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" In groundless hope and causeless fear, Unhappy man ! behold thy doom ; Still changing with the changeful year, The slave of sunshine and of gloom. "
The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year - Trang 243
được biên tập bởi - 1800
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Annual Register, Tập 10

Edmund Burke - 1768 - 628 trang
...reign, I feel thy pow'r ufurp my brealt. Enliv'ning hope and fond defire, Refign the heart to fpleen and care, .. • Scarce frighted love maintains her...Still changing with the changeful year, The flave of funfhinc and of gloom. Tir'd with vain joys, and falfe alarms, With mental and corporeal itrife, Snatch...

A Collection of the Most Esteemed Pieces of Poetry, that Have Appeared for ...

Moses Mendez - 1770 - 334 trang
...reign, I feel thy power ufurp my breaft. Enlivening hope and fond defire Refign the heart to fpleen and care, Scarce frighted love maintains her fire,...year, The flave of funfhine and of gloom. Tir'd with tain joys, and falfe alarms, With mental and corporeal ftrife, Snatch me, my Stella, to thy arms, And...

A Collection of Poems in Four Volumes, Tập 3

G. Pearch - 1775 - 340 trang
...heart to Spleen and Care ; Scarce frighted Love maintains her fire, And Rapture faddcns to defpsir. In groundlefs hope, .and caufelefs fear, Unhappy man...year, The flave of funfhine and of gloom. . Tir'd Tir'd with vain joys, and falfe alarms, With mental and corporeal ftrife ; .Snatch me, my STELLA, to...

Annual Register, Tập 22

Edmund Burke - 1780 - 726 trang
...Refign the heart to Spleen and Care ; Scarce frighted Love maintains her fire, And Rapture faddeni to defpair. In groundlefs hope, and caufelefs fear,...thy doom Still changing with the changeful year, The Have offun-ihine and of gloom. Tir'd with vain joys and falfe alarms, With mental and corporeal ilrifc,...

The Lady's Poetical Magazine; Or, Beauties of British Poetry, Tập 1

1781 - 510 trang
...reign, I feel thy power ufurp my breaft. Enlivening hope, and fond defire, Refign the heart to fpleen and care ; Scarce frighted love maintains her fire,...defpair. In groundlefs hope, and caufelefs fear, Unhappy maa ! behold thy doom ; Still changing with the changeful year. The flave of funfhine and of gloom....

Lady's Poetical Magazine, Or Beauties of British Poetry, Tập 1

1781 - 516 trang
...reign, I feel thy power ufurp my breaft. Enlivening hope, and fond defire, Refign the heart to fpleen and care ; Scarce frighted love maintains her fire,...rapture faddens to defpair. • In groundlefs hope, and caufeleTs fear, Unhappy man ! behold thy doom ; Still changing with the changeful year, The Have of...

Preface. A historical essay on the origin and progress of national song ...

1783 - 366 trang
...reign, I feel thy power ufurp my breaft. Enlivening Hope and fond Defire Rcfign the heart to Spleen and Care ; Scarce frighted Love maintains her fire,...doom ; Still changing with the changeful year, The Have of funfhine and of gloom. Tir'd with vain joys, and falfe alarms, With mental and corporeal ftrife,...

A Collection of Poems in Four Volumes, Tập 3

G. Pearch, Robert Dodsley - 1783 - 346 trang
.... . • , • 'wli ,n- . .'• • Enlivening Hope and fond; Pefire . ,. Refign the heart to Spleen and Care ; Scarce frighted Love maintains her fire, And Rapture faddens to dcfpair. '• '"• *' ••..l.. ",.l. '.4, .M. •. . .. In groundlefs hope, and caufelefs fear,...

The Poetical Works of Samuel Johnson, ...: Now First Collected in One Volume

Samuel Johnson - 1785 - 222 trang
...reign, I feel thy power ufurp my breaft. Enlivening hope, and fond defire, Refign the heart .to fpleen and care ; Scarce frighted love maintains her fire,...Still changing with the changeful year, The flave of funfliine ;and cf.gloom. Tir'd with vain joys, and falfe alarms. With mental and eorporeal ftrife,...

The New London Magazine, Tập 1

716 trang
...feel thy power ufurp my breast. Endearing hope and fond defire Refign the heart to fpleen and c»re, Scarce frighted love maintains her fire, And rapture faddens to defpair. In Rroundlefs hope, and caufelefs fear, Unhappy man ! behold thy doom, StiH changing with the changeful...

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