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July 40 that, for its simplicity of construction, facility in working, and perfection in performing its business, deserves to be more generally known. Mr Wakefield has communicated to Mr Moreland of Manchester all the drawings of his apparatus for managing steam in the rearing of plants, with the full instructions for conducting the whole operations, and the latter gentleman is just now preparing the materials for publication; so that the public will soon have an opportunity of being fully informed as to all these.

Mr Wakefield's attention is but incidentally directed towards his garden. He is active in the prosecution of agricultural improvements on a larger scale; his dairy, consisting of about 100 cows, cannot perhaps be paralleled by any other in the island;-his calves he usually sells at ten guineas, new dropt;-his bull is a fine animal, whose portrait ought to be preserved;-he intends to have it drawn by Stubs.-These cattle are chiefly fed in winter by the grains he gets from the large brewery of Liverpool, a monopoly of which article he has obtained for a good many years; this enables him to keep a very large stock of cattle in proportion to the size of his farm, which af-fords so much dung, as must enable him, if he shall live a very few years, to make it one of the richest fields in England. When wealth, and industry, and good sense, are united, great is their power.


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THE favour of Theologus is received. His requisitions fhall be complied with. The critique on a pafsage in Shakespeare by W.G. is come to hand; we will try to give it a corner. Misobrontes will see by the notes to correspondents in our last, that his suspicions were ill grounded. Hints to the learned, from a respectable correspondent, are received, and will appear the first convenient opportunity. Amicus on leases is also received. The observations of this correspondent are sensible and pertinent, and fhall be duly attended to.



May 23. 1792.


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by his conduct, and apprehend the worst consequences.

The Swifs have annulled their treaty with France, and have ordered all their regiments in the French service to

The following are the stations of the French general officers :

Paris, April 23. About 1000 livres were presented to the national assembly, towards defraying the expence of the war by different members, re-be recalled. quested by their acquaintances. to be the medium of their patriotism. The members of the national assembly come to the Army of Rochambeau, comresolution of giving up one-prising the first and sixth divithird of their salary, during sions--mareschal Rochambeau the months of May, June, and at Valenciennes; lieutenant geJuly, the whole will amount nerals, -d'Aumont at Lisle, to 496,000 livres, (from hence d'Elbeck at Dunkirk, Crillon, we learn that the pay of the senior, at Valenciennes, Caumembers of the national af-laincourt at Arras, d'Harville sembly amounts to 4,872,000 at Cambray; nine camp marelivres, or about L. 221,500 per schals in the before mentiched аппит.) places.

The next day, however, this decree was revoked.

The assembly have decreed not to grant letters of marque, as there is not a war against individuals.

M. la Fayette disapproves of the war thus hastily entered into; as no man knows better the real strength of the French army, many are deeply affected VOL. ix.

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hending the 5th and 7th divisions,--M. Luckner at Strasbourg; lieutenant generals-de Gell at Strasbourg, la Moliere at Besançon, de Costine, Helat Landau; eleven camp mareschals at the above named places.


Defeat of the French forces. The 28th ult. in the morning, M. de Biron, at the head of 10,000 men, marched from near Valenciennes, and proceeded towards Mons. He dislodged the Austrian parties which he found in his passage. The 29th he appeared before Mons, near which he saw the enemy most advantageously posted on rising grounds, and much more numerous than he had reason to expect. M. de Biron immediately sent off a courier to the commander in chief, to acquaint him with his position, and passed the night under arms. While he was waiting for orders, he was informed that the queen's regiment had deserted, and, as they fled, had given out that the general was gone over to the enemy. He followed, and forced the deserters back. The Austrians, perceiving the confusion amongst the French troops, attacked them, and obliged them to retreat. Whole regiments ran away,--only one corps behaved with intrepidity, it was the second battalion of Parisian volunteers. The Austrians pursued the French

above four leagues, took most of their baggage, and many of General Biron their cannon.

had his horse fhot under him on the onset; the colonel of Esterhasy's regiment was taken prisoner with his thigh.

fhot off.

The same day, at seven in the evening, a detachment from the garrison of Lisle sallied out under the command of major general Theobald Dillon. His orders were to march against Tournay, and make a feint on that place, to cause a diversion of the enemy's forces, while Biron's army was employed in. reducing Mons. In the morning, as the detachment halted, they descried a formidable body of Austrians close by. The enemy's artillery immediately began to play upon them with great havoc. General Dillon ordered a retreat to be sounded, and here too only one corps (the chafseurs) kept their ranks, and answered the enemy's fire, all the others fled to Lisle in the utmost confusion. Being within a small distance of the town, the coward soldiers cut general Dillon in pieces. They dragged his limbs to Lisle, and threw them into a fire kindled on purpose in the market place. They hung M. Berthois, an engineer officer, M. Chaumount, the general's aide de camp, and a priest, for no ostensible reason; and then they hung up all the Austrian

ert the power invested in him. by the laws, with the greatest activity and efficacy, in providing for the defence of the

prisoners which the general, by
a good manœuvre, had taken.
Mareschal Rochambeau has
resigned. He complained that
the war minister only commu-nation.

nicated with M. de Biron, and 2. We authorise the king.

M. d'Aumont, officers under his command.

The minister at war has resigned.


to engage two or three foreign generals, and to place them at the head of the army, with the rank of commandants in chief, as well as experienced officers of artillery and engineering.

3. We charge the treasury negociate a loan, at home or abroad, for thirty millions, on a mortgage of the produce. of the sale of starosties.

It is said that Rufsia and Prufsia intend to attack Poland and destroy its new constituti-to on. I shall insert the followång paper, which fhews the unanimity of the diet, and the confidence they have in the king.

4. We authorise the king to dispose of all the money arising from this loan, as well as what may be in the treasury, if war fhould take place, which God forbid, in the necefsary defence of the republic, under the responsibility of the miniter.

5. In two months from this date, the minister fhall give an account of the issues of money.'

They afterwards voted their thanks to the prince Czartorytki on his mission to Dresden. Miscellaneous.

On the 16th of April, the diet pafsed a preparative of public defence. The preamble states, That taking God and all the people of the earth to witness, that we do not mean to declare war against any power; that we hold in the greatest regard the friendship and good understanding that has subsisted between us and our neighbours; and that we are occupied only in maintaining our liberty and independence and consiring that Count d'Aranda has withthe negociations between for- drawn the royal edict of the reign courts require from us, 20th of july, requiring an oathı for the guarantee of the terri- from strangers. This edict tories of the republic, of the contained very great inconvenation, and of our happy con-niences, and served as a preatitution, that we fhould pre-text for vexations of every pare for our defence, we de-kind, and greatly checked the freedom of trade in Spain. 1. That the king fhall ex- The Dutch settlements in


the eastern world, are in a de

relative to the French revoluti

plorable situation. At the on. 3d. That he did not tell

Cape of Good Hope a revolt is hourly looked for-at Batavia, where the same spirit of disaffection prevailed, a pestilential fever had swept off 1600 of their troops; and a whole Chinese colony, consist. ing of more than 2000 persons, had likewise been destroyed by it.

The states of Brabant af sembled on the 17th April, when they agreed to grant the subsidies with-held from the two late emperors, and made | solemn profefsions of attachment and submifsion to their new sovereign. The only boon they asked in return, was the restoration of the five former counsellors of the council of Brabant, which is to be granted.

The Russian forces employed against the Turks, are now

on their return.

all he knew upon his examination. 4th. That he was member of a club connected with foreign clubs.

The following sentence is passed on Ankerstroem; 'that he is adjudged to be infamous and unworthy of any of the rights of a citizen. That he shall be put into the pillory for two hours in the forenoon for three succefsive days, and whipt with six pair of rods. That his head fhall be severed from his body, his right hand cut off, and his body, thus mutilated, shall be impaled. An inscription to be placed on the pillory as follows : 'Johan Jacob Ankerstroem, afsafsin of the king.' He was pillored and flogged on the 12th ult. for

the first time.

The duke regent has given his property to his children (who are to change their

ted to the state by the laws.

Ismael was evacuated and re-names) though it was forfeistored to the Turks on the 25th of last February.

The council of two hundred of Bern, have condemned Mr Rofset to 25 years imprisonment on the following charges: 1st. That being the afsefsor of Lausanne, he did not denounce the crime of a banquet, on the 14th of July last, in honour of the French revolution. 2d. 'That he suffered buttons and ribbons to be worn, and songs to be sung at the said banquet,

The king of Hungary and Bohemia has issued an edict enjoining all the French, who are not emigrants, to quit the city of Brufsels in fortyeight hours; and those who may be in the other cities, and places of the low countries, are to quit his dominions within eight days after the publication of the edict.

The council of finances at Brussels have published an or

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