“The” Annual Register: World Events, Tập 64Longman, 1823 |
Từ bên trong sách
Kết quả 1-5 trong 100
Trang 12
... town of Newmarket , and occupied the road . A detachment of the 22nd regiment rapidly dislodged them , and secured 3 prisoners . On the evening of the same day a detachment of the 11th regiment was attacked , on its march from Macroom ...
... town of Newmarket , and occupied the road . A detachment of the 22nd regiment rapidly dislodged them , and secured 3 prisoners . On the evening of the same day a detachment of the 11th regiment was attacked , on its march from Macroom ...
Trang 34
... town in the South of Ireland , the streets of which were not filled with hundreds of able - bodied men , wandering ... towns and villages , in order to re- ceive from the hands of magis- trates , and committees , and cor porate ...
... town in the South of Ireland , the streets of which were not filled with hundreds of able - bodied men , wandering ... towns and villages , in order to re- ceive from the hands of magis- trates , and committees , and cor porate ...
Trang 36
... town , have come to a resolution to distribute bread for a month at least , which they are to purchase at three halfpence and to sell at one halfpenny per lb. LIMERICK , April 26. - Our hearts bleed within us at the terrific aspect ...
... town , have come to a resolution to distribute bread for a month at least , which they are to purchase at three halfpence and to sell at one halfpenny per lb. LIMERICK , April 26. - Our hearts bleed within us at the terrific aspect ...
Trang 39
... town of any note in the island , which did not hold its public meet- ings for promoting the success of this labour of love . Those , who were not rich enough to come for- ward as individual subscribers , found opportunities of obeying ...
... town of any note in the island , which did not hold its public meet- ings for promoting the success of this labour of love . Those , who were not rich enough to come for- ward as individual subscribers , found opportunities of obeying ...
Trang 43
... town , stating the expediency of appointing a magistrate to be con- stantly resident within any district , the lord lieutenant might ap- point such resident magistrates. 3 Gẹo . IV , c . 103 . year 2,000 HISTORY OF EUROPE . [ 43.
... town , stating the expediency of appointing a magistrate to be con- stantly resident within any district , the lord lieutenant might ap- point such resident magistrates. 3 Gẹo . IV , c . 103 . year 2,000 HISTORY OF EUROPE . [ 43.
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16th of August amount appeared appointed arms arrived attended bart Berton bill bishop Brazil British called captain cavalry cent charge church commissioners committee constables Cortes court daughter death declared defendant Ditto Dublin duty earl effect England Exchequer Excise execution foreign France gentleman House of Commons hustings Insurrection act Ireland Irish John jury justice king king's lady land London lord lord advocate lord Londonderry lord Wellesley lordship Macroom magistrates majesty's Manchester marquis marquis of Londonderry meeting ment military ministers months morning night o'clock parliament party persons plaintiff port present prisoner proceeded produce quarter received respect revenue road royal Saumur Scotland sent session ships sion sir Alexander Boswell Spain Stuart tain taken tion took town troops United Kingdom vessels William witness yeomanry