Hình ảnh trang

The thirty millions fixed annually for the use of the loans made with the object of diminishing the paper money are not only sufficient for the purpose, but there remain at the disposal of the commission more than 40 millions to be employed to continue this operation in the way that shall be thought most agreeable. The third part of the debt comprehends those which are calculated to satisfy the wants of the different branches of the administration after the establishment of the Sinkingfund. They amounted during the last 4 years to the sum of 1,305,000 roubles in metallic currency, and 17,495,000 roubles in assignats, which you have seen in accounts which have been presented.

Last year the government thought it necessary to carry to the account of the Treasury, about the third of the loan of 40,000,000 metallic currency, which had been opened at 13,250,000 roubles Which raised them to

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14,555,000 metallic roubles 17,495,000 paper roubles

And But according to the principle which had been established, the government secured the payment of the interest of the Sinking-fund, in assigning for these two objects, the necessary sums above 30,000,000 necessary for the use of the former debts.

In this manner the whole of our debts on the 1st of Jan. 1822, is:— Dutch debt

Debts in Russian money, both debts in Russia, both on terms which will render it perpetual .

In metallic money

In assignats

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Of which there are

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48,600,000 florins.

22,920 roubles.

53,028,136-937 c.
296,047,85 r.

48,481,920 silver

196,932,960 paper money

65,000 silver roubles
5,632,000 paper money

Which is more than the necessary proportion. The account of the commission will prove to you, gentlemen, that the fees which it receives from the treasury are punctually paid, and that it disposes of them conformably to the orders which have been given it.

BANK OF ASSIGNATS. This bank is limited, as you know, to the exchange of the notes which, injured by use, cannot any longer remain in circulation, and which it replaces either by new notes or by copper coin. It is equally charged with the making of the new notes necessary for the purpose which I am about to mention; and, finally, it is charged with the recovery of certain

sums which individuals owed to the former boards.

You may be satisfied, gentlemen, by the accounts which will be presented to you, the prohibition of any new issue of paper is strictly observed.

Last year I had announced to you, and the accounts of the bank had shown you, that after having substituted for the former notes those which circulate at present,

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In spite of all the measures taken by the government to make known to all persons the term fixed by the ordinances to exchange the old notes, many of them were found in the hands of the poor and indigent classes of society. The government did not wish that the bank should profit by their negligence, and the emperor, therefore, ordered all to be paid which should be presented during 1821. To

the 1st of January, 1822, there was withdrawn 1,437,200 roubles; the whole mass issued amounts to 640,897,470 roubles; and as we are going to burn at the end of this session 44,968,230 roubles, there will remain in circulation about 595,926,240 roubles.


The loans which this establishment has made in the course of the year 1821, by order of his imperial majesty amounts to 16,000 roubles in gold; 27,000 in silver; and 9,073,689 paper roubles.

The greater part of these loans have been made to manufacturers, for the support of their establish ments. The capitals belonging to this bank will be solely devoted to the support of industry. nett profit which it has derived the last year from its operations, are, 6,322 roubles in gold; 138,782 in silver, and 2,227,624 in paper.



Instituted for the support of the commercial class, this establishment has last year rendered them important services by facilitating their operations at a time when our commerce required that assistance most imperiously. Its beneficent

influence has not only been extended in the capital, but spread to all the cities most engaged in commerce. The offices which it has established at Riga in the last year, and at the commencement of the present at Astrachan, will extend the circle of its activity. Its capital, which at the time of its institution amounted only to 17,000,000, now amounts to 30,000,000, fixed by the manifest of 1817. The deposits, both at the bank and at its branches, including what remained from 1820, have amounted, for repayment, to 49,481,000 roubles, and at interest to 126,874,000 roubles.

The total sum at its disposal, added to its own capital, amounts to 205,000,000.

The bank and its branches have made the following use of them : -They have returned in sums placed for repayment 18,818,000 roubles; they have assigned, from one city to another, 30,663,000; they have restored sums placed at their disposal, with the intention of deriving interest from them, to the amount of 92,804,405. They have discounted, by bills of exchange the sum of 228,619,000. They have advanced, upon deposits of merchandise, 7,890,000; they have discounted in bank notes, 20,350,000-in foreign bills of All its exchange, 3,035,000. amounted to operations have 309,357,000.

The advances upon commodities have exceeded by 2,600,000, those made in 1820; and the discount in bills of exchange presents a surplus of 58,000,000.

Among the effects protested there is to the amount of 1,403,751 which have not been paid. The majority are found to be counterfeited. The government knows

and prosecutes the forgers. By all that we can learn of these persons, the bank will not experience considerable losses. These losses will be amply compensated by the profits which the bank has made," and which amounts to 3,204,385 roubles. The total of returns into the funds of this establishment, and the public offices, in 1821, amounts to 1,178,454,398, roubles in paper, and 9,165,739 silver roubles.

Such, gentlemen, is the situation of our credit establishments. It proves that our system of public credit is built on a solid basis, and that we cannot doubt of the advantage which it will confer upon

the state.

The sacred word of the sovereign, to whom Russia is indebted for this new benefit; the punctuality with which the sums set apart for this service are paid, the rigorous observation of the rules which fix their employment, become, when combined, the essential guarantees of our system of credit. Debts formerly contracted are at last perfectly known; each of them is conducted upon rules agreeable to the creditors of the state, and means are provided for satisfying them.

Our system of credit, in consoli

dating itself, offers the means of providing expenses which would exceed the ordinary resources of the treasury, and gives greater facilities to its operations.

The extraordinary necessity of having recourse on ordinary occasions, to new issues of bank paper, so injurious to private and public fortunes, cannot, henceforward, conflict with the existence of our system of credit. The paper money, arrested in its progress towards a fall, has acquired more valuewe neither expected or desired a sudden rise. By diminishing the mass of paper from 836,000,000 to 596,000,000, we might have obtained a more sensible amelioration; but the distressing situation of our commerce has relaxed the course of such salutary results.

The consolidation of our system of credit leaves us the choice of means which we had wished to employ in our life time. We can before-hand predict their success. Our stocks appearing every where in circulation, have not only been secured against loss, but have risen. Such are the happy effects of a regulated system of credit. Those which we have still a right to expect will follow the progressive march of time, which alone can prepare and reproduce them.


This Tariff to be enforced on the frontiers from the time of its being known there, and in the sea ports from the 31st of March, O.S.

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Hats of cotton, in imitation of straw 25 per cent on the value.

All kinds of foreign woods, used by cabinet-makers, sawed into thin boards

Smelling-woods, as rose-wood, clove

1 rouble 50 copecks per pood.

wood, or aloes and paradise-wood 15 copecks per lb. Rasped ditto

All kinds of ginger in pieces, without exception

Crushed Madder

Orange peel

Cobalt and mineral blue Chalk

Laurel leaves

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30 ditto ditto.

1 rouble per pood.

50 copecks per ditto.

2 roubles 50 copecks, ditto.

1 rouble 25 copecks, ditto. 1 ditto 50 copecks per berkowetz. 1 ditto 50 copecks per pood.

60 copecks, ditto.

10 roubles per pood.

2 ditto ditto.

5 ditto per lb.

60 copecks per pood.

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Ditto, in bottles
Springs for carriages

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30 ditto ditto.

25 ditto ditto.

4 roubles per lb.

5 roubles ditto.
25 ditto per hogshead.

15 copecks per bottle

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15 ditto

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80 ditto

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Razors and penknives, with horn or
wooden hafts
Ditto, with ivory, tortoiseshell, mo-
ther of pearl, silver and gold,
mounted or unmounted; as also
muskets, pistols, and other fire-
arms, with silver, copper, and iron
ornaments, or without them, with
or without silver damask work.
Rum, arrack, French and other
brandies, of 10 degrees
Ditto, from 10 to 15 degrees
Ditto, above 15 degrees
Laces, petinets, nets, and blondes, of
silk, cotton, or thread; as also
gauzes and crapes, white and plain,
interwoven or worked with white

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20 ditto

per anker.

30 ditto ditto.

40 ditto ditto.

8 roubles per lb.

Silver leaf, in books, with the books 45 copecks, ditto.

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