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lift then delivered, the whole landed property they were poffeffed of, amounted to 384,1661. 14s. told. If a like account fhould be now given in, it will at once be feen whether they increafe in property

or not.

Within thefe few days feveral fhips have arrived in the river with wheat from abroad, whofe cargoes confift of 7485 quarters, befides very great quantities of barley, oats, and other grain. Since the 23d of March laft, there have been brought into the port of London, 115,497 quarters of wheat, a great part of which has been bought up for the country markets.

5th. This morning, at a quarter before 9 o'clock, their royal and ferene highneffes the prince and princefs of Brunfwick fet out in one of his majesty's coaches for Dover, on their return to Germany. The young prince of Brunfwick fet out fome time before them.

7th. This day at noon, his royal highefs the duke of York fet out from Pall-Mall, with a grand retinue, for Dover, in order to embark for Germany.

In the courfe of laft feffions of parliament, 209 bills received the royal affent, viz. 95 public, and 14 private, which is the greatest number that has received the royal affent in one feffion for feveral years.

The intended marriage between the prince Stadtholder, and the princefs Frederica-Sophia-Wihelmina, of Pruffia, was publicly declared at the Hague. As the prince Stadtholder was taking the diverfion of hawking, a dog caught a heron, with a brass infcription

round his leg, fetting forth, that he was taken and releafed by the elector of Cologne, in the year 1737.

One of the clerks of the bank was apprehended on fufpicion of filing guineas. In the evening he attempted to cut his throat, but without fuccefs. On fearching his houfe, many curious inftruments for the purpose above-mentioned, and alfo a quantity of gold-duft, were found.


His Royal highness the duke of York arrived at Bruffels, under the title of earl of Ulfter, and in the evening went to the comedy, where he was received by prince Charles, who had already entertained the prince and princefs of Brunfwick with all imaginable magnificence.

His excellency Sir James Gray, bart. fet out on his embaffy to Spain.


A young man in France, being lately attacked by a fever, became delirious, and afterwards raving mad. In this condition, the only objects of his fury were his parents; and he was at length fo feemingly fenfible of his error, that he talked of nothing but expiating his fins by fire; and for that purpofe having raised a pile of wood, he found means to light it, and to throw himfelf in ; but the torments he felt in the flames, foon brought him to himself, and he endeavoured to fave his life, but too late; for tho' he had ftrength enough to get out, yet he was fo terribly fcorched, that he died the next day in great agony.

They write from Paris, that an ingenious mechanic of that city has lately invented and finished a curious fnuff-box with chimes in the

lid, that plays five tunes, and will hold half an ounce of fnuff.

A broker near Old-ftreet, hav. ing purchased a room of goods belonging to a poor old woman in that neighbourhood, upon opening the drawers of an old bureau, difcovered a private one within ano. ther, in which he found a lotteryticket for the year 1765, which, upon examination, proves to have been drawn a prize of 5001. A caufe came on to be 13th heard before lord chief juftice Wilmot, in the court of Common Pleas, Westminster, and a fpecial jury, wherein Mr. Slater, of Southwark was plaintiff, and an eminent furgeon and an eminent apothecary, were defendants. The action was, that about a year fince Mr. Slater unfortunately broke his leg, and it was fet, and thought to be out of danger, by a furgeon, not one of the defendants; but the above furgeon being fent for to loofen the bandage, his leg was again broke, and a cure not performed. After a hearing of feven hours, a verdict was given in favour of the plaintiff of 250l. damages from each of the defend


Came on at Guildhall the trial of a tradefman's wife in the Little Old-Bailey, for cruelly beating a girl about 11 years of age, whom her husband had taken apprentice out of the Foundling-hofpital. It appeared, on the trial, that he had tied the girl to a nail, and beat her with a rope's end, that from being a fine healthy child, fhe was, by ill usage, almost reduced to a skeleton. The trial lafted till fix o'clock, when the jury, in about half an hour, brought in their ver

diet guilty. She is to receive fentence the firft adjournment-day after the feffions at the Old-Bailey.

On Friday laft their royal and ferene highneffes the prince and princefs and young prince of Brunfwick arrived at Bruffels in perfect health. They were received with all the honours that poffibly could be fhewn to fuch illuftrious perfonages. There was a company of grenadiers with the colours to receive them where they lodged, and the equipages of the court ready to attend them. In the evening they went to the comedy.

In an hour after their arrival all the nobility in town went to pay their court to them; and an exprefs having been fent to his royal highness prince Charles, informing him of their arrival, he immediately came to town, and went directly to the playhoufe to meet them, and expreffed the greatest joy and pleasure in having the honour of feeing them at Bruffels.

This morning, about three o'clock, a terrible 14th. fire broke out at a houfe in Newftreet, near Shadwell church, which burnt with great fury for fome time, and destroyed about 14 houfes, together with a large cooperage, before it was extinguished. A perfon is taken up on fufpicion of having fet fire to the house where it began; and another perfon, with a large fack filled with linen, &c. was taken in Fleet-market, and carried to the Compter, on fufpicion of having ftolen them at the above fire.

The great caufe between his grace the duke of Hamilton and Archibald Douglas, Efq. was de

cided in the court of feffions at Edinburgh, in favour of the duke of Hamilton.

As the wife of John Bennet, of Handfworth, dear Birmingham, was ringing a pan, to fettle a fwarm of bees, they fixed upon her head, neck, and breaft, and continued till the evening, when the fhook them into a hive; and received no other hurt than a few ftings on her arms and breast.

Lord Clive arrived in town 15th. from Portsmouth, where he landed the day before, from on board the Britannia Indiaman, from Bengal, in perfect health; general Calliot and governor Palk arrived in town at the fame time.--The cargo of the Britannia confifts of piece goods, raw filk, red wood, and falt-petre.

A moft melancholy accident happened at a gentleman's feat near Greenhithe in Kent, where the game-keeper having put a quantity of gunpowder into the warm oven to dry, very thoughtlefsly left it there, and went into the field to work. Juft before dinner, the under cook-maid, as her custom was, went to light the oven, when the powder inftantly took fire, and the blast came full in the unhappy girl's face, fet her all in a blaze, and the expired in five minutes a dreadful fpectacle to look at, Her terrible fhrieks alarmed the family, and one of the men fer vants throwing his coat over her to extinguish the flames, brought off the skin of her face and neck, when it was removed, and increafed the horror of her appearance. A like accident happened a few days before at a gentleman's feat near Boulogne in France, where the gardener playing with a gun, and firing it

off in fport, fet fire to a box of gunpowder, and blew up the house with feven perfons in it; himself and a maid fervant were killed on the fpot, but five others, though wounded, wonderfully escaped with life.

His grace the archbishop of Canterbury, in obedience to his majefty's command, has fent circular letters to all the bishops, his fuffragans, defiring them to procure from their refpective clergy complete lifts of all papifts, or reputed papifts, in their refpective diocefes, diftinguishing their fexes, ages, and occupations, and how long they have been refident there. His grace has alfo fent letters to all the clergy in his diocefe, requiring them to make out lifts in the fame manner for their refpective parishes; which lifts are to be laid before the houfe of peers the firft day of next feffion of parliament. The fame orders have been iffued by the archbishop of York to the bishops and clergy of his diocefe.

The feffions ended at the

Old-Bailey, when three pri- 17th. foners were capitally convicted, one to be tranfported for 14 years, 30 for feven years, and four branded,

Twenty-four former capital con.. victs received his majefty's most gracious pardon, on the following condition: ten to be transported during their natural lives, feven for fourteen years, and seven for seven years.

A caufe was tried in the court of King's Bench, between Edward Lunfdon, an elected freeman of Morpeth in Northumberland, plaintiff, and Chriftopher Fawcet, fteward of the court-leet of the lord of the manor, defendant, on a mandamus for refufing to admit the

plaintiff to his freedom, which was determined in favour of the plaintiff; by which decifion the people of Morpeth are reftored to their ancient right of electing their own members. Thirty-two other caufes depended upon this verdict.

The princefs Poniatowski, J9th. fifter to the king of Poland,

arrived at St. James's.

A moft terrible thunder-ftorm happened at Leeds, in Yorkshire, as ever was remembered by any man living. It ftruck one of the chimnies of the workhoufe, fhivered the flates from the ridge to the eaves; it entered the garret, and ftruck a poor woman dead. It alfo ftruck the two oppofite fides of the room, and made a way through the wall on the north fide, and through a window on the fouth, by two large apertures. It like wife ftruck an old man who fat in a window below whetting his knife, fet fire to his clothes, and burnt him fo terribly, that it is thought he cannot recover. Three other perfons in a houfe at fome diftance were miferable fcorched; and at Scot-hill-mill it fell upon a chimney, entered fome lodging rooms, and made its way out at the windows, carrying the glafs and frame along with it.


We hear that Lord Clive has brought over, and prefented to his majefty, a fine fword fet with diamonds, and a fine pearl necklace, for her majefty, both of very confiderable value. He has likewife brought a fine diamond as a prefent from the Nabob to his majefty, of immenfe value, and many curiofities of that country.

By a letter, dated the firft of December laft, from a gentleman who was on board the Falmouth Eaft

Indiaman when she was ftruck with lightning, we are informed, that they were afterwards wrecked in the mouth of the Ganges; and of 360 men, whom they carried from England, there are only about 160 now alive at Calcutta ; the rest being either killed by the lightening, burnt in the fhip, drowned, devoured by tigers when they got on fhore, or dead of fatigue.

An inquifition was taken at 21ft. Guy's hofpital, on the body of Elizabeth, the wife of Edward Hafcar, otherwife called Sarah Bartlett, (for by that name the was brought to the hofpital) when it appeared, by the evidence of Elizabeth Aldridge, fervant to Patrick Dawfon, of Bermondseyftreet, furgeon and apothecary, (the only witnefs as to the fact,) that the deceased was formerly houfekeeper to her mafter, and that the ufed frequently to come to his house and cohabit with him; that laft Thursday evening, on his coming home, he asked the wit nefs whether the deceafed had been there, who informed him she had not; he then expreffed a great defire to fee her, and directed the witnefs to rife early next morning and fetch her, which fhe did, and on coming in, her mafter being in bed, the witnefs informed him the deceased was, come; whereon he defired them to come up ftairs to him, and a boy was fent for fome brandy, which being drank, he ordered the witness to make fome chocolate for their breakfast; and on the witnefs's quitting the room for that purpofe, the deceafed immediately followed her into the kitchen; that foon after her mafter came down, and he and the deceased breakfasted together

in the kitchen; that after breakfaft, Dawfon faluted the deceased, faying, My dear I love you; I have fomething in particular to tell you to which the deceafed anfwered, the maid would go out of the kitchen; he replied, that would not do. The deceafed then propofed to go into the little parlour, and feveral other places, but none would do befides his bedchamber, to which, at length, fhe confented to go; and on their going up stairs, fhe faid, it is not the hrft time I have trufted myself with you alone, by many, and expreffed a great defire of knowing the fecret he was to communicate to her: That on her entering the bed-chamber, the door was imme. diately faftened, and they continued very quiet about a quarter of an hour, when on a fudden the deceased cried out feveral times, murder! murder! Betty! Betty! That the witnefs ran directly up ftairs, and found the bed chamber door locked, and heard Dawson fay, Betty, you are too late; that the burst open the door, and faw the deceafed lying on the floor in a gore of blood, her mafter ftanding near her with a bloody knife in his right hand; and on the witnefs crying out, You wicked, blood. thirty man, what have you done! He moved the knife, aiming at her, as if he intended directly to ftab her, and d-d her, faying, he would ftab her too. That on the witness asking the deceased, what occafioned her mafter to ufe her fo? the informed her, that because he had refused to permit him to be criminally concerned with her, he on a fudden opened his bureau, and from thence took a knife, with which he ftabbed her. The

furgeons, on examining the deceafed's body, difcovered three wounds in her belly, which they made no doubt were mortal, and confirmed the above witnefs in the deceafed's declaration as to the oc cafion. The deceased was fent to Guy's hofpital, and there died the next morning; where the alfo declared the reafon of ill treatment, and acknowledged the was above five months gone with child, but was uncertain who was the father of it. The jury brought in their verdict wilful murder. The above Patrick Dawson is not yet taken.

A terrible ftorm of thunder, lightning, hail, and rain, happened in the neighbourhood of Valenciennes, in France, which did confiderable damage to houfes, trees, corn, and cattle. It began a few miles to the fouth-west of that city, and proceeded in a north-east direction as far as the province of Holland, caufing great defolation in its progrefs, not unlike the ftorm of 1763, which laid wafte a part of Kent.

His Royal Highnefs the Duke of York, who lately fet out on his travels through France and Germany, had an interview with the king and queen of France, at Compeigne, to whom he was introduced by the title of Earl of Ulfter.

A ball of fire fell at Norrington farm near Overton, in Hampfhire, and fet fire to a barn, in which were large quantities of corn, which, together with two ftacks of hay, were confumed. (Mingling pearl-afh with the water in engines for extinguishing fire, has been discovered to be very ef fectual for that purpofe.).

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