Hình ảnh trang


Situation of Poland at the Close of 1790. Poland treated with Infolence by the
Courts of Peterburg and Vienna. Sound Policy of an Alliance between Po-
land and Prufa. Unusual Condefcendence of the Courts of Vienna and Pr●


Emulation of the French at the Confederation. Satisfaction of the Aembly

at the Applause it meets with from the Popular Clubs and Societies in Euge

land. Sufpicions occafioned in France by the English Armaments against

Spain. Jealoufy entertained against the Emperor. Deliberations in the

Affembly concerning an Alliance with Spain. Domeftic Canfufions. Con-

tinuation of Diflurbances in the Colonies. Several Regulations for the In-

ternal Government of the Kingdom. Diferders in the Navy. Difcontents

in the Army. Motion in the Affembly by Mr. Duval. Its Confequences.

Critical Situation of the King. Defigns imputed to the Heads of the Popular

Party. Charges against the Duke of Orleans and Mr. Mirabeau. Both

acquitted. Coalition of the Parliaments with the Noblesse against the Af-

fembly. Refifiance of the Parliament of Touloufe. Compelled to fubmit.

Zeal of the Parifians for the New Conflitution. Confirmation of the De-

crees relating to the Civic Oath. Refractory Difpofition of the Nalleffe,

Pecuniary Embarrassments. Fabrication of Afignats. Refearches into the

Civil and Religious Eftablishments in France. Number of Seminaries and

Convents belonging to the English Roman Catholics in that Kingdom. Dif

covery of the Profufions under the late Government. Efforts of the Court-

Party to procure a Junction with Spain against England. Debility of that

Party. Decrees in favour of the Defcendants of French Proteftant Refu-

gees in Foreign Parts. Refolute Behaviour of the Aaberents to the Nobleffe

and Clergy. Confpiracy at Lyons. Anxiety of the Court of Rome at the

Tranfactions in France. Decree of the Affembly concerning Epifcopal Elec-

tions. Oppofition of the Court Clergy to this and other Decrees. Addrefs

of the Univerfity of Paris to the Affembly. Attachment of the Rrencb in Fo-

reigh Countries to the New Confiitution. Zealous Perfeverance of its Ene-

mies in oppofing it. Duel between Mr. Lameth and Mr. Caftries. Other

Quarrels and violent Proceedings. Reforms in the Administration of Justice.

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Diffatisfaction of the European Princes at the Proceedings of the Assembly.

Complaints of the German Princes. Letter from the Emperor to the King

of France. An Augmentation of the French Army voted by the Affembly.

Affairs of the King's Aunts. Tumult at Vincennes. Infurrection in Bri-

tanny. The King limited to the Nomination of Six Minifters. Apprehenfons

of Hofile Intentions to France from the Emperor and the other Abfolute Se

vereigns in Europe. The Affembly demands an Explanation of bis Conduli,

and orders Preparations to face its Enemies. Zeal of the Revolutionifts for

the Public Service. Confequences of the Decree for the Civic Oath. Ect

fiafiical Affairs. Mr. Mirabeau Prefident of the Assembly. His Addrefs

to the Deputation from the Quakers. Right of Primogeniture abolished.

Sequeftration. Diffatisfaction of the Pope at the New Arrangement of Church-

Affairs in France. Death of Mirabeau. Progrefs of the Affignats. Com

fidence of the Affembly in their Strength and Refources. Sufpicions of the King's

His Complaint of ill Treatment, and Declaration to the Public.

Conduct of Mr. la Fayette to the National Guards. Menaces of the German

Princes. Altercations with the Pope. Enmity of the Spanish Court to the

Revolutionifts Suppreffion of the Duties on Provifions brought inte Paris.

Progrefs of the Afignats. Scarcity of Cafb. Apprehenfions from the Em

grants and Foreign Powers. Meffage of the Affembly to the Prince of Cond

Claims of the German Princes taken into Confideration. Decrees against the

Authority of the Pope. Various Decrees for the Security of the Alfomby end

the Conftitutional Government of the Nation. Increafing Popularity of the

Affembly. Difcontents of the People in Spain at the Government. Progr

of the Spirit of Liberty in various Countries of Europe. Forwarded by the

Exertions of the French. They become odious to Foreign Princes on that A

count. Political Opinions current at this Period. Hopes and Projets of lie

Enemies of the Revolution. The King's Flight from Paris, and Recapture.

Circumflances attending that Event. Conduct of the Affembly on this Ons

fion. Declarations of the King and Queen. Royal Manifefta. Afembly'


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King of France's Situation. Apprehenfions entertained by the Emperor and

other Sovereigns. Interference of the King of Spain in Behalf of the King

of France. Slighted by the Affembly. State of Parties at Paris. Progrefs

of Republican Principles in France. Charges against the Royal Party. Con-

duct of the Affembly. Ill Confequences of the King's Flight to the Royal

Caufe, and to his Adherents. Deliberations in the Assembly on the Confitu

tional Code. Decrees against the Emigrants. Infurrection of the Republican

Party quelled. Inviolability of the King's Perfon confirmed. Threats of

the German Princes. Rumours of a formidable Combination against France.

French Preparations for Defence. Various Orders of Knighthood abolished.

Signature of former Titles prohibited. Decree for appointing a Governor to

the King's Son. Expectations of the Popular Party from the Publication of

the Conflitutional Code. Effects produced by the French Revolution in va-

rious Parts of Europe. Conflitutional Code completed. Endeavours to divide

the Affembly into different Houfes, after the Model of the English Parliament.

Unfuccessful. Respective Arguments adduced by the Supporters of the Royal

Prerogatives, and by their Opponents. Ideas entertained by the violent Re

publicans, and by the Partizans of the old Government. Character and Con-

duct of the Abbé Maury. Ecclefiaftical Matters. Honours paid to the Me-

mory and the Remains of Voltaire and Rouffeau. Scarcity of Specie and De-

preciation of Paper Money. French Princes and Emigrants. Plan for the

Deliverance of the King-Fails. Divifions in the Affembly. Various

Page 173



The Order proper to be observed in Narration. Apology for not always ad
bering frichly to that of Time Mage from bis Majefty relative to Rufia,
and the Augmentation of our Naval Force. The only Terms on which alone
the Czarina was willing to make Peace with the Turks. The Mediation ef
the Allies for effecting that Object, hitherto fruitless. Growing Coldness
and Tealoufies between the Emprifs of Ruffia and the British Government.
The Pride and Ambition of the Empress excite a Spirit of Refiflance in va
rious European Nations. Motion for an Addrefs to bis Majefly on the Occa
fon of his Meffage to Parliament. Debates thereon; but the Motion carried
In balb Houfes. Various Motions against the Rufian Armament. Conduct
of Mr. Pitt.
Character of a Great Minifter. Two Great Politica!


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