NAVIGATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM-continued. VESSELS EMPLOYED IN THE FOREIGN TRADE. An Account of the Number of VESSELS, with the Amount of their PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS, Passed in the THIRD Session of the SEVENTH Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.-2 and 3 GEO, IV. III. An Act for indemnifying such persons as have seized or detained any arms or gunpowder in Ireland, since the 1st day of November, 1821, for the preservation of the public peace. IV. An Act to regulate the importation of arms, gunpowder, and ammunition into Ireland, and the making, removing, selling, and keeping of arms, gunpowder, and ammunition in Ireland, for seven years, and from thence until the end of the then next session of parliament. V. An Act to repeal so much of an act made in the fifty-fifth year of the reign of his late majesty, for taking an account of the population of Ireland, as relates to certain expenses to be incurred under the said act. VI. An Act for continuing to his majesty certain duties on sugar, tobacco, and snuff, foreign spirits, and sweets, in Great Britain, and on pensions, offices, and personal es tates in England, and for receiving the contributions of persons receiving pensions and holding offices; for the service of the year 1822. VII. An Act for applying certain monies therein mentioned for the service of the year 1822. VIII. An Act for raising the sum of XII. An Act to indemnify such persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for offices and employments, and for extending the time limited for those purposes respectively, until the 25th day of March, 1823; and to permit such persons in Great Britain as have omitted to make and file affidavits of the execution of indentures of clerks to attornies and solicitors, to make and file the same on or before the last day of Trinity term, 1822, and to allow persons to make and file such affidavits, though the persons whom they served shall have neglected to take out their annual certificates. XIII. An Act for punishing mutiny and desertion; and for the better payment of the army and their quar from becoming naturalized, or being made or becoming denizens, except in certain cases. XVI. An Act to amend an act, made in the last session of parliament, for amending the several acts for the regulation of attornies and solicitors. XVII. An Act for converting annuities and debentures of 5l. per centum per annum, payable at the bank of Ireland, into new annuities of 47. per centum per annum. XVIII. An Act to repeal the excise duty on malt, charged by an act made in the second year of his present majesty, to allow the said duty on malt in stock, and to make regulations for better securing the duties on malt. XIX. An Act to enable two or more of the commissioners for executing the office of lord high admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, when the number of such commissioners is less than six, to do certain acts heretofore done by three or more of the same commissioners. XX. An Act for fixing the rates of subsistence to be paid to innkeepers and others on quartering soldiers. XXI. An Act to amend an act passed in the fifty-eighth year of the reign of his late majesty king George 3rd, for establishing fever hospitals, and for making other regulations for relief of the suffering poor, and for preventing the increase of infectious fevers in Ireland. XXII. An Act to amend an act, passed in the first year of his present majesty's reign, for the assistance of trade and manufactures in Ireland, by-authorizing the advance of certain sums for the support of commercial credit there. XXIII. An Act to facilitate summary proceedings before justices of the peace and others. XXIV. An Act for extending the laws against receivers of stolen goods to receivers of stolen bonds, bank notes, and other securities for money. XXV. An Act to continue until the 25th day of January, 1826, an act of the twenty-third year of his late majesty, for the more effectual encouragement of the manufacture of flax and cotton in Great Britain: and to amend the law in respect of the allowances of excise duties on starch and soap used in certain manufactures. XXVI. An Act to reduce the rate of interest payable on the sum of 1,250,000l., advanced by the governor and company of the bank of Ireland for the public service, under an act made in the forty-eighth-year of his late majesty. XXVII. An Act to amend and continue, until the 5th day of July, 1826, so much of an act made in the fifty-fifth year of his late majesty, as relates to additional duties of excise, in Great Britain, on excise li censes. XXVIII. An Act to continue, solong as the bounties now payable on Irish linens when exported from Ireland shall continue, the bounties on British and Irish linen exported. XXIX. An Act to continue until the 25th day of January, 1823, and from thence to the end of the then next session of parliament, an act made in the fifty-fourth year of his late majesty, for rendering the payment of creditors more equal and expeditious in Scotland. XXX. An Act for reducing, during the continuance of the present duty on malt, the duty on malt made from bear or bigg only, in Scotland. XXXI. An Act to grant countervailing duties, and to allow equivalent drawbacks on malt, beer, and spirits imported and exported between Great Britain and Ireland. XXXII. An Act for repealing the duties on plain silk net or tulle, and for granting new duties in lieu thereof. XXXIII. An Act for altering and amending several acts passed in the first and ninth years of the reign of king George the 1st, and in the forty-first, fifty-second, fifty-sixth, and fifty-seventh years of the reign of his late majesty king George the 3rd, so far as the same relate to the recovery of damages committed by riotous and tumultuous assemblies and unlawful and malicious offend ers. XXXIV. An Act for the employment of the poor in certain districts in Ireland. XXXV. An Act to make perpetual, and to amend, several acts made in the thirty-eighth, fortieth, and fiftieth years of the reign of his late majesty king George the 3rd, for the management, support, regulation, and maintenance of the Foundling hospital in Dublin; and to make further provision for the regulation and maintenance of the said hospital. XXXVI. An Act to reduce the duty of excise on malt, made in Ireland, and certain drawbacks in respect thereof. XXXVII. An Act to extend the powers of the commissioners appointed by an act, passed in the last session of parliament, for inquiring into the collection and management of the revenue in Ireland. XXXVIII. An Act for the further and more adequate punishment of persons convicted of manslaughter, and of servants convicted of robbing their masters, and of accessories before the fact to grand larceny, and certain other felonies. XXXIX. An Act for preventing frauds upon creditors, by secret warrants of attorney to confess judg ment. XLVII. An Act to repeal an act of his present majesty, for explaining an act made in the twelfth year of queen Anne, to reduce the rate of interest without prejudice to parliamentary securities, and to substitute other provisions in lieu thereof. XLVIII. An Act to repeal certain tonnage duties of customs on ships or vessels. XLIX. An Act concerning the residence of sheriffs depute of the counties of Edinburgh and Lanark. L. An Act to extend the period allowed to persons compounding for their assessed taxes, and to give further relief in certain cases therein mentioned. LI. An Act for apportioning the burthen occasioned by the military and naval pensions and civil superannuations, by vesting an equal annuity in trustees for the payment thereof. LII. An Act to grant certain duties in Scotland, upon wash and spirits made from corn or grain, and upon licenses for making and keeping of stills; and to regulate the distillation of such spirits for home consumption; and for better preventing private distillation in Scotland, until the 10th day of November, 1824. LIII. An Act to regulate the manufacture and sale of scorched or roasted corn, peas, beans, or parsnips, and of cocoa paste, broma, and other mixtures of cocoa. LIV. An Act to repeal the rates, duties, and taxes payable in respect of fire hearths and windows in Ireland, and to exempt certain persons from the tax on dogs. LV. An Act for the more effectual administration of the office of a justice of the peace in and near the metropolis, and for the more effectual prevention of depredations on the 1 al 1 1 river Thames and its vicinity, for seven years. LVI. An Act to provide for the more effectual regulation of certain offices relating to the receipt of his majesty's exchequer in Ireland. LVII. An Act for transferring such of the duties of the commissioners or governors of Kilmainham hospital. as relate to the management and payment of out-pensions, to the commissioners of Chelsea hospital. LVIII. An Act for enabling the commissioners of his majesty's woods, forests, and land revenues to effect improvements in the neighbourhood of Parliament-street, and Privygarden, within the liberty of Westminster. LIX. An Act to continue, until the 5th day of July, 1824, the low duties on coals and culm carried coastwise to any port within the principality of Wales. LX. An Act to amend the laws relating to the importation of corn. LXI. An Act to regulate the performance of certain contracts, and to authorize the courts of chancery and exchequer to make orders in cases which may arise out of the conversion of certain annuities of 51. per centuni per annum into annuities of 47. per centum per annum; and for paying off such proprietors of 5l. per centum annuities as shall dissent from receiving 47. per centum annuities in lieu thereof. LXII. An Act for regulating the fees chargeable in his majesty's general register house at Edinburgh, and for completing the buildings necessary for keeping the public records of Scotland therein. LXIII. An Act to authorize the sale of quit rents and other rents, and the sale and demise of lands, tithes, tenements, and hereditaments, the property of his majesty, in right of the crown, in Ireland. LXIV. An Act to amend the laws relating to prisons in Ireland. LXV. An Act to continue, until the 5th day of July, 1823, an act of the fifty-ninth year of his late majesty, for rendering the growing produce of the consolidated fund of the United Kingdom, arising in Great Britain, available for the public ser vice. LXVI. An Act for authorizing the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt to discharge the exchequer bills issued to pay the proprietors of 5t. per centum annuities, who dissented from receiving 41. per centum annuities in lieu thereof. LXVII. An Act to repeal so much of the excise licences act of the present session as regards the carrying on of trade in more than one place. LXVIII. An Act to provide for the charge of the addition to the public funded debt of Great Britain and Ireland for defraying the expense of military and naval pensions and civil superannuations. LXIX. An Act to enable the judges of the several courts of record at Westminster, to make regulations respecting the fees of the officers, clerks, and ministers of the said courts. LXX. An Act to continue, until the 5th day of January, 1833, an act of the thirty-seventh year of his late majesty, for suspending the operation of an act of the seventeenth year of his late majesty, for restraining the negociation of promissory notes and bills of exchange, exc angesunder a limited sum, in England. LXXI. An Act to prevent the cruel and improper treatment of cattle. LXXII. An Act to amend and render more effectual two acts, passed in the fifty-eighth and fifty-ninth years of his late majesty, for building and promoting the building of additional churches in populous parishes. LXXIII. An Act for raising a loan of seven millions five hundred thousand pounds from the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt. LXXIV. An Act to amend the laws relating to bankrupts under joint commissions. LXXV. An Act to amend certain provisions of the twenty-sixth of George the 2nd, for the better preventing of clandestine marriages. LXXVI. An Act to amend an act of the last session of parliament, for allowing to distillers for home consumption in Scotland a drawback of a portion of the duty on malt used by them. LXXVII. An Act for amending the |