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Advice to the Young to seek Religion in Health. 205

salvation. About three weeks before he died, when by himself, he found the Lord, and shouted aloud for joy. The change was clear, and he was ready to tell all who visited him what God had done for him, and how happy he was. After his conversion he was quite free to talk about religion and of getting home to heaven. He said, in one of my visits, it would be beautiful to get to heaven and meet his mother and sister. No doubt, he said, they would be ready to meet him as he passed through the gates into the city, and he assured me he should be glad to see those again who had visited and prayed with him and helped him to find the Lord. The fear of death had been taken away; its sting was removed, and he could praise the Lord with all his heart and strength. He said it was a grand thing that the Lord had pardoned all his sins and made him happy. He also said he did not know what he had been doing in not believing in Jesus sooner. day or two before he died, Satan made hard at him, but he withstood the attack, and he gained the victory by trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ. He did not feel that ecstatic joy for a day or two, but kept praying and believing in Jesus, and the clouds were dispersed; his joy abounded and he could and did praise the Lord. I cannot say when I saw a clearer conversion or one who conversed more freely about dying and going home to heaven to meet those whom he had known and loved.


At the same time I wish that all who may read these lines not to put off religion to a sick bed or dying hour, but to seek the Lord while young and in health and strength, so that you may be prepared at all times to leave the world and enter the joy of your Lord. Some of you may have praying parents and attend the Sabbathschool, and are privileged with hearing the Word preached, but have not yet given your hearts to the Lord, nor begun to serve him. Now, we wish you to do this at once, and seek the Lord in health and strength, or death may come to you suddenly, and then, perhaps, it may be for ever too

206 Advice to the Young to seek Religion in Health.

late. Some of you perhaps have a seat in God's house, and hear the word preached at times, but you still put off religion and despise the warning voice which is given from time to time. Do you say we can be saved as well as the young man you write about? Yes, we hope you can, but are you sure you will have time, and that the good Spirit will strive with you, and that ministers and friends will be as anxious about your conversion as they were in this young man's case. Besides, death may come to you suddenly, and remove you before the work is done. Now, I sincerely hope that all who read the account of this young man's conversion in his affliction, and so near his latter end, will take warning and not put off the great work of salvation till the close of life. If you seek God he will pardon and forgive you and make you happy and ready to die. But, if you despise him, he will cast you off for ever. Besides, it will be much better to begin while young and in health and strength, because you may then do some good in the world, and be the means of bringing others to Jesus, and of hiding a multitude of sins. And to be the means of one soul being saved will be a greater honour, and secure a greater reward than gaining victories on the battle-field. Be sure and shun the appearance of evil, and consecrate yourselves fully and entirely to God, and you will enjoy peace of mind here and be happy for ever. Do not act so foolishly as to put off religion till the powers of your body and mind are enfeebled; but now, while it is called to-day, seek an interest in the blood of Christ and you "shall not perish but have everlasting life." Thousands have done so, and they have been saved, and so may you if you are in earnest and will seek the Lord in health and strength, and with all your heart. But what I wish you to do is not to delay the great work of salvation till affliction seizes you as it did the young man I have mentioned. It is true he found pardon about three weeks before he died. But I want you to set about the great work at once, and you may realize pardon, live in the enjoyment of God's favour in time, and when death comes you shall have

the victory and live with Jesus and the spirits of just men made perfect for ever. The Lord be with you all, and incline you by his spirit to attend to the salvation of your souls is the sincere prayer of my heart.




Ir was a beautiful evening in June, the heat of the day over, and the sun preparing to leave for the night; a slight breeze blew among the honeysuckle, which still bore a few blossoms, and covered a small rustic summer-house which stood outside a mean kut tidy cottage. On one of the seats sat an old man of some threescore years or more; at his feet sat a fair-haired child of ten summers, reading the Holy Bible. She had chosen a chapter of Isaiah, and read aloud those beautiful words, "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd, he shall gather the lambs in his arms, and carry them in his bosom." She stopped, and looking up into her aged grandsire's face, said, "That is like what mother used to tell me before she died, grandfather; she said the good shepherd cares for his little lambs, and that he would take care of me. I remember so plainly when she kissed me and said, 'Love Jesus, my Effie; follow the gentle shepherd; he will lead you, even though your mother will be gone; he will carry you in his arms, and bring you safely to meet me again;"" and tears filled the child's eyes at the remembrance of her loved mother. And seeing her grandfather had ceased to listen, and was thinking deeply, she stole away up into her little chamber, and prayed to be one of God's little lambs, and asked him to gather her in his arm, and carry her in his bosom. Dear little Effie, she had begun life in the right way, devoting her youth to the Saviour; and he watched over her and kept her feet that they should not stray. And the old man, too, whose life was fast drawing to a close,

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whose pilgrim feet had almost reached the door of the many, many mansions, he had listened to that blessed verse, and hidden it deep in his heart to ponder over, and he too, prayed for grace to enable him to bear the burden of life a little longer, until called higher to his Father's home. Blessed words of Scripture, they are indeed meat and drink to the empty soul, the road to peace and rest to the weary and heavy laden. Oh, that we studied the word of God more; surely we should keep closer to the Author of such rich draughts, and drink still deeper of the waters of life. Effie's guiding star through life was that precious verse learned on the summer's evening; and when she had fought the good fight, and finished her course, she passed away to receive the crown of life, murmuring, "The vale of death is not lonely or dark, for the Good Shepherd beareth me on his bosom to meet my loved friends around the throne." And so Effie died; died, did I say? Nay, rather she lives the life that fears no death; she is now rejoicing before the throne of the Chief Shepherd, who has now crowned her with the never-fading crown. And her old grandfather, tco, was gathered to rest ere another summer had passed over his head. His dying bed was soft, for Jesus stood by softening it with his presence, ministering angels waited to waft his soul above, and his beloved ones gone before watched at heaven's gate to receive him and lead him by the green pastures and still waters of the blissful Eden. Oh, the passing from this world to our Father's home above. Well may the Christian be joyful at the thought of itgoing from this continued scene of pain and sorrow to that land where shall be no night, no pain, no tears, from the world of doubts and fears, though sometimes intermixed with the rainbow of hope and blessing, to drink of the pure and never-failing stream which flows by the throne of God. EVA MILLWARD.

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