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bacon, 41,000; fucking pigs, $2,600.

Another fire has nearly completed the total ruin of the unfortunate town of Bridgetown in Barbadoes. It broke out between 8 and 9 at night, on the 27th of December, and continued burning till morning, with more fury than the dreadful one of the 19th of May. Above forty dwelling-houfes are burnt down, befides feveral confiderable ftores and timberyards. It began in an old ftore of Meffrs. Bedford and Co. but in what manner no one can give any account. Several large yards full of lumber and coals being contiguous, it was impoffible to extinguish it till it had confumed all within its reach, befides feveral capital houfes belonging to the merchants; a valt quantity of boards, planks, ftaves, and heading for fugar and rum, cafks, &c. were deftroyed, as most of the trade was carried on in this fpot fince the former terrible difafter.

They write from Venice, that the deputies of the republic gave lately to the reigning duke of Wurtemburgh the diverfion of a bull-fight in the fquare of St. Mark. Forty-eight masks, dreffed in the English, Spanish, Swifs, and Hungarian manner, harraffed the bulls whilft they were baited by the dogs; after which two perfons ftruck off at a fingle blow the heads of fix bulls fucceffively. The baiting of three bulls, with fireworks fixed to them, closed the diverfion, at which upwards of twenty thousand perfons affifted; and there was afterwards a grand fupper.

The edict against luxury is fo trictly obferved at Stockholm, that a counsellor of ftate, who had ne

glected to have a velvet border ftript off a cloak which he had worn many years, was fummoned a few days ago before the tribunal to whom the execution of the said ediét belongs, and reprimanded; and a lady, refpectable no lefs by her merit than her high birth, has been alfo obliged to appear before them, for drinking a dish of chocolate in her box at the play-houfe."

The king of Naples, playing lately with the prince de Spaccatorno, gentleman of his chamber, accidentally tore one of the prince's ruffles. The latter, who ought to have taken it only in joke, immediately uttered fome harsh expreffions, and was put under an arreft for fome days in the caftle: from whence he was no fooner released, than inftead of going to make his excufes to the king, as good fenfe dictated, he went to the prince de St. Nicandre, formerly his majefty's governor, and there made ufe of terms as unguarded as before; for which audacity he has been again punifhed by the lofs of all his pofts, and banishment to his eftates in Sicily.

Letters from Saintonge advife, that the wolves have lately made moft terrible ravages in the neighbourhood of St. Jean d'Angeli, where feveral perfons who had been bit by them have died mad.

A woman, by profeffion a feamftrefs, has been condemned, by an arret of the parliament of Paris, to make the amende honorable, to be fixed to the Carcan, to be branded and confined to the faltpetre-houfe for nine years, for having, by means of a forged register of her first hufband's burial, contracted a fecond marriage with another man, whofe widow the now is. The writing


mafter who forged the regifter is likewife condemned to the gallies for life, after making the amende honorable, and being branded in the fhoulders. This fentence be gan to be executed laft Thursday. There was lately tried at Chelmsford, in Effex, two caufes, wherein William Butler, and John Mungall, of Barking, in the fame county, fishermen, were plaintiffs; and an officer of the customs, at Malden, defendant. The action was brought for the illegal feizure and detainer of the plaintiffs fishing-boat, and for killing and otherwife damaging, with a boat-hook, their cargo of fish, for no other reafon than the plaintiffs having on board an old rufty mufket, a pound of fhot, and half a pound of powder, which the officer called fire-arms against the king. A verdict was found for the plaintiffs, with damages and full cofts of fuit.

A coal mine has been opened near Cempbeltown, in Cantire, which promises to fucceed well; in time, it may prove an advantageous trade to that port, which promifes to be a flourishing place, from whence many veffels are going to the Newfoundland fifhery.

They write from Genoa, that the hereditary prince of Brunfwick arrived there from Turin, early in the morning of the 20th of February. At half an hour after his ar rival, he was complimented by the mafter of the ceremonies in the republic's name, who renewed the offer of a deputation on behalf of the republic, which his Serene Highness defired, in the moft polite manner, to be excufed from accepting. The prince will embark, in a few days, on board his

majesty'ship Montreal, for Antibes or Toulon.

The late earthquake has done confiderable damage to the houfes in this city. It has been fucceeded by feveral other shocks not fo violent as the firft, and there is a conftant tremor in the earth, felt in the city and its environs.

On the 9th of February, át a quarter after four in the morning, three fucceffive shocks of the earth were felt at Graffe in France. The first lafted but a few feconds, though it waked feveral perfons in bed, and threw down fome tiles, and chimnies. During its continu ance, a found was heard like that of a strong gust of wind. The two other fhocks were not fo fenfibly felt. Thefe fhocks were confidera bly more violent in Italy; but diminished in proportion as they were nearer to France. Their force was greateft at Venice; lefs confiderable at Genoa, and still lefs at Nice,

By the earthquakes at Fivizzano, in Tuscany, the cathedral is rent in many parts; the church of the cordeliers has fuffered much, and the great hofpital, the townhall, and the falt-magazine, are greatly damaged.

On the 12th of this month, at three in the morning, a fire broke out in the king's palace at Warfaw, and in two hours deftroyed one entire wing; in which, amongst other people, were lodged a part of his majesty's own family. No lives were loft, but papers of great importance to the republic are destroyed.

Prince Repnin, ambassador from Ruffia, prefented a declaration to the king of Poland, figned by the emprefs, by which the demands that the Diffidents of Poland and

Lithuania be forthwith reftored to the enjoyments of their ancient rights and privileges; and that, in order to accomplish this, the has found herself obliged to order 30,000 men to enter Poland, who will not leave the country till the Diffidents are put upon an equal footing with the other citizens.

A confpiracy was formed among the felons, in the North Gate jail in Chester, wherein one Evan Thomas, who was confined for a murder and robbery, was the ringleader. About eight, when the turnkey was going to put him and three others into the dungeon, Thomas feized him, and threw him into the dungeon, and took the key from him and locked him in; his cries brought Mr. Whitehead, the gaoler, down to his affiftance, when Thomas ran a penknife into his throat, and killed him on the fpot. They went up into the houfe, and feizing Mrs. Whitehead, demanded the key of the North Gate from her, who told them that her husband had it in his pocket, upon which they went down ftairs to Search for it. In the mean time Mrs, Whitehead unlocked the North Gate door, to call affiftance; but they came up again, and feized her while the door was open; three men, however, coming out of the ftreet, fecured three of the felons, but the above Evan Thomas made his escape: his irons were found the next day in a field near the city. About nine at night, four 30th. men coming to town from Holloway, in a hackney-coach, were attacked by four foot-pads, who, on fome refiítance being made, hot one of the men through the head, and he expired immediately. They took from the reft about 151.

and helped the dead man (one Griffiths, a turner in Clerkenwell) into the coach, and then made their efcape.-Intelligence of this murder, with a defcription of the murderers, being fent to Sir John Fielding immediately, one of them was taken next day, and by his means all the rest.

A terrible accident happened at a colliery near Farfield, Durham. The pits were 80 fathom deep; and on Friday morning laft, when all the hands were at work, it went off with a great explofion, by which 39 perfons loft their lives. Moft of their bodies were got up, but in a very mangled manner. The owners are now giving zol. premium per man; and fo great is the neceffity of the poor, that they are already nearly fupplied.

The whole quantity of the dif ferent forts of grain imported this month at the port of London, amounts to 71,153 qrs.

The following are the particulars of a murder perpetrated by Alexander Grant, alias Dearg, weaver, in Drummulie, in the fhire of Elgin, on John M'Donald, alias M'Ifaac, tenant in Drummulie, on the 15th of March. Grant kept a whiskey house, as did M'Donald; the latter fupplied with better liquor, and be ing of a more affable temper, engroffed all the company: Grant's envy was raifed, and he was often heard to fay, "he would do him an ill turn." On a Sun day, Grant, with M'Donald's brother-in-law, and fome neighbours, went to drink whiskey at M'Do. nald's; when, after they were pretty much intoxicated, they agreed to fpend the afternoon over Grant's whiskey. They fet out,


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but when they were at a distance from M'Donald's, Grant told the company, he had fomething to communinate to him, which he chofe to do in private, and defired them to ftep forward. After waiting fome time at a distance, they concluded they had gone back again to M'Donald's; but on returning found them ftruggling together, and faw Grant plunge a large knife into M'Donald's body, and throw him on the ground. This done, he advanced with his knife reeking with the blood of the unfortunate man, and made at his brother-in-law, who, with the rest of the company, endeavoured to fave themfelves by flight. Grant overtook him and gave him feveral wounds, and, if the rest had not interpofed, would have killed him on the fpot. The villain fled to the woods, and 200 men are now in purfuit of him. The bro. ther-in-law's life is defpaired of. Between eleven and twelve 31ft. at night, large detachments of troops were fent to each of the fix different houfes of Jefuits in Madrid; and the doors being opened, the bells were firft fecured, and a centinel was pofted at every cell, the occupier of which being obliged to rife, they were affembled, and the king of Spain's commands were fignified to them. In the mean time, all the hired coaches and chaifes at Madrid, together with a number of waggons, were properly diftributed; and ear. ly in the morning the Jefuits, to the number of about three hundred and fifty, were in motion. They were allowed to carry every ne ceffary along with them. They took the road to Carthagena, where they will embark for Rome.

There is now living in a village near Ludlow, in Shropshire, one John Saunders and his wife, whofe ages, added together, makes 212, the man being 107, and the woman 105; they are both chiefly fupported by the charity of some neighbouring gentlemen.

Died, Nicholas Dufrenois, a notary at Berrieux, in the diocefe of Laon, the 15th ult. aged 101. He married at 75, and had fix children; and never had any illness. At Wigtown in Scotland, Mary Finlater, aged 113 years. At Hampstead, Mrs. Jane Staples, aged 106 years.


The governors of the Mag- ft. dalen charity held their anniverfary feaft at draper's hall, Throgmorton-ftreet, after a fermon preached at St. George's, Hanover-fquare, by the Rev. Mr. Sellon, Chaplain to the Earl of Pomfret. The collection at the church and hall amounted to 5231. 8s.


A caufe which has been depending for upwards of two years, between two gentlemen in the neighbourhood of Exeter, has at length been determined at the aflizes for that city. The action was brought against the defendant for carrying the produce of the harveft of the year 1764 without giving notice to the plaintiff's deputies of their intention of carrying the fame, in order that the plaintiff, as owner of the tythes of the faid parish, might fend for his tenth of the produce; when, after a trial which latted 14 hours, in which


The fubjects at Cambridge for the prizes of fifteen guineas each, given by the members of the univerfity, are this year,

the plaintiff proved that it had
been a cuftom, during the lives of
his father, grand-father, and great-
grand-father, for roo years laft
pafty to have fuch notice given;
and that it would be impoffible for:
the owner of the tythes to receive
a quarter part of his due, without
the farmer was obliged to give
fuch notice, the extent of the pa-
rith being at least ten miles; a ver-
dict was given in favour of the
plaintiff, with full costs of fair.

His majefty went to the
houfe of peers, attended by
his grace the duke of Ancafter and
the earl of Denbigh, and gave the
royal affent to the following bills,


The bill to raife 1,800,000l. by loans on exchequer bills, and a lottery for the fervice of the prefent


The bill to apply the fum granted for the pay and cloathing of the militia for 1767.

The bill to enlarge the term and powers granted for building two new churches in the town of Liverpool.

The bill to enable the earl of Strathmore to take and ufe the name of Bowes, pursuant to the will of George Bowes, Efq. de


[blocks in formation]

For the fenior bachelors;

Utrum cenforis Romani difciplina rei. publice utilis fuerit.

For the middle bachelors;

Utrum poffefforem bearint fæpius an perdiderint divitiæ.

The exercifes to be delivered in by the 10th of June in the ufual


A dreadful ftorm of thunder and

lightning did confiderable damage

at Provence in France. The lightSt. James, by which one of the ning fet fire to the royal abbey of main beams in the steeple was burnt, fo as to give way in the angle; two other churches were fet bells of one melted, and the other on fire in the neighbourhood; the entirely confumed.

His ferene highnefs the wick arrived from his travels, at hereditary prince of Brunf. 13th. St. James's, after an absence from England, of one year and two days. His majesty went to the houfe of peers, and gave 15th. the royal affent to the following bills, viz.

allowing the free importation of wheat and wheat-flour, barley, barley meal, and pulfe, for a further limited time, from any part of Europe.

The bill to continue an act for

duty on baft, or chip, ftraw, cane The bill for laying an additional and horfe-hair hats or bonnets im ported.



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