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303 Socks for the feet impenetrable by moisture, boots, &'c. In this way also might be formed socks, which if put above the stocking, would guard the feet more effectually from wet than even Mr Hand's leather itself. For this, by being only covered with a thin coating of it, will be: soon worn off and be thus rendered unserviceable. These socks might, for such as chose it, be continued upwards upon the legs, by way of boots, so as to defend them also effectually from wet even when employed for wading in water up to the knees, or even in acids or other corrosive liquors. If these were brought up so as to go under the kneeband of the breeches; and if a slip of the same kind were made to go over the thighs above the breeches, a traveller on horseback would be effectually guarded from wet in all weathers. By the same contrivance the arms and fhoulders might be covered with a coat without a seam, perfectly impenetrable by moisture. The head also might be defended by a hood of the same sort to go under the hat, with laps covering the neck and shoulders. In this manuer might a man be covered all over as with a coat of mail, so as to be in no danger of receiving wet in any situation.

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In this way might also be made gloves for the hands, especially of that sort where the fingers are all received into one bag. These would not only be convenient for travelling during rainy weather, but also for covering the hands of such persons as are under the necessity of handling corrosive liquors.

It would be tiresome to follow out this idea at greater length. It is enough to have barely hinted at it, as any man by a little reflection can easily perceive in what way this discovery might be employed for effecting any purpose he may have in view at the time.

But though this substance may be thus converted to some very useful purposes, yet it is sufficiently obvious

that all these manufactures must be both more clumsy, and much more expensive, than it could be formed from the fluid juice itself as it comes from the tree; and as it now appears that the juice cannot be brought from South America without being decomposed, I cannot help once more recommending the culture of that tree nearer home to the attention of my contrymen. Were it introduced into our West India islands, the voyage from thence is so fhort that it might perhaps admit of being brought hither in a perfect state. But fhould that be still too far, it might be tried in the Azores or Canaries, or on the new settlements in Africa. I cannot conceive a fitter object for a high premium by the society of arts, than for the introduction of this tree into any British settlement. I mention British here, merely because it is not to be supposed the society would bestow a premium for introducing it into other European settlements. But it is perhaps of little importance to us where it fhall be cultivated, if it is so near as to admit of the juice being brought hither while still in a perfect state.

For an account of the tree which produces this valuable juice, see Bee vol. 2. p. 101, where its leaves, fruit and flowers are accurately delineated.


Tax Editor begs leave respectfully to inform his readers, that he has not as yet been able to find any portrait of Dr Cullen that satisfies him but as an artist of very promising talents is now employed to make a bust of the Doctor to be put up in the college here, of which he has already made a model in clay that has every appearance, of being a striking and a good resemblance, Dr Auderson has resolved to defer making his engraving till that shall be finished, when he hopes he will be enabled to givé a more striking and characteristic portrait of that great man than he otherwise could have done.

*** Acknowledgements to correspondents, deferred for want of


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Translated from the Russian language.

Continued from p. 273.

ND now that our incomparable mistrefs Has exalted her paternal throne, typified in her birth, won by her heroism, established by victorious coronati✩ on, and ornamented by noble deeds; fhe is in justice. the true heirefs of all his actions and all his praises. If then we praise Peter, we praise Elizabeth.

The arts, long since, ought to have represented his fame in vivid colours; they have long wished

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Oct. 30. in a triumphant afsembly, to extol the incomparable deeds of their founder; but knowing what great abilities are necefsary to compose an adequate oration, they have hitherto been silent. For of this hero is to be related what is unheard of in others. His deeds are unequalled, and there exist no equal examples in eloquence, by imitating which, thought may safely plunge into their depth and multitude. At last however, it is deemed better to be found wanting in eloquence than destitute of gratitude; better to declare sentiments ornamented with sincerity, and originating in zealous simplicity, than amid triumphant acclamations remain silent; particularly, when the most high Lord of triumphs has exalted ours, by giving in the person of our young grand duke Paul Petrowitz*, a secure pledge of his divine favour, which we acknowledge in prolonging the posterity of Peter; we are bound therefore, reprefsing timid doubts, and giving way to zealous boldness, to employ, or rather exhaust our whole force in the praise of our hero.

Having engaged in this undertaking, where shall I begin my discourse? From his personal excellencies, from the superiority of his strength? These appear in his arduous labours: labours innumerable. From his staturet and heroic countenance united with majestic beauty? But besides many effigies that

*The present grand duke.

Peter was about seven feet high.

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represent his image lively to our memories, this is
testified by whole cities and kingdoms, who, actuated
by his fame, flocked to meet him, and to wonder at
a face worthy of a great monarch, and characteristic
of his great actions. Shall I take my beginning
from the firmness of his spirit? But his unremitting
watchfullness, without which it was impofsible to
have performed actions so great and so numerous,
affords us a proof of this.
I proceed then to an e-
numeration of them, well knowing it is easier to en-
gage in the commencement than to attain the end,
and, that this great man cannot be better praised
than by him who fhall distinctly and truly delineate
his labours if to delineate them be pofsible!

As much then as my ability and the fhortnefs of time allowed will permit, I fhall mention his more important labours, then represent the difficulties to be overcome in perfecting them; and in the end mark the virtues that in such undertakings sustained him.

This wise monarch foresaw that to execute his great plans, it was necefsary to extend every kind of knowledge in his empire ; and to increase the number of people skilled in the sciences, as well as to multiply artizans and tradesmen. His fatherly attention in this respect I formerly hinted at; which, were 1 to describe circumstantially, this subject alone would exceed the bounds of my discourse. Like the swift winged eagle, he flew round the European nations, and excited, partly by his commands, partly by his own powerful example, numbers of his subjects to relinquish for a while their native country, and

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