Johnson's name can never be forgotten, having by his very good learning, and the severity of his nature and manners, very much reformed the stage; and indeed the English poetry itself. His natural advantages were, judgment to order and govern fancy, rather... The Bee, Or Literary Intelligencer - Trang 43được biên tập bởi - 1792Xem Toàn bộ - Giới thiệu về cuốn sách này
 | 1759 - 606 trang
...were judg1 ment to order and govern fancy, rather than excefs of fancy, ' his productions being flow and upon deliberation, yet then * abounding with great wit and fancy, and will live accord* ingly ; and furely as he did exceedingly exalt the Englifh c language in eloquence,... | |
 | Several Hands - 1759 - 602 trang
...than excefs of fancy, * abounding with great wit and fancy, and will live accord' ingly ; and furely as he did exceedingly exalt the Englifh * language in eloquence, propriety, and mafculine expref' fibns; fo he was the beft judge of, and fittcft to prefcribe c rules to poetry and... | |
 | Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1759 - 608 trang
...deliberation, yet then ' abounding with great wit and fancy, and will live accord* ingly ; and furely as he did exceedingly exalt the Englifh ' language in eloquence, propriety, and mafculine expref* lions; fo he was the beft judge of, and fitteft to prefcribe ' rules to poetry and... | |
 | Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1760 - 536 trang
...Judgment fan!' "" to order and govern Fancy, rather than Excefs of Fancy, his Productions being flow and upon Deliberation, yet then abounding with great Wit and Fancy, and will live accordingly ; and furely as He did exceedingly exalt the Englijh language in Eloquence, Propriety,... | |
 | Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1761 - 302 trang
...--, &. , '.T ° .. .. ion. and govern Fancy, rather than Excels or Fancy, his Productions being flow and upon Deliberation, yet then abounding with great Wit and Fancy, and will live accordingly ; and furely as He did exceedingly exalt the EngUjh Language in Eloquence, Propriety,... | |
 | Edward Hyde (1st earl of Clarendon.) - 1761 - 296 trang
...&. , ' _T 9 r _ . . fen. and govern Fancy, rather than Excels of Fancy, his Productions being flow and upon Deliberation, yet then abounding with great Wit and Fancy, and will live accordingly ; and furely as He did exceedingly exalt the Englijh Language in Eloquence, Propriety,... | |
 | 1792 - 528 trang
...deliberation, yet then aboundX 3 ing ing with great wit and fancy, and will live accordingly ; and furely as he did exceedingly exalt the Englifh language in eloquence, propriety, and mafculine exprefiions ; fo he was the beft judge of, and fitteft to prefcribe rules to poetry and poets,... | |
 | Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon - 1793 - 268 trang
...natural advantages were, judgment to order and govern fancy, rather than excess of fancy, his productions being slow and upon deliberation, yet then abounding with great wit and fancy, and will liv* accordingly: and surely as he did exceedingly exalt the English language in eloquence, propriety,... | |
 | Sir Egerton Brydges - 1809 - 912 trang
...natural advantages were judgment to order and govern fancy, rather than excess of fancy, his productions being slow and upon deliberation, yet then abounding with great wit and fancy, and will live accordingly ; and surely as he did exceedingly exalt the English language in eloquence, propriety,... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 748 trang
...advantages were, judgment to order and govern fancy, rather* than excess of fancy, bis productions being slow and upon deliberation, yet then abounding with great wit and fancy, and will live accordingly ; and surely as he did exceedingly exalt the English language in eloquence, propriety,... | |
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