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Europe, and by a definitive treaty to regulate the order of succession in the two branches of the house of Braganza. The marquis de Barbacena complains that the emperor, his master, was urged to act in this manner; and more than insinuates that he did so contrary to his own interests, and in compliance with the solicitations of England and Austria. But what is the fact? Undoubtedly the king did advise his imperial majesty to complete the act of abdication of the kingdom of Por tugal, and thus to perform an obligation which his imperial ma jesty himself, as far back as the month of May, 1826, had solemnly contracted before the world. His majesty further advised the emperor to send his daughter to Europe, in accordance with the declaration of his imperial majesty made at the same period. These measures were well calculated to conciliate and to tranquillize the Portuguese nation, by removing the just sus picions of the people, and convinc ing them that it was not intended to govern them as a colony of Brazil. It is unfortunate that the measures thus advised were not carried into execution previous to the arrival of the Infant at Lisbon. Had this been the case, much of what has since happened, and which is most to be deplored, would probably have been prevented. But the assurance given to Don Miguel, and entered upon the protocol of the conference, to offer to the emperor Don Pedro this advice, does not render his majesty the guarantee of the performance of those promises contained in the letters of Don Miguel, which were laid before the conference, and annexed to the protocol. Neither does the advice

tendered to the emperor upon the propriety of the execution of these important acts, respecting which his imperial majesty had long before spontaneously pledged his royal word, confer any right whatever of claiming from his majesty those succours which are necessary for the conquest of Portugal.

The tone of expostulation and complaint which pervades the note of the marquis de Barbacena, and the impression which it is intended to convey, that the present state of Portugal is in great measure to be attributed to the deference paid by the emperor Don Pedro to the counsels of his allies, render it necessary to take a short review of some events connected with this subject, to the end that Great Britain may be as effectually relieved from the moral responsibility which it is attempted to impose upon her, as from the weight of more formal obligations.

The late king, John 6th, died on the 10th of March, 1826; the intelligence of his death arrived in England on the 23rd of March, and in Brazil on the 26th of April. The emperor Don Pedro immediately assumed to himself the government of Portugal as king, in virtue of his right of succession as the eldest son of his father:-he published a general amnesty, and framed the Constitution, in the preamble to which the three orders of the state were called upon to swear fidelity to it forthwith; and in which it was declared that the kingdom of Portugal should thenceforward be governed according to the conditions laid down in that instrument. The emperor, at the same time, made over the succes sion of the Crown to his daughter as queen-appointed his sister, Donna Isabella Maria, regent of

the kingdom; and, in order that no doubt whatever might remain of his intentions, his imperial majesty explicitly declared, in his speech to the Legislative Assembly of Brazil, on the 6th of May, that "he had abdicated and ceded all the indisputable and irrefragable rights which he had possessed to the Crown of the Portuguese monarchy to his daughter the prin cess Donna Maria da Gloria, queen of Portugal." His imperial majesty despatched sir Charles Stuart from Rio de Janeiro to Lisbon, as the bearer of these instruments on the 11th of May, thus concluding the whole of this important transaction in fourteen days. It is obvious, from the observation of these dates, that no person possessing any authority from his majesty, with the exception of sir Charles Stuart, could have interfered, even by advice, in the adoption of these measures; and it is not pretended that such advice was ever received from his excellency. The avowed object of the measures of April and May, 1826, was to separate, finally, the kingdoms of Portugal and Brazil,-an event equally desired by both parts of the monarchy. This object was accomplished by the promulgation of the charter, as effectually and as solemnly as it could be by an instrument executed by the sovereign himself. In the proclamation addressed to the Portuguese nation, and dated the 2nd of May, 1826, his imperial majesty declared that his abdication should become complete as soon as the Constitution had been sworn to, and the marriage concluded between the Infant Don Miguel and the queen Donna Maria. The constitution was sworn to as his imperial majesty had directed, upon its recep

tion in Portugal; and the affiance of marriage was completed at Vienna, on the 29th of October, 1826.

The undersigned may now be permitted to ask whether the promises of the abdication and of the transmission of the Infant queen to Portugal, were fulfilled. Did not his imperial majesty continue to interfere in all the measures of detail of the Portuguese government? Did he not create peers? promote officers in the army and navy? interfere in the selection and nomination of ministers, and in all the interior arrangements of the kingdom? The Portuguese nation was disappointed in its hope and expectation of a final separation from Brazil; and the disappointment of this hope and expectation was still further confirmed by the detention of their young queen at Rio de Janeiro. În the mean time, the dissatisfaction and discontent, produced by the constitution transmitted from Brazil were daily increasing; and at last broke out into acts of violence and of open rebellion. In this state of things, his imperial majesty, having first ordered his brother, the Infant Don Miguel, to repair from Vienna to Rio de Janeiro, and having sent a ship of the line to Brest for the purpose of conveying him thither, suddenly countermanded these orders, and, unsolicited by his majesty, appointed his royal highness to be his lieutenant in Portugal, and regent of the kingdom. This decision, the undersigned is ready to admit, may have been justly demanded by the distracted condition of the country, and, in point of fact, was subsequently recommended by his majesty. But he must, at the same time, beg to observe to the marquis de Barba

cena, that from what he has now had the honour to state, it clearly appears that the abdication of the Crown-the composition and grant of the constitutional charter-the promise to send the queen Donna Maria to Portugal-the unfortunate delay in the execution of that promise, as well as the little respect paid to the pledge virtually given by the abdication not to interfere from Brazil in the internal government of Portugal-and finally that the nomination of the Infant Don Miguel as regent, were all acts spontaneously emanating from the emperor Don Pedro himself, which did not originate with the king his master; and for the effects of which his majesty cannot be held responsible.

The undersigned will not conclude without further expressing his regret that the counsels of

Great Britain, when offered, should have been received with so little confidence and alacrity. These counsels have never been adopted by his imperial majesty until the course of events had rendered the choice of any alternative impractic able; nor until, from this reluctance and delay, they had, in a great measure, been deprived of their beneficial influence. In truth it may be affirmed, that so far from Great Britain having been instrumental in the production of the evils which have recently afflicted Portugal, they are mainly to be attributed to the want of a frank, consistent, and direct course of policy on the part of the Brazilian government itself.

The undersigned, &c. (Signed) ABERDEEN. The Marquis de Barbacena, &c.


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Oct. 15, 1828. M. le Duc,-A matter of urgent importance had made me resolve to repair this day to Strathfieldsay, in order to speak to your grace respecting it, instead of making it the subject of a written communication; but having learned, in Downing-street, that you were not at your house in the country, and fearing lest your absence may be prolonged for some days, I take the only method which is left to me, seeing that the affair in question cannot admit of the least delay.

The secretary to the govern ment of the Islands of the Azores has just arrived in London, authorised to demand, with the greatest urgency, the immediaté despatch of a part of the faithful Portuguese troops, which are now in England, and whose presence in the abovementioned islands would ensure their defence as well as their tranquillity, under the government of the legitimate sovereign, against the attack with which they are menaced by the illegitimate government established in Portugal.

Your grace will no doubt feel that it is impossible for the servants of the queen to refuse so just and pressing a demand, particularly as the prolonged residence of a con

tinually increasing number of Porguese refugees in England entails an enormous expense, and appears to be attended with some inconvenience.

Determined, as I am, to grant the succours which faithful subjects of the queen demand from her, and persuaded that these succours, when once landed at Terceira, will be sufficient to put that island out of danger, I cannot conceal from myself the risks which the transports may run during their voyage if they be not protected by some ships of war.

Such, M. le Duc, is the strong motive which makes me have recourse to your grace, for the purpose of demanding from his Britannic majesty, in the name of the queen, the convoy of a ship of war, to escort from England to a possession which remains subject to the legitimate authority of her most faithful majesty, a part of the loyal troops which are at Plymouth; the succours in question not to be landed at Terceira in the unfortunate event of that island having fallen under the aggression with which it is threatened.

From what is above stated you will see, M. le Duc, that there is no question of a hostile undertaking, but simply of a measure of defence, dictated by the feeling of that strict obligation which is imposed upon every sovereign to protect his subjects.

I therefore venture to hope that the government of his Britannic majesty will not refuse to give the queen this first mark of friendship which she requires from the most faithful friend and ally of her august family; and in this just expectation, I request, M. le Duc, that you will accept the thanks VOL. LXXI.

which I offer you beforehand, in the name of the queen, and the most formal assurances of the very high consideration with which I have the honour to be, &c., (Signed)

Le Marquis de BARBACENA, His Grace Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, &c.

(Second Enclosure in No. 37.-


London, October 18, 1828. Monsieur le Marquis,—I have had the honour to receive your excellency's letter of the 15th.

The Portuguese, who are in England, are here in the quality of individuals. We know of no Portuguese troops in this country. If there be any, they must quit the country without loss of time.

The government has, indeed, much reason to complain of the Portuguese individuals now at Plymouth, who, notwithstanding that they have been received in this country with all the hospitality which was possible, have so much forgotten themselves within the last few days, as to make an attack upon a house where a Portuguese traveller had taken refuge.

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of whatever character they may be, should prepare warlike expeditions in the ports and arsenals of this country, in order to make attacks upon others.

Still less can it be permitted that they should be convoyed by the navy of his Britannic majesty, to enable them to make these expeditions in safety. I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed)

WELLINGTON, Duke of Victoria. The Marquis de Barbacena, &c. (Third Enclosure A. in No. 37.Translation.)


London, Nov. 20, 1828. Monsieur le Marquis,-As his majesty's government do not think it proper that a considerable number of persons who have been officers and soldiers in the service of Portugal should remain at Plymouth, lord Aberdeen requested yesterday of his excellency the Vicomte d'Itabayana, that a distribution should be made of them at a distance from Plymouth, having reason to believe that these persons are paid by his excellency the minister plenipotentiary of the emperor Don Pedro at the court of his majesty.

His excellency replied to lord Aberdeen that these men were not paid by him; but that his excellency made advances to the marquis de Palmella, who gave them their pay in the shape of assist


I consider it, therefore, to be my duty, Monsieur le Marquis, to demand that all the Portuguese who have been officers and soldiers of the Portuguese army, or who

have served in the army, for example, as students of Coimbra, or volunteers of Oporto, should be desired to quit Plymouth.

I also announce to you the wish that the officers may be separated from the soldiers, and that they may repair to Exeter, or to wherever they may desire to go as individuals; and that the men may be placed in one of the towns or villages named in the enclosed paper, the number in each towu or village not exceeding that which is therein indicated. I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed)

WELLINGTON, Duke of Victoria. The Marquis de Palmella, &c.

(Third Enclosure B. in No. 37.)









Houses. Population

410 2,712 300

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London, Nov. 27, 1828. Mons. le Marquis,-In consequence of your informing me that the Portuguese officers and troops now at Plymouth preferred to quit this country, and proceed to Rio Janeiro, rather than remove from Plymouth to the neighbouring towns and villages, as I had desired in the conversation which I had with you on the 20th instant; and as you have expressed a wish that this government should give these Portuguese a guarantee for

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