Hình ảnh trang

Nature of the Expences.

Brought over

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Portable houfe for the governor
Medicines, drugs, furgeons' inftruments, and neceffaries
Seed grain

Old canvas fupplied from Portsmouth dock-yard, for tents, &c. for the convicts, until huts could be erected

Hearths, coppers, &c. for the ufe of the fettlement Pay and difburfements of the agent to the transports employed on this fervice

This expence has been incurred upon the firft expedition, and is all paid.

Charge of cloathing, victualling, and transporting
Female Convicts in the Lady Juliana, hired in
December 1788, viz.

4,269 18 9

Paid already upon account
Eftimate of what more may be due,
upon the fuppofition that the ship
may have been discharged at Port.
Jackfon from the pay of this
board, at the end of Auguft laft

£mount. £. s. d. 78,984 1 3

139 O O 1,429 15 5 286 17 +

69 0 9 118 10 3

881 6 6

81,899 11 6

3,454 3 2

7,724 I 11

Charge of the Juftinian, hired in Nov. 1789, for
a ftore-fhip to Port Jackson, and from thence to
proceed to China to bring home teas for the
Eaft-India Company, viz.

Freight for two years, the time calcu-'

lated for the performance of those fervices out and home


Deduct what may be expected to be received from thecompany for freight of the teas the may bring home

7,389 ō o


There remains the fum of Note.-6231. 25. part of the fum of 2,3891. being the amount of the expence incurred on account of this fhip, according to the above eftimate, has been already paid; which leaves a balance due of 1,7651. 18s.

Pay and difbursements of the two agents who went out in the Lady Juliana and Juftinian

2,389 Q

1,500 0 0

Carried over £. 93,511 14 5


Nature of the Expences.

Brought over Charge of victualling, cloathing, and tranfporting convicts, according to agreements with Mr. Whitlock, in Auguft 1789, and with Meffrs. Camden, Calvert, and King, in Novemb. 1790, viz.

upon account to Mr. Whitlock Ditto to Meffrs. Camden, Calvert, and King

The total expence cannot be known until the fervice is over, and the accounts are fettled; but it is eftimated that what will remain due upon the above two agreements will not probably be lefs than

£. s. d. 17,463 3 9

30,100 0

47,563 2 9

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67,563 39

161,075 17

The expence incurred on His Majefty's fhips fent on fervice to New South Wales, is estimated to be as

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N. B. In the preceding account, the charges incurred for the transport of 200 convicts from Ireland are included.

An Account of the Quantity and Coft of the Provifions and
Stores which have been fent to New South Wales for the
Maintenance and Support of the Settlements there, as far as
the fame can be made up.

600 tons of provifions fhipped in June
and July 1789


f. s.

12,034 8 6

300 tons

£. 3. d.

Brought over 12,034 8 6

300 tons of provifions fhipped in De

cember 1789

450 tons ditto dittó, February 1791

Cloathing, comprehending leather, fhoes, ftockings, hats, cloths, Ofna burgs, blankets, rugs, tape, thread,

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6,178 4 0

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16,865 2 3

Implements, &c. comprehending im-
plements of husbandry, iron, fteel,
blacksmith, armourer, carpenter,
bricklayer, and mafons tools, nails,
hoes, axes, glafs, iron pots, tin
plates, fishing tackle, hooks, twine,
thread, rope, hawfers, pig and sheet
lead, fhot, ball, gunpowder, bowls,
paints, oil, canvas, bibles, prayer
and other books, weights, fcales,
measures, waggons, &c.
Medicines, hofpital ftores, compre-
hending a moveable hofpital, fheets,
blankets, rugs, palliaffes, chirurgi-
cal inftruments and neceffaries,
pewter, tin, and copper ware, ket-
tles, wine, vinegar, groceries, flan-
nel, falt, hammocks, foup, oatmeal,
barley, rice, fago, &c.

Off discounts

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,772 10 3

23,129 8 o

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Amount of bills drawn by Governor Phillip and Commiffary Miller on the Lords of the Treasury for fundry provifions, ftores, and neceffaries, for the use of the settlement

7,070 3 6.

84,553 4 82

In the foregoing account is included the coft of 12 months provifions, clothing, ftores, &c. for 200 convicts from Ireland, after their arrival.

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An Account of the Charge and Expence of the Civil and
Military Eftablishments in the Settlements of New South

Civil establishment to 10th O&. 1790

Military Eftablishment.

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s. di 13,190 17 8

Pay of marines to ift Jan. 1791, about 18,784 。
Charge of the New South Wales corps,
from 5th June to 24th December,
1789, including levy money, the
allowance for clothing and accoutre-
ments, and contingencies
The charge of the faid corps for the
year 1790, according to the efta-


8 11

6,134 7 3

29,669 16 2

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of the then houfe of commons was continued till the third of March, 1785, when a very small comparative progrefs having been made, (viz. through the fmall parish of St. Anne, and not entirely through St. Martin's, leaving totally untouched the parishes of St. George,

The petition of John Horne Tooke, St. James, St. Margaret, St. John,



HAT your petitioner now is, and at the time of the laft election for Weftminster was, an elector for Weftminster, and a candidate to reprefent the faid city and liberty in the prefent parliament. That in the faid city and liberty there are 17,291 houfeholders rated in the parith books unreprefented in parliament, and without the means of being reprefented therein, although, by direct and indirect taxation, they contribute to the revenue of the ftate very confiderably more than thofe who fend 100 members to parliament. That at each of the three latt elections for Weftminfter, (viz in 1784, in 1788, and in 1790,) notorioufly deliberate outrage, and purpofely armed violence was ufed; and at each of thofe elections murder was committed: that for thefe paft outrages, as if there were no attorney general, no government, and no legislature in the land, not the leaft redrefs has been obtained, not the leaft punishment, nor even the leaft cenfure inflicted, nor has any remedy whatever been appointed or attempted, to prevent a repetition of fimilar outrages in future: that, at the election for Westminster, in 1784, a fcrutiny was demanded on behalf of Sir Cecil Wray, which was granted on the 17th of May, 1784, and with the approbation or direction

St. Paul Covent-garden, St. Mary le Strand, St. Clement, and St. Martin le Grand,) the faid fcrutiny was, by the direction or approbation of the house of commons, relinquifhed without effect, after having lafted ten months, and with an expence to Sir Cecil Wray of many thousand pounds more than appears by fome late proceedings in chancery to be the allowed average price of a perpetual feat in the houfe of commons, where feats for legiflation are as notorioufly rented and bought as the ftandings for cattle at a fair.

That on the election for Weftmintter in 1788, there being an abfolute and experienced impoffi bility of determining the choice of the electors by a fcrutiny before the returning officer, a petition against the return was prefented to the then houfe of commons, by lord Hood, and another petition alfo against the return was prefented by certain electors of Weftminfter, and a committee was in confequence appointed, which commenced its proceedings on Friday, April the 3d, 1789,and continued till June the 18th, 1789, when the committee, (as able and refpectable as ever werefworn to try and determine the matter of any petition) on their oaths, "Refolved, that from the progrefs which the committee have hitherto been enabled to make fince the commencement of their proceeding, as well as from an at


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