H́nh ảnh trang


which is 15l. 19s. ld.; that there are four members of parliament holding offices for life, under appointment from the chiefs in the courts of justice, or from other public officers, the emoluments of which are 10,030l. 1s. 3d.; that there are five members of parliament holding pensions, or sinecures, or offices chiefly executed by deputy, held by members of the House of Commons under grants from the crown, or by act of parliament, the emoluments of which are 7,4781.; that there are two members of parliament holding the reversion of offices under the crown after one or more lives, the emoluments of which are 6,489l.; that there are 79 members of parliament holding naval and military commissions; that 59 of them hold other offices, and are included in the preceding classes.

It then appears to your committee, that 89 members of parliament hold offices or pensions either in possession or reversion, not including those who have naval and military commissions, to the annual amount of 170,3431. 148. 4d.

[Mr. H. G. Bennet was the chairman of the committee.] Appendix, No. 1.-A Return of Members of the House of Commons holding Offices under the crown at the pleasure of the Crown, or


[blocks in formation]

Antrobus, Gibbs Crawford, secretary of legation to the
United States

550 00

Archdall, Mervyn, governor of the Isle of Wight


346 5 0

And a lieutenant-general in the army.

Bagwell, right hon. Wm., joint muster-master-general

in Ireland

486 6 9

Barry, right hon. John Maxwell lord of his majesty's


1,220 0 0

Bathurst, right hon. Charles, chancellor of the duchy of


3,563 0 0

Beresford, lord George Thomas, comptroller of the king's household

880 13 0


And a major-general in the army.
Burgh, sir Ulysses Bagenal, surveyor-general of the

A lieutenant-colonel in the army, and a captain in

the guards.

Clerk, sir George, bart., lord of the admiralty
Cockburn, sir George, bart.,* lord of the admiralty

And a vice-admiral of the Blue.

Cole, hon. sir Galbraith Lowry, governor of Gravesend

A lieutenant-general in the army, and colonel of

the 34th regiment of Foot.

• It appears by the Parliamentary Return, No. 602, of Session 1821, that sir George Cockburn was appointed a major-general of Marines on the 5th of April, 1821, and receives 1,0371. per annum pay. 1821

1,261 10 0

1,000 0 0

1,000 0 0

793 00

Congreve, sir Wm., bart., king's equerry, comptroller of
royal laboratory, surperintendant of the royal military
repository, and a pension for good services
Copley, sir John Singleton, solicitor-general

2,401 5 0

4,500 00

And a king's sergeant at law.

Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine, secretary to the East

India board

2,200 0 0

Agent to the Cape of Good Hope, with a salary
of 600l. [Vide Parliamentary Paper No. 377,

Sess. 1822.]

Cranborne, lord viscount, commissioner of the board of

Control-No salary.

Ellis, Thomas, master in chancery in Ireland
Fitzgerald, right hon. W. V., envoy at Stockholm, in-

3,500 0 0

cluding house rent for his majesty's legation Forbes, lord viscount, aide-de-camp to his majesty, at 10s. 5d. per diem, and a colonel in the army

4,900 00

190 21

Freemantle, right hon. Wm. Henry,* commissioner of

the board of Control


1,500 00

Gifford, sir Robert, attorney-general

6,200 0 0

[ocr errors]

Graves, lord, lord of the bedchamber

699 60

And a lieutenant-general in the army.

Hart, George Vaughan, governor of Londonderry

306 80

[ocr errors]

Hill, right hon. George Fitzgerald,† vice-treasurer of



2,000 00

Holmes, William, treasurer of the Ordnance
Hope, sir William Johnstone, bart., lord of the Admi-

1,241 0 0


1,000 00

Huskisson, right hon. W., 1st commissioner of woods and forests, and agent for Ceylon

[blocks in formation]

Has a pension of 1,200l. from the civil list as a retired under secretary of state, which ceases whilst receiving 2,000l. from other offices. Londonderry, marquis of, secretary of state for foreign affairs, lord of trade, and commissioner for India affairs

Long, right hon. sir Charles, paymaster-general of the army

A pension from the 4 per cents. Lovaine, lord, lord of the bedchamber

6,000 00

3,500 0 0

409 54

* It appears by Parliamentary Return, No. 653, of 1804, that William Henry Freemantle, esq., receives one-half of an annuity of 2030. 10s. 8d. Irish,

compensation for loss of office joint resident

[blocks in formation]

Lieutenant of Ireland; and also joint solicitor in England for the revenue of + It appears by the act 40 Geo. III. c. 50, of the Irish Parliament, that sit G. Hill also receives an annuity of 2,2651. 13s. 94d. Irish currency, for life, a compensation for the loss of office as the clerk of the House of Commons of


Lowther, lord viscount, lord of the Treasury

Manners, right hon. lord Charles Somerset, extra aidede-camp to his majesty.

And lieut.-colonel colonel of 3rd dragoons.

Martyn, sir Thomas Byam, comptroller of his majesty's


[ocr errors]

And a vice-admiral of the White (no half-pay.) M'Naghten, Edmund Alexander, lord of the Treasury. Montgomery, sir James, bart., commissioner of inquiry

in Scotland

Presenter of the signatures in the court of exche-
quer in Scotland, for life.

Nolan, Michael, king's counsel

"Nugent, sir George, bart., governor of St. Mawes Castle

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

A general in the army, and colonel of the 6th
regiment of Foot.

O'Neill, hon. John Bruce Richard, governor of Dublin


And a captain in the guards.

Onslow, Arthur, king's sergeant

Osborn, sir John, bart., lord of the Admiralty

Paget, hon. Berkeley, lord of the Treasury.

Palmer, Charles, aide-de-camp to his majesty at 10s. 5d. per diem, and colonel on half-pay of the 22nd Light Dragoons

Palmerston, lord viscount, secretary at war.

Peel, right hon. Robert, secretary of state, home department

Phillimore, Joseph, commissioner of the board of Control

Plunkett, right hon. W. Conyngham, attorney-general

of Ireland

Ponsonby, hon. Frederick, aide-de-camp to his majesty,

and a colonel in the army

Rae, sir W., bart., lord advocate of Scotland

Raine, Jonathan, king's counsel

Robinson, right hon. Frederick John, treasurer of the


Ditto, president of the board of Trade.

Rose, right hon. sir George Henry, clerk of parliaments and envoy extraordinary at Berlin

✔ Scarlett, James, king's counsel

Somerset, lord Granville, C. H., lord of the Treasury
Ditto, commissioner for inquiring into the department

of Customs

1,218 0 0

2,000 0 0

1,220 00

1,350 0 0

36 14 0

102 6 0

450 00

10 00

1,000 0 0

1,218 0 0

190 2 1

2,484 0 0

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Vansittart, right hon. Nicholas, lord of the Treasury, chancellor of the Exchequer, and chancellor of Ireland

no salary. 2,948 10 0

36 13 0

3,000 0 0 no salary.

11,862 3 2

1980 1,220 0 0

no salary.

5,296 7 1 1,043 5 0

Vivian, sir Richard Hussey, equerry to his majesty, with allowance for house-rent.

750 0 0

And a major-general in the army.

Wallace, right hon. Thomas, vice-president of the board

of Trade


2,000 0 0

Ward, Robert, clerk of the Ordnance
Warren, Charles, king's counsel, and chief justice of

1,117 0 0


1,388 6 0

Wynn, right hon. Charles Watkin Williams, 1st com

missioner of East India affairs

5,000 0 0

£.108,565 11 0

[John Thomas Fane, for Lime Regis, being abroad, no return has been obtained; but the committee find on inquiry, that he holds the office of one of the clerks of the privy seal, is an inspector of the Ionian militia, and a major in the army.]

APPENDIX, No. 2.-A return of members of the House of Commons holding offices in the appointment and at the pleasure of the public


Arbuthnot, right hon. Charles, joint secretary of the
Treasury *

Bathurst, hon. Seymour Thomas, agent for island of


And a captain of the guards.

Calvert, John, secretary to the lord chamberlain
Canning, right hon. G., receiver-general Alienation-


Croker, John Wilson, secretary to the Admiralty.
Ditto, secretary to sea officers' widows

Dawson, G. Robt., under secretary for home depart

[blocks in formation]

Goulburn, Henry, chief secretary to the lord-lieutenant
of Ireland, and bailiff of Phenix-park
Lushington, Stephen Rumbold, secretary of the Trea-


Lindsey, hon. Hugh, marshal and sergeant at Mace,


Legge, hon. Heneage, gentleman usher, and quarterly
waiter to his majesty (exclusive of occasional fees)

Phipps, Edmund, clerk of deliveries, Ordnance
And a lieut.-gen. in the army.

4,000 0 0


1,130 0 0

293 10 0 3,000 0 0

200 0 0

2,050 0 0

5,613 0 9

4,000 0 0

375 19 0


* A pension of 2,000l. as ex-ambassador, but does not receive it since his appointment as secretary of the Treasury.

Taylor, sir Herbert, military secretary to the commander-in-chief, pension for services as private secretary to her late majesty Queen Charlotte, and master

of St. Katherine's Hospital

3,733 10 0

Wilmot, Robert John, und

And a major-general in the army.

under secretary of state (colo


2,000 0 0

[ocr errors]


APPENDIX, No. 3.-A return of members of the House of Commons
holding offices or pensions for life under grants from the Crown:-

Cuff, James, late treasurer to barrack department in

Dundas, right hon. William, lord Register, &c. of Scot-
land, keeper of the signet ditto, and register of sei-


Macdonald, James, clerk of the privy seal, salary 400l.,
all given by him to his deputy.
Scott, hon. Wm. Henry John, register of affidavits in
the court of chancery for life, executed by deputy;
clerk of the letters patent to the court of Chancery
for life, by deputy; and receiver of fines in the court
of Chancery

Ditto, one of the cursitors for London and Middlesex, *

for life; duty executed by deputy.

Ditto, clerk of the crown in chancery, reversion.t
Ditto, the office of the execution of the laws and sta-
tutes concerning bankrupts, in reversion.‡
Stanhope, hon. James Hamilton, commissioner of Alien-
ations; duty executed by deputy, and a pension
A lieutenant-colonel in the army.

Stewart, right hon. sir John, bart., late attorney-general
of Ireland

Wynn, sir Watkin Williams, bart., lieutenant-colonel on half-pay, of Denbigh militia, 11s. per diem. Steward of the manors of Bromfield and Yal, county of Denbigh, patent for life, granted in 1795; salary 291. a year, given up to deputy..

400 00

4,399 00

2,293 3 1

560 00

1,865 10 9

200 15 0

* No return of income; but, by Appendix, K. 10, to the 27th Report of Select Committee of Finance, in 1798, the nett annual receipts of fees from | that office was 5001. on average of three past years. Duty done by deputy.

+ No return of income, but the receipts by lord Bathurst, as per Appendix 3rd Report on Finance in 1809, was 1,0814. nett.

‡ No return of income, but the nett income of which office is 4,5547. as stated in 3rd Report on Finance in 1809, Appendix B.

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