The Plays of William Shakespeare: In Twenty-one Volumes, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, to which are Added Notes, Tập 5J. Nichols and Son, 1813 |
Từ bên trong sách
Kết quả 1-3 trong 42
Trang 163
... speech . That , how- ever , may be a second thought ; a correction of her former pro- posal : but the other ... speech and the next . For the correction now made I am answerable . The editor of the second folio put the two speeches ...
... speech . That , how- ever , may be a second thought ; a correction of her former pro- posal : but the other ... speech and the next . For the correction now made I am answerable . The editor of the second folio put the two speeches ...
Trang 216
... speech . The allusion is to the examination of a carpenter's work by the plummet held over it ; of which line Sir Hugh is here represented as the lead . HENLEY . I am satisfied with the old reading . MALONE . • Mrs. Ford . Nay , husband ...
... speech . The allusion is to the examination of a carpenter's work by the plummet held over it ; of which line Sir Hugh is here represented as the lead . HENLEY . I am satisfied with the old reading . MALONE . • Mrs. Ford . Nay , husband ...
Trang 374
... speeches , to deny positively ( how truly is another question ) that there had been any such undertaking ... speech ) was in great heat , and much troubled about the undertakers . Bacon's Works , Vol . II . p . 236 , 4to edit ...
... speeches , to deny positively ( how truly is another question ) that there had been any such undertaking ... speech ) was in great heat , and much troubled about the undertakers . Bacon's Works , Vol . II . p . 236 , 4to edit ...
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Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng
ancient believe Ben Jonson CAIUS called Clown comedy devil doctor doth DUKE edit editor Exeunt Exit fairies Falstaff FARMER fool FORD gentleman Gentlemen of Verona give hath heart heaven honour Host humour husband Illyria JOHNSON King Henry King Lear knave knight lady letter Lionello lord madam maid MALONE Malvolio marry master Brook master doctor means Measure for Measure mistress Anne mistress Ford Mutio old quarto Olivia passage phrase PIST Pistol play pray quarto Queen QUICK quoth Richard III SCENE second folio Shakspeare Shakspeare's SHAL Shallow signifies Sir Andrew Sir ANDREW AGUE-CHEEK Sir Hugh Sir John Sir John Falstaff Sir Toby sir Topas SLEN song speak speech STEEVENS suppose sweet tell thee Theobald thou art three merry Viola WARBURTON wife Windsor woman word