'Tis then, if to the raptur'd eye Her aid the fancy brings, In you our vision can descry Unutterable things!
Not merely mountains, cliffs, and caves, Domes, battlements, and towers, Torrents of light, that fling their waves O'er coral rocks, and bowers;
Not only what to man is known In nature, or in art; But objects which on earth can own No seeming counterpart.
As once the Seer in Patmos saw Heaven's opening door reveal'd, And scenes inspiring love and awe To his rapt sight unseal'd.
So, in a faint and low degree, Through your unfoldings bright, Phantoms of glory yet to be Dawn on the wond'ring sight.
Not even thought, and oh! much less The loftiest flights of verse, Can paint the power ye then possess Unworldly views to nurse.
It seems as if no dark eclipse By earth were interpos'd; But visions of the Apocalypse Before us were disclos'd.
Nor are they false, deceitful dreams, Which wisdom should suppress; When dimm'd their most delightful gleams, Their memory still can bless.
The warm emotion they inspir'd In fond remembrance lives; As evening's sky, by you attir'd, Its lingering lustre gives.
And it remains to be the part Of wisdom-virtue too, To seize on all which in the heart
Such feelings can renew;
On all that for a season lifts
From "Earth's contracted span" Our eyes, and thoughts and offers gifts Of noblest powers to man.
The thousand cares that cumber life Write wrinkles on the brow;
Yet these, with all their noise and strife, Are things to which we bow.
We call them useful-so they are, If man their use would learn; And then from you, more glorious far, As idle shadows turn.
But if ye lead our thoughts to Him Whose spirit space pervades, Then are ye, whether bright or dim, More than aerial shades.
I would not under-rate the boon
The Gospel has proclaim'd; Nor give to clouds, winds, sun, or moon, His right who all has fram'd.
But viewing these as meant to feed Devotion's heaven-ward flame,
His power and love, for whom they plead,
I dare not but proclaim.
Better, far better, not to be, Than-being-to resign The faith that all we feel and see Betokens Power Divine.
And rather than forego the thought, The feeling, ye supply, As silently ye sail athwart
The blue, o'er-arching sky
Be mine the faith the INDIAN finds, Whom nature's night enshrouds, Who yet can hear a God in winds, And see HIM in THE CLOUDS!
LIGHT rued false Ferdinand, to leave a lovely maid forlorn, Who broke her heart and died to hide her blushing cheek from scorn. One night he dreamt he woo'd her in their wonted bower of love, Where the flowers sprang thick around them, and the birds sang sweet above.
But the scene was swiftly changed into a church-yard's dismal view, And her lips grew black beneath his kiss from love's delicious hue. What more he dreamt, he told to none; but, shuddering, pale, and dumb, Look'd out upon the waves, like one that knew his hour was come.
'Twas now the dead watch of the night-the helm was lash'd a-lee, And the ship rode where Mount Ætna lights the deep Levantine sea; When beneath its glare a boat came, row'd by a woman in her shroud, Who, with eyes that made our blood run cold, stood up and spoke aloud.
Come, Traitor, down, for whom my ghost still wanders unforgiven ! Come down, false Ferdinand, for whom I broke my peace with Heaven!-
It was vain to hold the victim, for he plung'd to meet her call
Like the bird that shrieks and flutters in the gazing serpent's thrall.
You may guess, the boldest mariner shrunk daunted from the sight, For the spectre and her winding-sheet shone blue with hideous light; Like a fiery wheel the boat spun with the waving of her hand, And round they went, and down they went, as the cock crew from the land.
IN. B. The figures within crotchets refer to the pages of the History; the other to those of the Chronicle, Appendix to ditto, and Extracts.]
Administration, changes in, [6]. Admiralty, high court of see Courts. Advertisement, respecting prince Hohen- lohe, 3; for a wife, 167. Aeronaut, intrepidity of one, 171. Africa, slave trade in, 515. African Institution, proposed aid to [24.] report on, 515.
Agriculture, distress, [1]; proposed aid to, &c. [24]; [98]; Mr. Brougham's motion for relieving, [98]; first report on, 438; second ditto, 444; use of the trifolium incarnatum, 688; agri- cultural distress in the Netherlands, [222].
Aikin, Dr., death of, 300. Aleppo, earthquake at, 151. Alexander, emperor, anecdotes of 642. Algiers: claims on Spain, 107; quitted by the Spanish consul, 107; quarrel with the American consul, 228.
of the sea, 682; botany of South Ame- rica, 690;-see also Brazil, Canton, Columbia, Mexico, and United States. Amherst, lord, appointed governor-genc- ral for India, [184].
Amsterdam, fire at the Lutheran church, 176.
Anecdotes: Buonaparte, 629, 632; Jose- phine, 633; Maria Louisa, 634; Queen of Prussia, 641; emperor of Russia, 642.
Antiquities in Egypt, at Djebel el Berkel and Bellal, 660; at Soleb, 664; in Galicia, 701.
Apple-trees, management of, 688.. Ardfinnan, outrage, at, 11.
Armagh, death of archbishop of, 279. Artificers, attempt to entice from the king-
Asparagus, method of forcing, 688. Assizes: Chelmsford; W. Richardson, poisoning Sus. Hairs, 47. Cork; Connors, &c. rape, 67. Devonshire; Phillip Chappell, murder, 57.
Dorsetshire; Nepean, v. Budden, 51. Maidstone; J. Haywood shooting his wife, 55.
Middlesex Sessions; Cook, Harrison, and Connel, conspiracy, 176; J. Pearson, rape, 234.
Lancaster; Martha Milns, maiming her husband, 150; Richard Heys, burglary, 152; Redford, v. Birley, &c., Manchester outrage, 353. Leicester; W. Barnett, poisoning his wife, 62.
Limerick; Doody, Cussen, Leahy, &c. abduction of Miss Goold, 230. Oxford; Thomas v. Jones, breach of promise of marriage, 159. Somerset; Bridle, keeper of Ilchester
Athol, duke of, dispute with the house of Keys, Isle of Man, 134. Atwood, Mr., his speech on the currency question, [114].
Austria: dispatch to the chargé d'affaires at Madrid, 569. Aleutian Islands, volcano in, 683. Aylesbury gaol, escape of horse-stealers from, 170.
Banditti in Abruzzo, 162.
Bankrupt laws, alterations in, [88].
Bantry, outrages at, [9], 14.
Basire, James, engraver, death of, 280.
Battles, militaty records of, 161.
Beacon, newspaper, [92].
on the king's speech, [18].
Byron, lord, his Cain, 27; affray at Pisa,
Belzoni, Mr., taken into custody at the Cadiz, plot at, [245].
Beranger and Baudoin, trial of, 46. Berthollet, count, death of, 305. Berthon, conspiracy of, [204]; trial, [207]; account of, ibid, note; execu- tion of, 190.
Bertrand, general, his arrival in Chateau- roux, 48.
Bills of mortality, 346. Blood, experiments respecting, 677. Board of control, inquiry into, [143], Bolivar, Quito surrenders to, [283]. Bompland, M., his researches in South America, 690. Bologna, storm at, 87.
Bories, &c. conspiracy, [212]; trial, [213]; execution of, 182. Borthwick, W., editor of the Clydesdale Journal, case of, [92]. Boswell, James, death of, 271.
-, Sir A., duel with Mr. Stuart, and death, 62; 277. Botany of South America, 690. Buonaparte, M. Lafitte's litigation with his executors, 38; anecdotes of his early years, 629; of his private life, and of Josephine, 632; appointed to the command of the troops of the eon- vention, 638; interview with the queen of Prussia, 641.
Bowring, Mr., detention of, in France, [216], 191.
Bow-street-see Police.
Brachmann, Louise, death of, 186. Brazil: relations with Portugal, [257]; the prince regent ordered to return to Europe, [258]; he determines to re- main, [258]; opposition of the Portu- guese troops, [259]; which are sent to Europe, [260]; council of Re- presentatives created, [260]; title as- sumed by the prince, [261]; declara- tion of the Brazilian sovereignty [262]; the prince declared emperor, [263]; transactions at Bahia, [263]; ad- herence of Monte Video to Portugal, [263]; Manifesto of the prince regent, 599; ditto to friendly governments,
Caffe, conspiracy with Berton, [204]; death, [207]. Caledonian canal, 215. Cambridge election, 227.
-, duchess of, delivery of, 128. Canadas, bill for the union of the, [174] boundary settled, [281]; boundary line of Upper, 141. Canals in England and France, 703. Canning, Mr., bill for the admission of Catholic peers into parliament, [56]; speech on parliamentary reform, [72]; qualifications as a minister, [183]. Canova, inscriptions to his memory, 198; death, 297.
Canton, affray at, between the Chinese and Americans, [287], 79. Cape of Good Hope, slavery at, [165]. Carlile's shop, stratagem resorted to, 4. Caron, col. conspiracy of, [202]. Catholic peers, Mr. Canning's bill for their admission into parliament, [56]; Catholic bigotry, 141.
Chancery-see Courts. Chantal, mad. de, female adventurer, 91. Charles-town, negro plot at, 133. China, trade with, 95. Chinese, an American delivered up to, 79. Chili, affairs of, [284]. Chippenham, dreadful affray at, 166. Clarke, Dr. E. D., death of, 274. Clergy, French, 17.
Clerks, public, reduction of their salaries [137], 17.
Clissold, Mr., ascent of Mont Blanc, 666. Clogher, bishop of, 126, 138; deprivation of, 425.
Clouds, a poem, 711. Coast blockade service, 33. Cochrane, lord, his separation from San
Martin, [285]. Coinage, gold, 1. Coins, discovery of, 26. College, East India, at Haileybury, ex-
pense of, 31. Colliers, disturbances among, in Mon- mouthshire, 67. Colonial expenditure, 347. Colouring principle of shell-fish, 684. Columbia: public affairs, [282]; siege of Porto Cabello, [282]; Quito sub-
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