii. [46]
-an account of the placart iflued May
29th, 1770, by order of the itates-ge-
neral, prohibiting for fix weeks all
commerce by land and water with the
elector palatine, [111] the cere-
mony obferved in December 1770,
at the chriftening of the daughter of
their ferenc and royal highneffes the
prince and princess of Orange, [175,
176] Alteration made in the punish-
nient of deferters in 1771, xiv. [92]
-the tragic event which happened at
the Hague May the 27th, 1771, [111]
-The moft alarming infurrection of
the negroes in 1772, at their colony of
Surinam, which for feveral months in-
volved the inhabitants in the greatest
terror and duftrefs, and endangered the
poffeffion of their valuable and exten-
fire fettlements in that part of the
world; and the measures taken by this
country to quell the infurrection, xv.
[9]-particulars relating to the very
great didrefs in this country in 1772,
for want of bread-corn, and the enor-
mous price given for the fmall quan-
tity that was imported, [70]-the pe-
nal law which paffed in 1772, prohi-
biting the extravagant entertainments
given at the interment of the dead,
[128]-the number of fhips which
entered the Texel in the course of the


year 1772, fpecifying the countries
from whence they came, [155]-The
nature of the obfolete claim on the
ftates made by his Pruffian majesty in
1773, xvi. [8]-The alarming nature
and extenfive influence of the com-
mercial failures in this country, the
caufe which produced thefe failures,
and the means by which their fatal con-
fequences were prevented, confidered
in a general view, [9, 10]-the esta-
blishment of peace, friendship, and good
harmony which took place in 1773,
with the emperor of Morocco, on the
fame footing as by the preceding treaty
with this ftate, [86]-the augmenta-
tion of the land forces of 12,000 men,
which was agreed upon April 13th,
1773, [91]-wife regulations to pre-
ferve the fafety of the navigation on
the banks of the Meufe, [118, 119]
-the humane and benevolent prefent
tranfmitted to his Polifh majesty in
1773, [127]-the conclufion of a con-
vention, July 28th, 1773, with the
court of Verfailles, for reciprocally
exempting the fubjects of both king-
doms from the droit d'aubaine, [137]

-The rupture with the emperor of
Morocco, who declares war against the
ftates in 1774, xvii. [42] the cere-
mony obferved at the chriftening of
the fon of the prince of Orange,
March the 8th, 1774, [101]-the
commencement of hoftilities with the
emperor of Morocco, on the first of
December 1774, [172]-the mifun-
derstanding which broke out between
the ftates and the Flemish govern-
ment in Austrian Flanders, [174]—
Hoftile preparations and declaration
of war against the emperor of Mo-
rocco in 1775, xviii. [861-the ex-
portation of arms, ammunition, gun-
powder, &c. in Dutch or foreign
fhips prohibited by the states in 1775,
[104]-the exportation of ammuni-
tion to any of the British colonies
prohibited for one year, which took
place in September 1775, [156]—
The methods taken by this country,
and other commercial ftates in Eu-
rope, in 1776, to share in the advan-
tages of the American trade with the
British colonies, after they had fepa-
rated themselves from the mother-
country, by the declaration of inde-
pendency, which took place July the
4th in the fame year, xix. [181*.
183-the charter of their Eaft In-
dia company was renewed in 1766


upon the moft liberal terms to the pro-
prietors, [192*. 136]- The confe-
quences which were produced by the
ftoppage of their fhips laden with tim-
ber and naval ftores for the French
fervice in 1780, xxiii. [204, 205*]
-the nature and fubftance of the pro-
clamation iffued April the 17th, 1780,
against the states-general by the court
of London, [206, 207*]-For bills
of mortality in this country, fee NA-

Holftein; the caufe and probable con-
fequence of the ceffion of this duchy
to Denmark in 1773, and the equi-
valent granted to Ruffia, fairly and
impartially confidered, xvi. [4, 5]
Hombourg; the repulfe which the French
met with at this place, from the va-
lour of the marquis of Granby, and
the confequences which obliged them
to evacuate the adjacent country, and -
all the fouth part of Heffe, v. [26]
Honduras, the bay of; the right of cut-
ting logwood in it, allowed to the
English by the Spaniards, at the ge-
neral peace in 1763, on condition that
his Britannic majesty demolished all
the fortifications which his fubjects
fhall have erected in this bay, and
other places of the territory of Spain
in that part of the world, within four
months after the ratification of the
treaty, v. [60, 61. 239]-An account
of fome impediments given to the
English logwood cutters at Jucatan,
the reprefentation on this abufe of and
infringement upon the XVIIth article
of the treaty of peace, and the dif-
avowal of the Spanish governor's con-
duct on this occafion by the court of
Madrid, vii. [82, 83]-A narrative
(by admiral fir William Burnaby) of
the removal and death of the Spanish
governor of Jucatan, who molested the
English; the conduct of his fucceffor,
and the letter (tranflated) which he
fent to fir William Burnaby; and the
confirmation of all the rights vested in
the English by the treaty of peace,
viii. [99. 101]-Complaints made in
1765 against the irregular proceedings
of the French fhips employed in the
logwood trade, ix. [56]-The dread-
ful calamity fuftained by the great fa-
mine in this country, overfpread with -
locufts in fuch a manner, that they eat
up every green thing, and in fome
parts of the country lay on the ground
a foot thick, in 1771, xiv. [163]-
The fuccessful expedition which was

made by the English under the conduct of captain Luttrell, who took the fortrets of Omoa, and the Spanish regifter hips which had taken shelter in that fort in October 1780; the number of Spanish prifoners which were taken, and the quintals of quickfilver they found in the fort; and the nature of the convention which was concluded between the British commanders on the one fide, and the Spanish governor and officers on the other, xxiii. [211*. 214*]-a very memorable anecdote of a British feaman engazed in taking this fort, [214*, 215*]

For a dreadful famine in 1771, fee NATURAL HISTORY.

Hoya; the much celebrated action at, and the great fagacity, refolution, and prefence of mind in the hereditary prince of Bruniwick on that occafion,

1. 34, 35.

Hoyers Werda; the important defeat of
general Vehla at this place, by prince
Henry of Pruffia, ii. 45, 46.
Hubertburgh; conferences opened, and
treaty of peace concluded, between
his Pruffian majelly and the emprcfs
queen, v. [63]

Hungary; the e aim of her imperial ma-
jelty to the duchy of Silefia, which the
had loft in 1740, was the ground of a
quarrel with the king of Pruffia, and
the origin of the war which was de-
clared in 1756, and produced the re-
maikable treaty of Verfailles, a very
memorable æra in the political history
of Europe, i. 2. 6. 8-a bull granted
by the pope for railing ten per cent..
upon the revenues of all ecclefiaftics
within the dominions of the empress
queen of, 81-Rejects the pacific pro-
potals for an accommodation made by
Great Britain and Pruffia at the end
of the campaign for 1759, and the
reafons affigned for it, ii. [3. 5]—
The nature and fubftance of the peace
between her imperial majefty and the
king of Pruffia at Hubertsburgh in
1762, V. [63. 247. 249]-The lofs
fuftained by the late war, is eftimated
at fifty millions of florins in money,
befides the lots of half a million of
men, vi. [97]—the zealous endea-
vours of the empress queen to repair
thefe loffes, to reward the merit of her
brave military officers, and to punish
fuch misbehaviour in then: as was at-
tended with any confiderable influence
on her affairs, [97, 98]-The wife
encouragement given to matrimony in

the army, x. [5. 53]-The empress
queen makes Oftend a free port in
September 1759, and the fuppofed bad
confequences of it to the Dutch, xii.
[135] The very remarkable act fo-
lemnized at Newitadt, when the bones
of the great emperor Maximilian I.
were again interred, after a fecond ab-
folution, in 1770, xiii. [110, 111]-
The fpecification from the emprefs
queen of the countries which the pro-
pofed to feize upon in Poland, xv.
[29, 30]-The edict of her imperial
majesty, for raifing 50,000 recruits in,
xvi. [149]-and for the prefervation
of fhips entering the port of Oftend,
[129]-The principal articles of the
imperial edict for religious toleration
in 1776, in this kingdom, and the
happy effects which are likely to he
produced by it, xix. [146]-Violent
earthquake in 1763, ie NATURAL
HISTORY. See alfo Auftria and

[ocr errors][merged small]

AMAICA, proceedings of the privy
council in England relating to the
ftate papers belonging to this ifland, ii.
57-the divifion of this country into
three counties, and the first appoint-
ment of justices of oyer and terminer,
57-An account of three dangerous
infurrections in 1760, the mifchief
done by the negroes, and the regula-
tions made at a feffions of the peace
to prevent diflurbances for the future
amongst the negroes on that ifland, iii.
[111, 112. 123. 125. 128, 129]—
Maritime news for 1760 relating to
this ifland, iv. [97, 98]-The terri-
ble effects of lightning at fort Augufta
in 1763, vi. [113]-The ftate of the
Spanish trade with this ifland in 1764,
vii. [84. 107]-The very fevere alter-
cations and difputes between the go-
vernor and the houfe of affembly be-
longing to this ifland, concerning the
privileges of that houfe in 1764, and
the caufe which gave rife to thefe dif-
putes, viii. [107.179. 183]-The ftate
of the rebellion in 1766, ix. [80]-
The infurrection of the negroes in 1767,
and the manner in which the infur-
gents were punished, x. [88]-The
very fortunate difcovery of a confpi-
racy among the negroes of Kington,
the capital of this ifland, in 1769, to
fet the town on fire in different places,

and to put the inhabitants to death
without mercy, xii. [110]-Hoftile
proceedings of the Spanish guarda
coftas against the British veffels on the
adjacent coafts of this ifland in 1771,
xv. [81. 104]-Subftance of the peti-
tion and memorial from the affembly,
xviii. [102*]—The inhabitants pre-
vented by the Spaniards, in 1775,
from cutting wood on the coaft of the
ifland of Cuba, [104]-Martial law
was proclaimed and enforced in this
ifland, and an embargo laid on the
fhipping bound for Europe, for a cer-
tain limited time, in 1776, in confe-
quence of what was filed in the pro-
clamation a rebellion of the negroes,
and the means by which it was fup-
preffed, xx. [167]-the great fcarcity
of provifions nearly approaching to a
famine in this ifland at that time, which
may be supposed to have been very in-
ftrumental to the infurrection, and to
have originated from not receiving the
ufual fupplies from North America,
[167]-Petition of the merchants and
planters to the English houfe of com-
mons, xxiii. [92. 94]-Prefented to
the lords, [120. 122]
Ibrailow befieged by the Pruffians, who

meet with an obftinate resistance from
the garrifon, that was continually re-
inforced by the grand vizir, till at
length it is abandoned by the Turks,
who are entirely driven beyond the
Danube, and the Ruffians go into
winter quarters, xiii. [25, 26]
Jerfey; British parliamentary grants to,
In 1758, . 127-In 1759, ii. 171–
In 1760, iii. [182]-In 1762,v. [152]
-In 1763, vi. [177, 178]-In 1764,
vii. [157]--In 1765, viii. [236]—In
1766, ix. [200]-In 1769, xii. [99]
-In 1770, xiii. [234]-In 1771,
[222]-In 1772, XV. [209]-In 1773,
xvi. [226]-In 1774, xvii. [250]—
In 1777, xx. [265]—In 1778, xxi.
[275]-In 1779,xxii.[335]-In 1780,
xxiii. [308]

[ocr errors]

Jerfey Ifland; an ineffectual attempt on
it, by the French, in the fummer of
1779, xxiii. [11.13]

[ocr errors]

Jefuits; the decline of the power of
the court of Rome in the fall of the
Jefuits, x. [5, 6. 27. 34. 93. 154.
165] expulfion of, from Spain,
and their effects fequettered, [27.
32. 80, 81] xi. [48]-Their famous
college at Rome fhut up, xv. [133]—
Final fuppreffion of the order, ratified
by pope Clement XIV. in 1773, xvi.

[54. 57] Reinftated in Avignon and the duchy of Benevento, [132] Jews, propofals in favour of, in France, x. [164]-Edict for their leaving Ruffia, having been fuppofed to have held correfpondence with the enemies, xiii. [167]-Encouragement given to, in Polish Pruffia, xvi. [45]

Indians on the Ohio and Lake Ontario, defcribed, vi. [22. 24]-caufes, plan, and iffue of the war they carried on against the English, [24. 32]—employed in the campaigns of 1776 and 1777, XX. [21. 23. 143, 144. 155, 156]-Parliamentary debates concerning the favages being employed, xxi. [76, 77. 110. 115]-Their cruel depredations in 1778, xxii. [7. 14]

thefe cruelties retorted upon them by the Americans, [15. 17] Indies, Eaft, the; the military honour of the English re-established in this country, and the total revolution of their affairs, in favour of their Eaft India company, by the bravery of almiral Watson, and colonel, afterwards lord, Clive, i. 30. 33-The state of the war in 1758, between the English and French; the defeat of the French fleet under M. d'Ache; the capture of Fort St. David's, by M. de Lally, who is afterwards repulfed at Tanjour, and obliged to raile the fiege of Madras, ii. 53, 54. 79, 80. 95, 96—The ill fuccefs of the French in 1759, iii. [63, 64]-the engagement and defeat of the Dutch in 1760, who wanted and endeavoured to engrofs the trade of falt-petre, [113. 116]-the affaffination of the grand mogul, with an enquiry into the caufe, and a defcription of his fucceffor, [137]-Propofais of France, relating to her fettlements at the time a treaty of peace was negotiating in 1761, iv. [21]-the fuccefs which crowned the military exploits of the English, and the distress and ruin of the French fettlements, both in Bengal and Bombay, with fome reflections on the uncommon circumftances attending the war between the English and French, [54. 58]— a remarkable infurrection of the natives at the island of Ceylon, and the deftruction of the plantations which followed, [175]-The nature and li mits of the territorial fettlements of the English and French agreed to and confirmed by thele two feveral nations, at the general peace, which took place in 1763, v. [61, 2, 38]-A narra

tive of the proceedings of the English after they had elevated Mir Jaffier Aly Cawn to the dignity of Nabob, till he was depofed, and Mir Coffim fet up in his place, vii. [34. 36]-the character and defigns of Mir Coffim; his difputes with the English, and the war they undertook againit him; their military proceedings againit Patna, at Balafara, at Nuncas Nullas, and Auda Nulla, together with the reduction of Mongheer, till Mir Coffim, after various defeats, through tear of the English, flics from Bengal, [36. 44] -The ill confequence of depoting Mir "Coffim Aly Cawn, which raifed up a politic and formidable enemy in Sujah Doula, viii. [8. 13]-Sujah Doula routed, and the bad afpect of his affairs, [13, 14]-the favourable appearance of the state of the French fettlements under the management of Mr. Law, agent for the French East India company, [14, 15]-the annual revenue of the English fettlements in 1763, [15] note the nature of the Dutch colonies in this country, and their flourishing state in 1764 and 1765, [15, 16]-The dangers which the English had to apprehend from the military exploits of Coffim Aly Cawn, and from Sujah Doula, and the irruption of the Mahrattas in favour of Sujah Doula, till they were routed by general Carnac; to whom Sujah Doula furrenders himfelf a prifoner, and the termination of the war (begun on account of Mir Coffin) in favour of the English, ix. [20. 24]-the great difcontent among the council and other officers of the English Eaft India company in Bengal and at Madras, produced by fome meatures of the felect committee (which was appointed by the company at home for reforming the domestic difpofition and adminiftration of affairs in this country) of which lord Clive was the chief, [24. 28]-the immenfe revenue arifing to the company in confequence of the treaty made between the company and the fucceffor of Jaffier All Cawn in 1765, which was the most advantageous that was ever made by them, [28. 34]-This immenfe revenue foon kindied diffenfion among the fervants of the English company in the East Indies, and then produced contentions of equal violence in the company itself at home: hence their affairs became a fubject of public difcuffion, and the


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