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Prince is ftill at Grodno.-The of any perfonal injury having been wearing of any gold or filver upon fuftained by any one. the uniforms of the military is prohibited. The Order of St. Ann is divided into three claffes: it is alfo fettled that every foldier who fhall have ferved twenty-five years fhall be exempted from military punishment, and rewarded with a medal of the Order of St. Ann.-All the troops that were at Gatfchina with the Emperor, before his acceffion to the throne, have been incorporated into the Life-Guards.

The following fact gives a melancholy inftance of the mortality which still rages in the island of St. Domingo:-Twenty officers of different corps agreed to meet at a tavern to dine that day week; when the time came, only eight affembled, the other twelve being carried off, in that fhort interval, by the peftilential diforder of the climate!

7th. This being the day appointed for enrolling the Supplementary Militia at Čarlifle, à numerous mob affembled to prevent its being put into execution. They went to the Town Clerk, and got from him the balloting books and lifts, which they carried off in triumph, and burnt at the Crofs, amidit the loudeft acclamations. They then went to the Clerk of the Peace, being informed that he had in cuftody fome books of a fimilar defcription, but which was not the cafe. He found it prudent to go out to the street, to prevent their forcing the office. They then carried him to the High Conftable's, from thence to the TownClerk's, and then to Captain Fofter's, a magiftrate. The mob, which confifted of 1000 at leaft, then allowed him to make his efcape unhurt. We have not-heard

The gentlemen who ferved at the laft affizes, on fpccial juries for Northumberland, gave their fees, amounting to twenty-nine guineas, to be applied to the releafe of perfons confined in Morpeth gaol for finall debts, three of whom have, in confequence, been released for 291. 8s. and the remaining guinea was given in butcher's meat to the debtors in the fame gaol on Wednefday last.

Hague, Jan. 2. A dreadful inunidation has taken place at Bois le Duc, where the water is fo high in the town, that a horse could fcarce get through it without danger of being drowned. Poverty and diftrefs have arifen to the highest pitch. A can of milk is fold at ten ftivers, and nobody can leave the town without expofing their lives to the moft imminent danger. From every part of the country fignals of diftrefs are heard from the villages by the discharge of guns; and nobody can approach thofe districts which are probably under water. We fpeedily expect further news refpecting thofe dreadful difafters.

The Clerks of the Bank had to make out 80,000 receipts, preparatory to the prefent payment of the confols dividends.

8th. The steeple of Horningtoft church, near Norwich, fell down while the bell was ringing for divine férvice. Fortunately no farther mifchief was done, and no lives loft.'

10th. The following curious article is extracted from one of the Paris papers:-Citizen Finot, Prefident of the Provifional Adminiftration of the department of the Youne, formerly a huffar at Av


11. About noon, a melancholy accident happened in Liverpool, harbour. As Mr. Slack, deputy conftable, was conveying a party of volunteers, raised in Manchester and the adjacent parishes, for the navy, the boat in which they were proceeding to the tender overfet, by which fatal accident twenty-five perfons loft their lives.


Ships of the Line,
of fifty Guns


rolles, and afterwards a member of the National Convention, has found the means of multiplying, by a fingle alliance (not indeed a very common one) his kindred and family connexions.-He married, as his first wife, the female Citizen Bribot, widow of Rofe, by whom he had a daughter, now living, named Mary Ann Rofe. The Prefident Finot had, by this widow, another daughter, who is alfo now living. His wife died, and, on the 14th of January laft, he married his daughter-in-law, Mary Ann Rofe. The confequence of this marriage is, that the prefident becomes the fon-in-law of his first wife, the father-in-law of At prefent building,-Twentyhis fecond wife, and brother-in-law two fhips of the line, three fifties, own daughter. Madame Finot becomes the mother-in-law of her fifter. If Madame Finot contributes any little Finots to the Republic, Monfieur Finot will be both their father and grandfather; and the firft Mifs Finot will be their aunt and fifter.

The following statement of the American finances has lately been officially made to the House of Reprefentatives:

Amount of the debt

The intereft of which is






Total 506

and nine frigates. The receivingfhips, thofe ferviceable and repairing for fervice, with those in ordinary, amount to twenty-fix fhips of the line, three fifties, thirty frigates, and fifty-fix floops. This ftatement is exclufive of the hired armed veffels.

Some of the fingle Plays of Shakespeare, belonging to the late Mr. Doda the actor, were fold at the following prices:

The fecond part of Henry IV. 76,096,468 printed by Andrew Wife and William Afpley, 1606, 31. 8s.-The Midfummer Night's Dream, 11. 18s.


The annual amount of the taxes 6,552,300
The annual expenditure 5,681,843

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King John, printed by Valentine Sims, for Helme, 1611, 1. 165,Richard II. printed by Purfoot and Law, 1621, 11. 13s.Richard III. printed by Matthew Law, 165, 11.

Abraham Frances's Counteife of Pembroke's Yuychurch, 1591, 41 7s.

Some of the most curious were purchased by Mr. Nicol, for the King; among the reft, a comedy, en titled, "Gammer Gurton's Frolicks," printed in 1485, fourteen *A 2 years

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tage was found, out of which iffed a rivulet of water. The farmers imagine it was owing to the burtting of a fpring that this melancholy accident happened. The bodies were dug out on Monday; and Mr. Whitford, coroner for the fouthern district of Devon, took an inquifition, and the jury returned a verdict, "Accidental Death."

23 The Emperor of Rullia has conferred on Prince Repnin the rank of General Field Marshal. Baron Ungern, Prince Gallitzin, and M. Gudowitz and Ifmailow, formerly Adjutants to the late Peter III. have been appointed Generals.

years after printing was introduced into England, in 1471, by Caxton, when the firft printing-houfe was erected in Westminster. Alfoan Operatical Interlude, printed in 1658, and performed in honour of Admiral Elake, during the Prot Storate, entitled, "The Courfe of Sir Francis Drake, illuftrated with Mufical Sonnets and Scenical Decorations, as acted at the Cockpit. Drury-lane." 12. Edinburgh. At feven in the morning, the River Clyde, above the celebrated Fall of Corra, deferted its ufual courie, leaving its bed below, for four hours, almost entirely dry. The cottonmills of New Lanerk were confe- Count Buxhoyden has been quently flopped; and at eleven made Lieutenant-General and o'clock, when the waters refumed Colonel of a regiment. Prince their courfe, there was lefs at Kurakin, Vice Chancellor, has -Mauldflie Ford, fome miles below, received the order of Saint Anthan what the fmall rivers, the drew; and his Majefty has preMoufs and Nethan, commonly af- fented him with the palace of ford. Although this is the fourth Saint Marcoff, which coft 100,000 inftance of the fame kind in re- rubles.-Prince Nicholas Gallitzin, membrance, and the fecond fince and M. Teriky Rattaphine, Potemthe establifhment of the mills, the kin, and Piefchtschejef, have latecause has not been afcertained. It ly been made Knights of the Oris, however, fuppofed that the wa- der of Saint Ann. ters have found a fubterraneous paffage betwen the Bonnyton and the Corra Linn.

21. This night, at 11 o'clock, a cottage at Newton Ferrers, about eleven miles from Plymouth, in which flept an induftrious widow (cottager) and her two children, was overwhelmed by the bursting of a very large field and orchard on a hill above the cottage, in Memblard-lane. It totally deftroyed the cottage and a barn, and fuffocated the widow and her two children, who were found dead under a very great heap of earth, -elm-trees, and cedar-trees. A large chafm in the field above the cot

25. At the Quarter Seffions held at Bourn, for the diftrit of Kefte. ven, in the county of Lincoln, Jofeph Tye, a blakfmith, was found guilty of ufing feveral feditious expreffions; fuch as 66 D. -1 to the K-g-the K-g is a rafcal, and all that belong to him: his G- -t is a rafcally defpotic Gt: K-gs are of no use, &c. &c.

His fentence was, that he should be kept in folitary confinement, without Jeeing or Speaking to any perfon, except the perfon who takes him his victuals, for the space of twelve months; and at the expiration of that time to enter into certain recognizances.

We learn from papers published by

by Mr. Palmer, Comptroller General of the Poft Office, relative to the agreement made by Government with him for the reform and improvement of the pofts, the following effential fervices have been rendered by him to that revenue establishment.

1. That his plan has increafed in a few years the revenue of the Poft Office, from 150,000l. to upwards of 400,000l. per ann.

2. That in confequence of the expedition, regularity, and fafety given to the pofts by his plan, a further additional tax has been levied on letters of 250,000l. a year, and 60,000 a year for the fame advantages derived from his plan to travellers.

3. And that he has reduced the expenditure of the establishment in the proportion of the following comparative feale, of grofs and net produce for the years 1724 and 1793.

Grofs produce. Net produce. 1724 178,0711. r6s. gd. 96,3391. 75. 5d. 1793. 627,5921. 195. 391,5081. 155. 11d. The law of the Tythe of Hops was clearly laid down in the court of Exchequer, in the long depending caufe between the Lay Impropriator and Hop Planters of the Farnham diftrict, viz. That tythes of hops are legally to be taken from the tenth bufhel, after they are picked, and not from the tenth hill fet out: and the court unanimoufly ordered the verdict of a jury, founded on a contrary idea, to be fet afide, and a new trial granted.

Some prefents from the king of the island of Owhyhee in the South Seas, where Capt. Cook met his death, brought over by Capt. Vancouver, have been prefented to the King at Buckingham-houfe by the Duke of Portland; the principal of

which confifts of two ftate garments, and an helmet, or crown." Of the former, one is wholly made of otter fkin, in a very ingenious manner. The other is of the cloth of the country, covered with feathers of birds, fo conftructed as by a single move of the hand alternately to difplay red or yellow. The belmet is of otter-fkin, covered with fea thers in a very mafterly man


12th. A plot for the liberty of the prifoners at Porchefter-Caftle, Portf mouth, has been difcovered. The following are fome particulars relating to that affair. A large hole had been dug under one of the prifons, and a paffage nearly completed to the outfide of the walls of the caftle when an information was given. At a given time in the evening, after the prifoners were all locked up in their different apartments, it was agreed that the officers on guard, and a fufficient number of foldiers, fhould rush in among them and difcover the prifoners at work. This was done, and fome men were taken out of the fubterraneous paffage. Shortly after, an alarm was given in another quarter and a prifoner was detected making his efcape through a broken part of the walls of the caftle. The prifoners, from this difappointment, grew riotous and very refractory, and continued fo the whole of the night, keeping in lighted candles, finging republican fongs, and behaving in a diforderly and alarming manner, fo much fo that it was found neceflary to fire fome ballcartridges amongst them. This was attended with no other effect than procuring order and filence for a fhort time. morning diforder and tumult again prevailed, the centinels were infult

A 3

On the next


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ed on their duty, and it became neceffary to make fome example.One man, in attempting to get out from one of the ventilators at the top of the building, was fhot thro' the back; the ball was obstructed by the fhoulder-blade, and went out at the neck; the wound, however, is not mortal. Very foon after, more provocation was given, and another Frenchman was fhot through the heart;- he died of courfe instantaneoufly. If the plan had been attended with fuccefs, the intention was to have murdered fuch of the centinels as came in their way.

A coroner's inqueft who fat upon the body of the prifoner who was fhot, brought in a verdict of juftifiable homicide. The unfortunate man was a failor, taken in the republican frigate Le Jacobin, in the Weft Indies; his name Auguftine


19th. The diffentions which for a great number of years paft have agitated the borough of Eaft Retford, have at length terminated in confequence of a late decision of the court of King's Bench, that all bye laws fhall be ipfo facto invalid which take upon them to enact matters which contradict or oppofe the charter.

31ft. About fix this evening, as the Earl of Strathmore was proceeding in a poft-chaife near Finchley-common, the chaife in which were his Lordihip and a French nobleman, was stopped by two highwaymen, one of whom came up to the window, and prefented a piftol to his Lordship, which he attempted to fire, but it flafhed in the pan; at the fame instant his Lordthip difcharged a piece at the robber, which fhot him in the neck,

and he directly fell from his horfe and expired. His companion made off with the greatest precipitation, leading off with him the horfe on which his comrade had rode. On infpection of the body it turns out to be that of William Lancaster, a very old offender, and who was liberated only on Monday laft, having been confined on a charge of robbing Lord Borringdon near Putney. When he met with his death he was difguifed as a butcher.

Mr. O'Connor has just published an addrefs to the electors of the county of Antrim, in Ireland, of very great length, in anfwer to fome infinuations recently thrown out against his character by the fuppofed agents of government. That this production contains a greater portion of democratic intemperance than true patriotic fpirit, muft appear to every difpaffionate man who reads the following imprudent and dangerous paffage :

"On the scale of British fraternity, let her hirelings boast of Britifh connection, On this fcale of British fraternity, may my country no more be curfed with the friendfhip of Britain! Too long a tyrant, the forgets her dominion has ceafed. Too long her flaves, we muft fhew her we are refolved to be free! Had fhe ceafed to maintain power by the accurfed means of fomenting religious diffention; had the ceafed to fupport factions, ufurpers, and traitors; had the abandoned the falfe, illiberal notion that the gained more by out depreffion than by our exaltation; had the treated us like brothers and friends, I may with confidence affirm, a more affectionate, generous ally never exifted, than he would have found Ireland to


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