“The” Annual Register: World Events, Tập 64Longman, 1823 |
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Trang 19
... months , for that period would scarcely be sufficient for the mature considera- tion of all the subjects adverted to in the speech - alluding , as it did , to our foreign policy , to revenue , to expenditure , to retrenchment , to ...
... months , for that period would scarcely be sufficient for the mature considera- tion of all the subjects adverted to in the speech - alluding , as it did , to our foreign policy , to revenue , to expenditure , to retrenchment , to ...
Trang 22
... months : all the other offences specified in the act incurred the penalty of transportation for seven years . There were only two limita- tions upon the power of the courts of special sessions , and both de- pended on the will of some ...
... months : all the other offences specified in the act incurred the penalty of transportation for seven years . There were only two limita- tions upon the power of the courts of special sessions , and both de- pended on the will of some ...
Trang 23
... months , to seek vengeance upon those who had rendered them- selves obnoxious by attempting to put them down . The first meet- ing of the magistrates of the county of Limerick relative to those di turbances was not public ; it was held ...
... months , to seek vengeance upon those who had rendered them- selves obnoxious by attempting to put them down . The first meet- ing of the magistrates of the county of Limerick relative to those di turbances was not public ; it was held ...
Trang 27
... months instead of six , by substituting in them " the 15th of May " for the " 1st of August . " In support of the amendment it was urged , that it would give parliament an opportunity of re- considering the subject with more advantage ...
... months instead of six , by substituting in them " the 15th of May " for the " 1st of August . " In support of the amendment it was urged , that it would give parliament an opportunity of re- considering the subject with more advantage ...
Trang 73
... months ? While human nature continues the same the like divisions will arise in every free state ; the like con- flict of interests and opinions ; the like rivalry for office ; the like con- tention for power . A popular as- sembly ...
... months ? While human nature continues the same the like divisions will arise in every free state ; the like con- flict of interests and opinions ; the like rivalry for office ; the like con- tention for power . A popular as- sembly ...
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Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng
16th of August amount appeared appointed arms arrived attended bart Berton bill bishop Brazil British called captain cavalry cent charge church commissioners committee constables Cortes court daughter death declared defendant Ditto Dublin duty earl effect England Exchequer Excise execution foreign France gentleman House of Commons hustings Insurrection act Ireland Irish John jury justice king king's lady land London lord lord advocate lord Londonderry lord Wellesley lordship Macroom magistrates majesty's Manchester marquis marquis of Londonderry meeting ment military ministers months morning night o'clock parliament party persons plaintiff port present prisoner proceeded produce quarter received respect revenue road royal Saumur Scotland sent session ships sion sir Alexander Boswell Spain Stuart tain taken tion took town troops United Kingdom vessels William witness yeomanry