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vites to the most interesting discussion!-Is it pofsible for the manufacturing character to prevail among a people, but with the general diminution of virtue? or may the line of manufacture be carried as far as it will go, and effectual means be devised to counteract the many evils growing out of it, so detrimental to that morality which is the support of the society we live in? To observe the great body of a people, uniting in the eager pursuit of riches, honour, and pleasure, by means of an over-extended manufacture, though at the expence of almost every virtue, would make a peevish philosopher decide unfavourably for human nature, though, I imagine, unjustly. The progrefs of manufactures being gradual, their effects on morals are seldom of a direct nature; and, by that means, they often fail to give to many concerned in them, that alarm for the diminution of many vir tues that are natural to the human heart. The evil, at some time, must correct itself,-the bow, when strained too much, must-break at last. Would it not then be best to stop at some point? or at any rate to set about applying remedies to the existing evils they have already occasioned; and in some more ef fectual manner than has ever yet been practised, endeavour to prevent the new evils they daily threaten us with? A CITIZEN*.

*Nothing can be more just than the pertinent observations of this very sensible correspondent. In all sublunary affairs, there is a mixture of -good and evil to be found; and it is those alone who are unacquainted with the world who look for unbounded prosperity, without expecting that it will be attended with corresponding abatements. Energy of mind, when accompanied with virtuous dispositions, constitutes, as I fhould suppose, the highest exaltation of the human character; but in most cases the


Continued from p. 57.

ULY 22. Slept onboard and sailed in the the mor-
ning through the sound of Scalpa,—becalmed within
eight leagues of Stornaway;-visited in Seaforth's boat
Loch Shell, a beautiful small sea loch in Lewes,
with good and around it ;-a good station for a fish-
ery; took some large sythe, called lord-fish, as big
as salmon; the bait cuttle-fish, at which the sythe
were seen to dart voraciously ten or twelve fathoms
deep in the sea. Slept at sea.

July 23. Reached Stornaway by ten o'clock in the morning. This harbour is very fine and spacious, inclosed within a safe bay, reaching a mile or two within the land. A good many trading vefsels Landed at a commo

at anchor off the town.

very circumstances that tend to inspire the mind with energetic ardour, have as necessary a tendency to engender vice. The prospect of wealth and independence inspire energy, though possession of these, alas! but too often corrupt the heart. To collect young people together, at an early period of life, to afsist in the lighter operations of manufactures, frees their parents of a burden which tends to promote this prosperity; but in these circumstances one vicious person, like a little leaven in the dough, contaminates the whole mafs. Perhaps it is impofsib'e in these circumstances to expect to preserve that singlenefs of heart, that innocence, that purity of manners, which has so long been characteristic of the lower ranks of people in Scotland. While they were bred up in the solitary retreats of a country retirement, they were poor, but virtuous. They will now, it is to be feared, become rich, or at least debauched and vicious. would be a happy discovery if a plan could be devised for uniting the. blessings of wealth and industry, with the virtues of poverty; but this, I fear, can only be expected in the kingdom of UTOPIA.




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dious quay, guns firing, colours displayed, with all the honours the proprietor could confer on the committee. The town well laid out and clean. There are about fifty houses with blue slate roofs, and many other good houses, though not quite so elegantly built and covered. The part occupied by the fishers, who are numerous and industrious, is about a quarter of a mile up in the country, behind the town, and, with the town, contains nearly 2000 inhabitants. It has a custom-house and post office; a packet sails to the main land and returns once a fortnight. Pooleu on the main land, is the place to which it conveys pafsengers, goods, and letters. This may be about forty miles north and west from Inverness.

A small brook runs on the west side of the town, supplying the inhabitants with water, its banks form a good washing ground, and separates the town from the fields belonging to Seaforth lodge, where the company were, during their stay, magnificently entertained by its proprietor.

Nothing can surpass the beauty of the situation of this lodge. It is placed on an eminence fronting south, from whence it commands a fine prospect of the bay, shipping, harbour, and town. It is surrounded by some well cultivated fields of rich grafs and corn. Round the town, to a certain extent, the country is also well cultivated, and wears a very smiling appearance. Seaforth has laid out several new streets, and encourages new settlers both in town and country. The lots for houses are about 900 square yards, fifteen in front, and sixty deep; feu duty 16 s. 8 d. yearly. New settlers in the country have some acres

of waste land afsigned them, for which they pay only one fhilling yearly for the first seven years, but nothing fixed beyond that period. They land daily there from other places, bringing the wood of their former houses along with them, hut themselves and families very fast, and in a few years convert the land into cultivated fields, and make themselves very comfortable habitations.

Whoever sees the exertions of these poor people, will hesitate ever after to give his afsent to the general character given to the Highlanders, of their being a lazy race of people. In the southern counties, where they come to work, they are more industrious than the people they come among. Would they not be so at home with proper encouragement? They seem remarkably qualified for making waste land fertile, and surely need not go from home for want of employ-ment. There are about fifteen decked vefsels belong to Stornaway, besides boats and small craft. Seaforth sent out two boats with small nets which brought in some of the finest herrings in high season. Ten or twelve different kinds of fish,.excellent poul-. try, fine mutton and beef at table, with a large com-pany of the principal inhabitants of the town..

At some distance, north from the town, is Broad Bay, where there is a great fishing of salmon, and of salmon trout; and an inexhaustible quantity of fhelly sand for improving the ground. No lime-stone dis-covered on the island; but Seaforth has some stalac-titic substances, which argue the presence of that mineral, if well searched for; there is also some ap. pearance of blue slate. Seaforth has begun a roadi

May 23 across the island, from Stornaway to the western side, which is represented to be naturally the most fertile part of it. The island is not disjoined by the sea from Herries; they form one island. Seaforth's end of it may be about thirty miles long and ten broad, at an average. The southern end is very mountainous, and reserved for a forest, which abounds with red deer: The rest of the island is by nɔ means mountainous. It consists of hills of a moderate height, covered with mofs and heath. The interior parts are annexed as grazings to the small corn farms on the west side; and of course produce little or nothing to the tenants or proprietor. Such indeed is the effect of building towns, that the town of Stornaway, and the lands about two miles round it, are said to yield a rent to the proprietor greater than all the rest of the island. About 17,000 score of dogfish are annually caught by the inhabitants of this island; these yield near to L. 800 worth of oil. The fish is dried without salt in the stacks of corn, and sold as food for the people at 4 d. per score ; it is said not to be a bad fish. Mr Gillanders junior, shewed us a large quantity of very fine, well dried, salted cod, in his magazine, fit for exportation. The fishers deliver the cod at a certain price, of which they are afsured in the beginning of the season. The merchant takes his chance of their sale in the foreiga markets ;—saw some otter fkins in the fhops here, worth from 10 s. to 18 s. each.

It is generally said the seasons are lefs rainy in the Hebrides than on the main land, to the westward. This is more particularly true, as to the flatter islands

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